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Winter Bedding Plants

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Does Lavender Die in the Winter?
Pruning helps to prevent the lavender plant from becoming overly woody and promotes healthy, new growth. Remove the leaves from the bottom half of the stem and plant them in well-drained, fertile potting soil or garden-quality vermiculite.
Santa Monica
Lavender Oil as a Tick Repellent
Although it does not kill ticks, the natural plant essence present in lavender offends ticks and they quickly depart.Protect pets from ticks with lavender essential oil.Sprinkle a couple of cotton balls with several drops of lavender essential oil and...
Santa Monica
How to Care for Potted Hyanciths
Caring for the potted hyacinth properly during the flowering period helps prolong the life of the blossoms.Potted hyacinths provide some of the first flowers of spring.Set the hyacinth pot in an area that receives bright sunlight until the bulbs begin...
Santa Monica
How to Plant Zucchini Plants
Fertilize by adding grass clippings around the base of the plant.Watch the plant closely when it starts blossoming. If it's still dropping into the 40s at night, it's too cold for zucchini.
Santa Monica
Is the Flower Marigold an Annual or a Perennial?
Often, the seeds left behind will begin to grow again the next season, making the flower appear to be perennial, but there is no guarantee this will happen. The French marigold is generally around or under 1 foot tall with flowers that are about 2 inches...
Santa Monica
How Snow Affects Grass Seed
The intention with these types of grasses is to hibernate the seed for a short period before spring comes and the snow melts. Grass seed is designed to sprout in response to moisture and the proper soil conditions.
Santa Monica
Duranta Plant Care
Its drooping, vinelike branches can trail 10 to 15 feet wide. If you grow durantas as mounded bushes, give them at least 6 feet of room unless you want to constantly cut them back.
Santa Monica
Differences Between Conifers & Flowering Plants
The fertilized ovule becomes the seed. Evergreens are plants that keep their leaves all year, as opposed to deciduous trees that lose their leaves in winter. But conifer seeds are not enclosed in the plant's fruit.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Peppers
But they don't grow as big and spread as wide as tomato plants do. You can help your young peppers keep their roots warm by transplanting them into raised beds, mulching them well and using floating row covers.If you beef up the garden soil before you...
Santa Monica
Cons of African Sumac Trees
Gardeners must monitor their African sumac for sucker growth and keep their pruning saw ready.African sumacs are poisonous to humans. Gardeners should never handle the tree without gloves and keep children away from the plant.
Santa Monica
How to Keep Rose Bushes Insect-Free
When you are ready, thaw the package and release the insects in the garden. You can buy a bird feeder at a local home and garden supply store where prices range from as little as $7.99 up to $39.99.
Santa Monica
How to Plant Citronella
Fill the pot with a light, rich and fast-draining potting soil. While the plant is still small, keep the soil damp. Once the grass fills the pot, water it more frequently to keep its soil from drying out completely.
Santa Monica
How to Plant Ranunculus Plants
Do not leave the tubers soaking for longer or they can begin to rot. Jumbo-sized tubers are about 2 3/4 to 3 1/8 inches in diameter. Mix the organic matter down into the 8- to 10-inch layer of soil.
Santa Monica
Recommended Size for a Flower Bed
A cottage or English flower garden might reachMaintenance of the bed is an important limitation on size. Bulbs that need to be removed and stored during winter months have the same consideration as annuals -- a narrow,bed works best.
Santa Monica
How to Transplant Daisies
If you are moving some daisies from a large clump, this will give you more that are likely to survive any transplant shock. Can you move them to a different part of the lawn or bring them home from that roadside roost?
Santa Monica
How to Care for Aeonium
Regular trimming and grooming will help keep your aeoniums looking their best. During the summer, water aeoniums in the garden so soil is moist 1 inch deep whenever the soil looks dry.
Santa Monica
How to Care for a Juncus Plant
Juncus can tolerate any wet soil type that is rich in organic matter. Before pruning, wipe the pruning shears with a cloth soaked in isopropyl alcohol to prevent the spread of disease organisms.
Santa Monica
What Are Moon Lilies?
Survivors of moon lily poisoning may also suffer from permanent organ damage and mental impairment. For that reason, moon lilies may not be a suitable choice of ornamental plant where children and pets play.
Santa Monica
How to Plant a Naked Lady
The bulbs contain all the nutrients they need to support their initial rounds of leaves and flowers, so don't fertilize them during their first year.Naked ladies establish their roots during the fall.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Strawberries in Hay Bales
Fertilize with about 2 oz. Straw bales work well because they have fewer seeds in them, which results in fewer weed problems, but Bermuda grass, fescue or rye grass hay are also suitable, according to the University of Mississippi Extension, as they also...
Santa Monica
How to Take Care of Hens and Chicks Plants in the Winter
They are winter hardy in all other zones above 3.Provide full sun to your hens and chicks throughout the winter, cutting back any other plants that may shade even a portion of the plant colony.Monitor water and soil moisture very carefully during the...
Santa Monica
How to Plant Asparagus Roots
Examine asparagus roots for signs of decay, such as softness and discoloration.Sterilize pruning shears by wiping the blades with a cloth that was soaked in rubbing alcohol, and prune decaying roots 1 inch into healthy tissue.
Santa Monica
Jacaranda Tree Care
A light covering of mulch prevents the soil from drying too quickly, but avoid deep mulch layers, as these may retain too much moisture in the soil.Jacaranda trees require minimal fertilization, receiving most of their nutrients from that already present...
Santa Monica
How to Grow a Plum Tree from a Cutting
Tug the cutting gently for resistance which indicates rooting. Remove the cutting's two sets of leaf nodes nearest the cut or severed end, exposing those leaf nodes with the knife.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Pussy Willows
Use sharp bypass pruners for small stems and bypass loppers or curved pruning saws for larger ones. Females bear greenish catkins. Regular pruning helps keep the shrubs in line. Mature, gray, eye-level wood also lacks the rich, reddish-brown sheen of...
Santa Monica
How to Plant Rose Bushes
Tamp the soil in place. Mix in superphosphate at a ratio of 6 lbs. Cover the roots with soil and fill the hole with water twice. Plant the bush in the hole so the roots drape over the cone.
Santa Monica
Care of Penta Flowers
The unique star-shaped blooms bunch together in circular bundles over deep green foliage. Treat it as an annual in every other USDA plant hardiness zone.Cover the plant with mulch once it dies for the season, or dig it up and bring it inside to avoid...
Santa Monica