- Translated with google The tree has been cultivated and systematically cultivated for centuries, especially in England, due to its great importance in the manufacture of tools and longbows.
Dear sirs, we have in stock 50 m3 of EU cherry ABC grade for furniture production KD ready to load. Price very interesting please contact me to f.brotto@latifoglia.it regards - Translated with google
6 weeks) for KD 27 mm holding Product is on stock and can be sorted by approx. 20-30% B, approx. 50-70 % C PEFC-certified, EUTR compliant - Translated with google 10-20% A, approx.
1 load ready as per below, you will note good width and lengths. Next PL ready in few days 2x40' 65mm ready for shipment in Feb and 2 x40' 75mm ready End Feb