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Yellow Bleeding Heart Plant

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Fern-Leaf Bleeding Heart
Prices start at : 6.00 USD / each

Beautiful as the old-fashioned variety is, it only blooms for only a short time in the spring, whereas this fringed, or Fern-Leaf Variety blooms from mid-spring to late fall, with its beautiful rose-pink blooms by the hundreds on 10-18'' stems.
  • Zones: 3-9
  • Max Height (feet): 12-18"
  • Genus: Dicentra eximia
  • Colors: Pink
  • Plant Lighting: Partial Sun/Shade, Full Shade
Valentine Bleeding Heart
Prices start at : 9.99 USD / each

#1 bareroot plant. Red flowers! Liven up shady garden areas with the vibrant red flowers of this newly introduced Bleeding Heart. The emerging foliage in the spring is a very attractive purple color and rapidly develops into a large fern-like plant that...
  • Zones: 2-9
  • Colors: Red, White
  • Genus: Dicentra spectabilis 'Valentine' PP22739
  • Deer Resistant: Yes
Ruby Port Columbine
Prices start at : 3.29 USD / each

Outstanding double ruby red blooms! Ruby Port Columbines will not only draw your attention in your garden but will also be a beacon for both hummingbirds and butterflies. Columbine are both deer and rabbit resistant.
  • Colors: Red
  • Deer Resistant: Yes
  • Plant Lighting: Full Sun, Partial Sun/Shade
  • Season Color: Spring, Summer
  • Zones: 3-8
Fernleaf Bleeding Heart
Prices start at : 2.25 USD / each

Enjoy blooms all summer. Fluorescent red flowers and ferny freen foliage.
  • Spread: 12-18''
  • Season Color: Spring, Summer
  • Max Height (feet): 18"
  • Genus: Dicentra eximia
  • Deer Resistant: Yes
Luxuriant Bleeding Heart
Prices start at : 7.99 USD / each

Tolerates sun better than most bleeding hearts and should be planted in partial shade - comes back year after year with more lovely blooms each year. Deer resistant. Luxuriant Bleeding Heart starts blooming in late spring and continues until fall, with...
  • Zones: 3-9
  • Season Color: Spring, Summer
  • Deer Resistant: Yes
  • Max Height (feet): 18-20"
  • Spread: 12-18''
Gold Heart Dicentra
Prices start at : 9.99 USD / each

Gold Heart will outshine all others in the shade. It is long-lived and reliable and will be a favorite for years. Grows 30-36'' tall and 24-30'' wide. Improved old-fashioned bleeding heart has metallic gold foliage and apricot stems with large pink flowers.
  • Spread: 24-30''
  • Deer Resistant: Yes
  • Zones: 3-8
  • Season Color: Spring
  • Genus: Dicentra spetabilis 'Gold Heart' PP20797
Pink Bleeding Heart
Prices start at : 4.00 USD / each

It has very attractive foliage and graceful heart-shaped pink flowers in April and May. The Old Fashioned Bleeding Heart thrives in partial shade, but will grow in full sun. It also is able to become larger, more beautiful, each passing year.
  • Spread: 12-15''
  • Deer Resistant: Yes
  • Colors: Pink
  • Max Height (feet): 3
  • Plant Lighting: Partial Sun/Shade, Full Shade
Burning Hearts Dicentra
Prices start at : 9.99 USD / each

Deer resistant. Award winning performer! Extremely long flowering season from spring to frost! Dramatic deep, rose red, heart-shaped flowers edged in white! Compact, feather-like, blue-gray foliage.
  • Zones: 3-9
  • Colors: Red
  • Spread: 12''
  • Plant Lighting: Full Sun, Partial Sun/Shade, Full Shade
  • Genus: Dicentra ‘Burning Hearts'
Non-Flowering Bleeding Heart: How To Get A Bleeding Heart To Bloom
These affect the leaves and should not be a cause for a bleeding heart plant not flowering unless the disease has gotten so out of hand the plant is dying.Bleeding heart plants enliven the landscape in spring and then die back as the season progresses.
Bleeding Heart Diseases – Recognizing Diseased Bleeding Heart Symptoms
Dispose of infected material by burning, or in sealed plastic bags.Water your bleeding heart plant in the morning, using a soaker hose or drip irrigation system. If you aren't sure your plant is infected by botrytis, masses of gray or silvery spores is...
Winterizing A Bleeding Heart Plant – How To Overwinter A Bleeding Heart
Keep reading to learn more about bleeding heart winter care and how to protect a bleeding heart during winter.Bleeding heart plants are perennials. Eventually, the foliage will die back too.
Taking Cuttings From A Bleeding Heart – How To Root A Bleeding Heart Cutting
Immediately after blooming is a perfect opportunity for taking cuttings from a bleeding heart.The best time for taking cuttings from a bleeding heart is early morning, when the plant is well-hydrated.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Bleeding Heart Container Growing: A Guide To Bleeding Heart Container Care
Read the label carefully and avoid over feeding. In fact, container-grown bleeding heart will thrive as long as you provide the proper growing conditions.A large container is best for bleeding heart container growing, as bleeding heart is a relatively...
Bleeding Heart Pest Problems – Common Bugs That Eat Bleeding Heart Plants
Like aphids, scale harms plants by sucking the sweet juices., which are most active during the nighttime hours, chew ragged holes through leaves, leaving behind a slimy, silvery trail.Aphids and scale are usually easy to control with insecticidal soap...
Bleeding Heart Has Yellow Leaves: Treating Yellow Bleeding Heart Plants
These sucking insects drink sap from a plant, sucking its life giving juices and diminishing the plant's stores of energy. Over time, leaves may curl and become speckled and, in severe cases, the stems will become limp and discolored.Use forceful sprays...
Bleeding Heart Flower Care – How To Grow Bleeding Hearts
Once you are aware of how to grow bleeding hearts, you may want to use them to brighten dark and shady areas.Seeds of the growing bleeding heart may add more plants to the garden, but the surest method of propagation is to divide clumps every few years.
Dormant Bleeding Heart Plants – How To Plant A Bare Root Bleeding Heart
This won't need to be very deep. That's all there is to bare root planting of bleeding heart. Another option would be to plant them in pots and transplant in the garden later.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Caring For Bleeding Heart Transplants – How To Transplant A Bleeding Heart Plant
Bleeding heart plants are typically divided every three to five years. Water bleeding heart transplants every day for the first week, then every other day the second week and one to three times a week after that for the first active growing season.
Propagating Bleeding Hearts : How To Grow More Bleeding Hearts
Transplant seedlings gently and keep moderately moist until they establish.How to Propagate Bleeding Heart Plants with Cuttings or DivisionAnother method of propagating bleeding hearts is through vegetative means.
Tips For Bleeding Heart Pruning – How To Prune A Bleeding Heart Plant
When your plant is blooming, check it every few days and remove individual spent flowers by pinching them off with your fingers. Cut all of the foliage down to a few inches above the ground at this point.
Planting Bleeding Heart Seeds: When To Sow Bleeding Heart Seeds
Bleeding heart is not considered invasive because, although it is not native to North America, it does not self-seed very vigorously.Propagating or starting by seed can be done successfully, though, and may be the best choice because bleeding heart does...
Bleeding Heart Rhizome Planting – How To Grow Bleeding Heart Tubers
Each piece that is planted, should have 1-2 eyes, which will be planted facing upward.Plant tubers about 1-2 inches (2.5-5 cm.) deep, and about 24-36 inches (61-91cm.) apart. As growing container plants, they are already leafed out, may be flowering and...
Caring For Bleeding Hearts: How To Grow A Fringed Bleeding Heart Plant
If soil is too dry, plants will be stunted, fail to flower and will not naturalize.In the wild, fringed bleeding heart grows best in sites where years of decaying plant debris has made the soil rich and fertile.
Bleeding Hearts - Bizarre is Beautiful
They are certainly among the most ‘exotic' plants that temperate zone gardeners can grow. Few garden perennials have flowers as bizarre or beautiful as bleeding hearts. Nearly all gardeners recognize them.
El Segundo
Clerodendrum Bleeding Heart Care: How To Grow Bleeding Heart Vines
It is not related to the, a perennial with dainty pink or lavender and white blooms.Although some types of Clerodendrum are extremely invasive, Clerodendrum bleeding heart is a well-behaved, non-aggressive plant that reaches lengths of about 15 feet at...
Old Fashioned Bleeding Heart
Prices start at : 18.95 USD / 1 Gal

With such showy flowers, they deserve to be in the front of the shade garden. A garden favorite for years, it's fairly tall at 3′, and has evenly spaced pink hearts suspended gracefully on its long stems.
Bleeding Heart Bush Vs. Vine – Recognizing Different Bleeding Heart Plants
If you want to know the ins and outs of bleeding heart bush vs. That's where the vine gets the common name bleeding heart vine.Since bleeding heart vine is native to tropical Africa, it is no surprise that the plant is not very cold hardy.