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Iowa Roundup 2008--Portal to Plant Heaven
No, it's..." the 2008 Iowa DG Roundup at Noelridge Park in Cedar Rapids! See the "Fun Facts" list below for details.hile the weather wasn't exactly heavenly (cloudy, cold, and lots of wind), spirits were high.The sun did manage to come out during a wonderful...
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Dave\'s Garden leads to Dinu\'s Garden
But I have learnt my lessons without switching gears when it came to be sent.I wanted to share pictures of my plants and flowers like others did but I only had a film camera. I'm ever grateful to all of Angels for having contributed to my wild dreams...
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Its a Small World After All
Sing Zipp-a-dee-doo-dah, without envisioning birds and flowers, I dare you.In this day and age, (oh my, and I promised myself I would not fill this article with hackneyed phrases), with terrorism a constant on TV; violence and gore in the movie theaters;...
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The Beginning Farmer\'s Guide to Log Splitters
Log splitters are usually powered by electricity or gas, with each source of power offering advantages and disadvantages. Making your own firewood for fuel is a very satisfying task, especially if the wood is coming from trees on your farm, but splitting...
The Hand that Rocks the Cradle
I promised her that day that I'd make sure we "kept up". She created mini gardens all around their Annapolis home which everyone got to enjoy. The woodlands did not belong to her, but she made them beautiful anyway - it was just a thing with her.The community...
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Extreme birdhouses; designed and built by DG member John Looser
Now, about 7 years later, John has built 46 Extreme Birdhouses. See below for pictures of John's other projects, including rustic arbors and lawn ornaments.You may contact John here, at Dave's Garden or write: John Looser , RR3 Brussels Ontario, Canada.There...
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The Love Garden: A lasting gift for your Valentine
Instead of giving cut flowers and chocolates that will be gone within two weeks, bring home a plant for the yard or patio that will last for many years to come.language of flowers lists.
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I (heart) my garden , my garden (hearts) me
For some, a relaxed hour of weeding or gentle raking is just right for getting the circulation going. You'll want to read more before comitting to either of these. The quickest of them need 80 days to produce and develop.
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Woody Perennials Bring the Fall Border to Life
They knew that, like gardeners, the earth breathes a sigh of relief as the cooler breezes of autumn banish the blistering heat of summer. If these beauties do not currently bloom in your garden, now is a good time to remedy that situation.
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Fun feature: Spotlight on BirdFiles
It isn't unusual to see identification requests from several continents each day, and the responses are just as diverse.For those who love to share tips and stories, we have the popular.
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Limbaugh\'s Legacy: My Favorite Heirloom Tomato, \
If you peel back a bit of skin on a regular red tomato, you'll see that it has a yellow tint. Thanks to his annual seed offer, this wonderful tomato found its way to my garden. His daughter is also keeping the strain going.
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Dave\'s Garden\'s heroes: Extreme reverse makeover saves the day
I really never anticipated the outpouring of well wishes, great advice, generosity and help that I have received. Please feel free to comment. I am planning on moving the raised beds and potting up and taking as many plants as possible.
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Meet Dave\'s Gardeners in Your Area: Throw a Plant Party!
Larger swaps may need a more formal system. At this stage, you'll appreciate your choice of finger foods and paper goods for meal service. That way, if the person taking your plant home has any questions about it later, they'll know who to ask.
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The World Wide Spud
From the end of the nineteenth century, potato cultivation has depended on fungicides.While farmers in Ireland and the Low Countries had readily adopted the potato, they initially resisted the new crop in many other countries, where governments attempted...
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Celebrate World Compost Day
Another benefit of using worms is the compost tea that can be drawn off and used for fertilizer.Some large scale operations use worms and long windrows of organic material. Compost is an easy way to add nutrients and structure to soils.
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Goodbye Brooder, Hello World!
Sending chicks into the great outdoors isn't always easy, especially when they make up a chicken keeper's first flock. Even if they will be free-ranging chickens , the first place they should go is to their place of comfort and safety.
Dutchman\'s Breeches, A Comedy of Errors
"Not likely," she answered, "but sometimes if you believe somethin' long enough, it might come true."I found out later that the "Breath of the Breeches" was a Native American legend from long ago.
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Spices of the World: Cloves
Come and learn with me all about the spice, Cloves Add the buttermilk, coffee and 1/2 cup water. Bring to boil.Fill jars with beets and onions leaving ½ inch headspace.Process pints and quarts 30 minutes in boiling water bath.
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The 30 Best World Cups
Belgium: Jenever The distilled spirit that begot gin, jenever is also the juniper-flavored national liquor of both World Cup teams, the Netherlands and Belguim. Serve It Farm-Style: With a plentiful harvest of corn at your disposal, you can experiment...
The Yule Log
Garnish with powdered sugar and strawberries or raspberries.A search for buche de noel recipes provides inspiration for all kinds of log cakes, from simple to complex. Many recipes instruct you to cut the rolled cake at both ends on the diagonal, much...
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World to Celebrate Kitchen Garden Day
For this, start small and add to the garden as you're comfortable. About one in seven people go hungry around the world, according to recent statistics by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization.
The Old World Deciduous Azalea Species
Many of us are familiar with the deciduous azaleas. Many of the wild forms hail from eastern North America but a few choice species also hail from Eurasia. Not only do they produce a profusion of spring flowers, many also exhibit wonderful fall colours...
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Spices From Around The World: Cinnamon
I thought I knew a lot about spices until I began to research these articles. Combine flour, baking powder, and salt. Combine 2 tablespoons cinnamon mixture and apple in a bowl, and stir apple mixture into batter.
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Viburnums - Queens of the Shrub World
'Michael Dodge' gets beautiful yellow berries itself! Check with your nursery or local county extension office to verify that you have thebest plant match-ups for maximum fruit production.
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Spices From Around The World: Nutmeg
Return chicken to the skillet and spoon the sauce over pieces.Simmer, uncovered, for 25-30 minutes or until chicken is no longerThere you have it: nutmeg, where it comes from and how to use it.
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Spices From Around The World: Allspice
Watch carefully so they do not burn and become bitter. Set aside.In a large bowl, beat pumpkin, bananas, yogurt, oil, eggs, sugar, and brown sugar until smooth. Add tomato paste, vinegar, Worstershire, garlic, chili powder, bay leaves, cinnamon, allspice,...
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Log Planters For Gardens: How To Make A Log Planter
Logs are generally easy to come by and inexpensive. They blend perfectly inLogs can be cut and mounted to create window boxes, they can be made into the classic cylindrical pot-like containers, or created to be horizontal trough-like planters.