Keep temperature 80-90°F (27-32°C) until germination. Packet: 30 seeds.A light, well-drained soil with a pH of 7.0 and a southern exposure is ideal. Do not disturb roots when transplanting, and water thoroughly.Sow 1-2 weeks after last frost when soil...
The best for any summer climate! No matter how hot your summers get! Specially adapted to grow in hot, long-summer climates, this mid-sized Honeydew also boasts some of the sweetest flavor to be found in the family.
Reduce water and temperature for a week to harden seedlings. Even hardened melon seedlings are tender. Most are ready when the gray-green color begins to change to buff-yellow and when a light tug separates the fruit from the vine.
Keep temperature 80-90°F (27-32°C) until germination. Grow seedlings at 75°F (24°C). Do not disturb roots when transplanting, and water thoroughly.Sow 1-2 weeks after last frost when soil is warm, above 70°F (21°C), 3 seeds every 18", 1/2" deep,...
High yielding, 5 lb. Smooth muskmelon skin with juicy flesh! Light green, smooth outside skin. Fruits that are great for transporting to markets. Great quality honeydew that turns pale yellow with orange hints when ready to harvest.
I'm a producer of Honeydew Melons here in Mexico, im looking for buyers to contact with and do business. Just tell me how much product do you need, ask me your questions and i'll answer them in a few minutes.
Honey dew snow melon, I want information about honey dew snow melon, how i buy seeds, how much is it the cost for half acre, how many pounds I need for half acre
I would like to purchase locally, but am willing to pay for shipping if necessary. I would like to purchase a few yellow watermelons ASAP. A co-worker brought a yellow watermelon from TX for his son, I was told it was for anyone to eat, well he is not...
I have a 40'' container of water melons in Jamaica available for immediate delivery to anyone able to acquire it. I am a registered farmer in Jamaica and I\'m able to export containers of fruits and I\'m seeking serious potential buyers.
Our prices can be adjusted based amount of melons bought. I grow watermelons ( Sugar town Melons ) sweetness guaranteed, we cater to vendors. I am located in Alexandria, Louisiana call us.
We produce the Crimean watermelons - seedless, yellow, regular and melons, and more! Here you can buy watermelon in bulk from the manufacturer at a good price. Watermelons from Ukraine - seedless, yellow, regular and melons, and more! Here you can buy...
My name is Tommy brooks I am selling the best watermelons by the truck load,please give me a call. I have the best watermelons by the truck load!! Plenty of them! My mame is Tommy Brooks
Minimun shipment 20 tons. Bulk Incoterm ... Crop begins fist week of may and expected ends by mid june 2017. Premium, Organic, Grown at coahuilas desert. 800 - 900 tons of cantaloupe melons for sale.
Melon's gorgeous pale-green flesh is utterly smooth and succulent—swathed in a halo of blithe fragrance. Dark-green vines produce five hefty 5-6 lb. How dew you describe the magic of Honeydew?
Melons and watermelons perform best in fertile, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Apply 1/2 cup of TSC's Complete fertilizer and a shovelful of compost to each plant. We've selected varieties that are successful in both southern and northern gardens.
Avoid letting starts get root bound; transplant carefully as to not disturb roots. Overall Rating:. Watermelons are less tolerant of cool conditions than melons — the use of plastic mulch or floating row cover is highly recommended.
Avoid letting starts get root bound; transplant carefully as to not disturb roots. Greencure or Zonix. Melons: store at 40°F and 95% relative humidity. Remove covers prior to flowering for pollination.
Remove covers prior to flowering for pollination. Monitor the temperature under the row covers on hot days, especially early in the season. Soil temperature is critical for good germination and only recommended in warmer climates.
Remove covers prior to flowering for pollination. Monitor the temperature under the row covers on hot days, especially early in the season. Soil temperature is critical for good germination and only recommended in warmer climates.
Avoid letting starts get root bound; transplant carefully as to not disturb roots. Greencure or Zonix. Melons: store at 40°F and 95% relative humidity. Remove covers prior to flowering for pollination.
Whether you slice it, dice it, or eat it right away, Meijer Sliced & Seedless Watermelon spares no expense when it comes to summertime sweetness. These jubilantly juicy slices of watermelon are ideal with a nice glass of iced tea, a reclining chair, and...
A crisp and sweet treat perfect for cookouts, Meijer Honeydew Chunks are best when served on hot summer days. Whether you're eating at a picnic or at your dining table, this juicy fruit is a summertime staple the whole family will love.
This all-star assortment of tasty melons is an ideal appetizer for any occasion. Enjoy the supreme sweetness of Meijer Mixed Melon Chunks on a warm summer day with your favorite cookout food for an easy crowd-pleaser that's sure to bring the smiles.
With flavor as colorful as its vivid exterior, Canary Melons are a sweet summer melon that pairs perfectly with your favorite cocktail and summer dish. Drizzle a little honey on a slice of this yummy melon for further sweetness.
Its celery-colored flesh looks like a green-tinged precious stone. We like the contrast of flavors when the honeydew is wrapped with a slice of prosciutto. The most versatile melon around, the aptly named honeydew is both sweet and succulent.
Large pear-shaped melon with juicy flesh! Large melons with wonderful sweet flavor! A family favorite, grows best in warm, dry climates. Fruit are pear-shaped and green-yellow, salmon pink flesh.