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Essential Oil for Roly Poly Pests
For best results, use therapeutic grade oils only.Coconut oil can be used as well on roly-polies. Some essential oils such as peppermint, cinnamon and oregano can burn your skin. Combine with essential oils for added effectiveness.
Santa Monica
How to Kill Aphids Off a Hibiscus Tree Naturally
Spray the solution onto your plant between morning and noon when the plant is dry from nighttime dew, but it is not yet in the heat of the day. The lady beetles feed on the aphids for a period of a few days, but will eventually disperse around your garden...
Santa Monica
Castor Bean Plant Laws
According to a 2004 Congressional Research Service Report, castor bean plants and seeds are "openly sold" in the United States. Additionally, gardeners with children or pets must be extremely careful as the plant's seeds present a danger to people and...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Salvia Divinorum
Most any general kind of fertilizer is fine, but make sure you don't overfeed your Salvia.You should transplant your Salvia into a larger pot of soil every few months because it will most likely have outgrown its current pot.
Santa Monica
What Liquids Do Plants Grow Best In?
The acid could corrode the waxy coating of the plant, making it sick and vulnerable to diseases and bacteria. However, do not use "softened" water, which is mineral water that has undergone a process to remove the excess minerals.
Santa Monica
Once Corn Tassles, How Long Until the Cobs Are Ripe?
The kernels will be almost fully grown, and they will be at an 80 percent moisture level.Denting is the process that occurs to corn kernels if the ears are left on the plant after the milking stage has passed.
Santa Monica
How Large Will a Bromeliad Grow?
Small bromeliads include the Aechmea comata, which grows up to 20 inches tall, and the tiny 2-inch specimen Aechmea recurvata var. Dyckia maritima reaches 6 1/2 feet. These plants offer gardeners a wide variety of sizes, shapes and colors to work with.
Santa Monica
Caterpillars Are Eating My Desert Roses
To attract the egg-laying adults, plant nectar- and pollen-producing daisy (, prune the infested leaves; freeze them in a sealed plastic bag for a day, and dispose of them in the trash.
Santa Monica
How Are Conifers & Ferns Different?
Many conifers have needle- or scale-like leaves that are very different in shape and appearance from leaves found in ferns.Many temperate forests are dominated by conifers like pine and Douglas fir.
Santa Monica
Divisions of the Plant Kingdom
Unlike the Coniferophyta, the seeds are enclosed within the plant's ovary (part of plant that specializes in seed production). Coniferophyta plants usually take the form trees or shrubs that contain cones and needle-shaped leaves and never grow flowers.
Santa Monica
How to Prune a Tropical Ginger Plant
Remove these leaves by pulling them off the base of the plant with your fingers. Once leaves turn yellow or brown, they will not become healthy again. Prune these stems continuously throughout the year each time a bloom fades.Examine the lower leaves...
Santa Monica
Does Bleach Affect Plant Growth?
Leaves that have been touched by bleach will quickly turn white, then wither and die. These microorganisms provide aeration in the soil, help retain water and nutrients, and most importantly help to transfer nitrogen and other nutrients to the plant's...
Santa Monica
How to Care for Lichens
Leave behind more lichen than you take. This allows the remaining lichen to repopulate.Place the lichen in a paper bag to transport it to your garden or another site. Wet lichens are easier to handle.Break off a small piece of a lichen to collect it.
Santa Monica
How to Kill a Banana Tree Root
Remove the sucker, then cut and gouge the remaining underground bud with the spade. The shallow but extensive root system and these spreading shoots can cause crowding and competition.
Santa Monica
Method of Gas Exchange in a Fungus
This type of particle exchange is rare and only applies to certain fungus relationships.Some types of fungus exchange gases based on their environment. When a fungus produces mushrooms or other growths, they exchange gas with the atmosphere just as plants...
Santa Monica
How to Cook With the Aloe Vera Plant
A yellow, gooey substance is in the aloe vera leaves, and this should be removed before cooking.Peel the aloe vera leaves by removing the outer skin. Even though the skin should not be eaten, remove any loose dirt from the skin so that it doesn't get...
Santa Monica
Deadly Poisonous Plants of South Carolina
The bulbs are most poisonous, but the entire plant can be dangerous. It can also cause other symptoms, including vomiting, respiratory failure, diarrhea, dizziness, slow pulse and collapse.The Star of Bethlehem, also referred to as ornithogalum umbellatum,...
Santa Monica
How to Make a Rooting Hormone
Let the stems soak out of direct sunlight for several hours or overnight before you plant the cuttings. To remove the plant pieces, pour the mixture through a sieve or colander. Collect the stems and bark only from living plants, because dead and dying...
Santa Monica
Sundew Adaptations
Drosera plants draw out nourishment from the insects over the course of a day or two.It was believed that insectivorous plants such as sundews grew flowers on long stalks to keep pollinators away from their snares.
Santa Monica
How to Use Root Stimulator When Planting
Root stimulators are often used when plants, flowers or bare-root trees are transplanted. Often debated by the gardening community, root stimulators claim to have essential nutrients that support the growth of existing plant roots, and stimulate the growth...
Santa Monica
Plant Pigments Found in Spinach
"Chlorophyll a" is a strong blue-green color and primarily responsible for photosynthesis, while "chlorophyll b" is a supporting photosynthetic pigment, according to University of Wisconsin Chemistry.Carotenoids are especially useful to humans since they...
Santa Monica
How to Remove Salt From Sunflower Seeds
Several soakings and rinsings will remove most of the salt from the seeds, but avoid this method and purchase unsalted sunflower seeds if you are on a no-sodium diet.Submerge the sunflower seeds in a bowl of water for five minutes.Pour the water and seeds...
Santa Monica
Wavelengths of Light That Are Most Effective for Photosynthesis
Each pigment absorbs different wavelengths, so that the best wavelengths for plants depend on the type of pigment it has the most of.Various plant pigments absorb different light wavelengths.Chlorophyll a, which is present in all photosynthetic organisms,...
Santa Monica
Facts on Water Lilies
Hardy, native water lilies have simpler flowers that retain a watery wildflower-like look and are commonly white and yellow. Tropical varieties often have many more petals and more intense colors than the native lilies.Besides being the birth flower for...
Santa Monica
Companion Plants to Dianthus
Deadhead, or cut off the faded flowers, to encourage this plant to continue to bloom, but do let the last round of flowers set seed. That variety will look better grown among taller varieties of dianthus.Low-growing dianthus looks good under or right...
Santa Monica
How to Get Rid of White Powder Mold on Plants With a Vinegar Mix
It is common on all types of ornamental plants and flowers. Young foliage and shoots are the most susceptible to excessive powdery fungal growth. Vinegar is an effective home remedy for the problem.Vinegar is an effective fungicide spray for powdery mold.Pour...
Santa Monica
What Happens When a Poinsettia Secretes a Milky Substance?
You risk breaking the leaf, bract or stem or rupturing more veins to cause more sap secretions. This latex helps conserve moisture within the plant and deters animals and insects from eating the plant, since the latex is bitter and toxic if eaten in large...
Santa Monica