Unedged Oak ABC grade, min 10% A - KD 10% +/-2% - Ukraine origin 26 x 300mm wdr x 2.1m longer, heavy 3m Price: Eur 495 /m3 CIF Volume: 1x40' per month Offer subject to final confirmation
Incoterm: CIF - goods sold with transport included to a certain place.
Please do not hesitate to contact us! Looking forward hearing from you soon! Beautiful Canadian Yellow Birch, Natural color! We offer a nice range of Select, #1 and #2 com, both in Sap & Btr and Natural color.
Note: Wood is said to be poisonous as well as the kernels of berries and may cause irritation. The swelling and shrinkage values are given tangentially with radial 3.7% and 5.3%.