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Free Dairy-processing Resource Released
The workshop covered many aspects of establishing a dairy-processing business, including breed selection, business planning, product development, legalities and marketing. Inside the Dairy Processing 101 workbook, hobby farmers will find six sections...
5 Considerations When Processing Chickens
Most backyard and small-scale producers do not have these in place, and once a site does have those things, it generally makes more sense to simply create your own facility.” 5. When that day comes and it's time for chicken harvesting, you'll know you've...
Mobile Processing for Backyard Chickens
Pete and Jen's Backyard Birds use their website to recruit volunteers to participate in their chicken harvest. All the farmer has to supply are the workers. One of the consequences of the consolidation of food production in the United States is the dramatic...
Seven Life Processes of a Plant
Plants need nourishment, a way to excrete waste material, ways to reproduce and create new plants, means of individual growth, and ways to move and breathe, all of which are accomplished through seven life processes.Plants move slowly, usually by growing...
Santa Monica
6 Things To Know Before Processing Chickens
Additionally, ask about organ meats and odd parts. Be as prepared as possible to make it a positive experience. Know What You Want To Take Home Most processors will offer whole-bird packaging, as well as cut-up chicken parts, like wings, legs and breasts.
How to Process Oats at Home
One bundle should be about as much as you can carry easily under one arm. Wrap the rope around the middle of the oat bundle and tuck the end under to secure. Twist the pieces tightly together to form a rope.
Santa Monica
Hot Cider and Wine
Effervescent Doc's Draft Hard Apple Cider from Warwick Valley Winery, right here in the Hudson Valley, and Woodchuck Hard Cider from Middlebury, Vt., are delicious and not overly sweet.
Caring For Wine Caps – Tips On Growing Wine Cap Mushrooms
This is called mycelium, and it's the basis for your mushrooms. Water it thoroughly, and continue to keep the area moist.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });After a few weeks, a white layer of fungus should...
How to Process Cotton, From Plant to Cloth
Cotton fabric is appreciated because it is lightweight and breathable. Fibers are about 1 to 2 inches long.Comb the cotton fibers so that they lie side by side and form a soft rope called a sliver.Twist the fibers in the sliver with a spinning device...
Santa Monica
Making Sense Of The Molting Process In Chickens
This sheath, about a 1§2-inch long or so, begins to deteriorate near the tip as the mature part of the feather emerges. “However, when the birds return to production, they often lay more eggs in a given time period.
Wine Grape Varieties: Learn About The Best Types Of Wine Grapes
Three buds should be present on the cutting.Store cuttings in peat moss sealed with plastic and keep in refrigerator at 40 degree F. This article discusses which grapes are used to make wine.To say there are lots of wine grape varieties is an understatement.
Quick Craft: Wine-barrel Planter
It can be fun to include children on this project, too. Allow children to express their inner artist by letting them paint free-form, or print off and cut out farm- and garden-themed stencils to use.
5 Ways to Flex Your Garden-processing Muscle
Just as you want to change up your gym workout routine for better training, shake up your garden-processing routine to add a needed late-summer boost. There's always something kids can do to help with processing.
Describe the Process of Pollination & Fertilization in Flowering Plants
Other flowers rely on wind and living organisms to transfer the pollen from male flower to female flower.Once the flower has been pollinated the pollen must travel down the style of the pistil and into the ovule.
Santa Monica
Arsenic, Old Lace and Elderberry Wine
I can't say much about elderberry wine as I haven't tried it, but I have used the lovely flowers that this shrub provides. Elderberry grows wild where I live in east San Diego County.
El Segundo
Red Wine Cake with Poached Pears
As an alternative, try dried pears or dried figs instead. Baking soda 1 tsp. Yield: 8-12 servings Ingredients Pears 1/3 cup sugar 1/4 cup water 1 cup red wine 2 bay leaves 2 cloves 1 small chunk of fresh ginger, peeled 1/2 small cinnamon stick 3 to 4...
Learn About The Pollination Process And Plants That Need Pollinators
In the process, pollen collects on their bodies and rubs off on other flowers that they visit. Or, simply accept that a small portion of your crops will be lost to insect damage, which is a small price to pay in exchange for getting any fruit at all.Overhead...
Mobile Processing Units Help Small Farmers Find Profit in Poultry
“I get calls from all over the U.S. every year,” he says. If you've got a coop of backyard layers or a field of free-range hens, you've probably already experienced this, as friends and neighbors—and sometimes strangers in your driveway—ask if...
Ciao, Mario … Thanks for the Wine Bottles
So, ciao, Mario. I went over to his shack a number of times, and we would drink his horrible homemade wine and sometimes I'd bring salami to eat. ( Dahlia imperialis is a spectacularly tall dahlia that grows from 15 to 30 feet and blooms in the fall.)...
Don\'t Whine About Dandelions, Make Dandelion Wine!!
Next day strain again and bottle.Steep the petals and the lemon zest in the boiling water, leave overnight and then strain through muslin cloth to squeeze out as much flavour as possibe.
El Segundo
3 Chickens To Cull From Your Flock And How To Process Them
They tend to be longer, thinner, have longer legs and have much smaller breasts than commercial chickens. Figure 2 illustrates how a slow-molting chicken loses and regrows its feathers.
Compost Surprises: Unexpected Things Can Spring From (And Even Help) The Process
In the model I'm familiar with, chickens, pigs and ducks coexist inside a small fenced yard. Occasionally the warmth and aroma of a compost pile attracts mammals other than humans.
How to Arrange Flowers in a Wine Barrel Planter
Do not fill the half-barrel any further; the extra space allows for plant growth, light entry and air circulation.Plant flowers in the soil. Whether standing up with flowers flowing from the top down or tilted on its side for the appearance of flowers...
Santa Monica
Jubaea chilensis, the Chilean Wine Palm- World\'s Largest Palm Tree
I have rotted a few myself this way. That makes it one of the fattest-trunked palms, if not the fattest.These palms can grow over 80 feet tall though a palm that tall would probably be over 100 years old.So if you are starting with fresh seed it is unlikely...
El Segundo
6 Fall Crops To Harvest For Fermented Drinks
Here's the method: Cut the pumpkin shell into hand-size chunks. Without grinding, apples and crabs can't break open to let the juice flow. Kudzu blossoms work best as a mead, as their flavor marries perfectly with the richness of honey.
How to Identify Grapevine Leaves
Although wine grapes grow mostly in vineyards and home gardens, you may come across wild grapes in open woods, on roadsides, near ponds and rivers. Grapevines (Vitis spp.) include the primary cultivated wine grape (Vitis vinifera) and the common wild...
Santa Monica
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The California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance, a San Francisco-based nonprofit organization created by the Wine Institute and the California Association of Winegrape Growers, created the Certified […]