10-20% A, approx. 20-30% B, approx. 50-70 % C PEFC-certified, EUTR compliant - Translated with google 6 weeks) for KD 27 mm holding Product is on stock and can be sorted by approx.
Regular production of lumbers UNEDGED - KD MAPLE / SYCAMORE thickness 50/65 / 75mm in AAB, AB and ABC grades ASH thickness 27 / 50mm in AB and ABC grades Pls contact us for rates and stock - Translated with google
Dear sirs, we have in stock 50 m3 of EU cherry ABC grade for furniture production KD ready to load. Price very interesting please contact me to f.brotto@latifoglia.it regards - Translated with google
Properties: Density at 12% moisture content averages 0.63 t/m3 (+ / - 0,56 ... Indicus) or the coral Padouk of Central Africa (P. The wood can be easily and free of cracks and dry is to work with all tools without difficulty.
Steady Production UNEDGED Oak lumbers - KD or AD - PEFC (France) or FSC (Croatia) - BC (QS3) + B (QS2) + AB (QS1) Grades - Thickness 26/27 mm and 22 mm Contact us for stock and prices - Translated with google
Dear sirs, we can offer EU cherry ABC KD 26 mm very good price please contact me to f.brotto@latifgolia.it regards fabio brotto - Translated with google
Dear sirs, we cna offer this special parcel of oak 50 mm quality ABB KD 11 +/- 2%. Material is ready to be checked in our saw mill in Hungary Kerta please let us know if you need some info we can make good quotation ex works f.brotto@latifoglia.it - Translated...