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Wild Flower Garden Flower For Sale In Garden Grove

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Darwin Tulip Red Oxford Flower Bulb (8-Pack)
Prices start at : 5.44 USD / each

These long-lasting flowers resist fading, and with their strong, sturdy stems are perfect in beds, borders, and containers. A touch of yellow at the base of each petal becomes the true vivid red tulip lovers the world over adore.
  •  Growing instructions: plant tulips outdoors in the fall about 6 to 8 weeks before the first hard frost, select a spot in the garden that receives full or afternoon sun and where the soil drains well, loosen the soil and plant the bulbs, pointy end up, approximately 6 in. to 8 in. deep and 5 in. apart, tamp down the soil and water well after planting, leave the foliage intact and cut only the stems to use as cut flowers, foliage should be left to die back naturally as it provides the nutrients the bulb will need to grow and flower the following year
  •  Planting tip: for a more natural look, plant tulips in clusters rather than in straight lines, remember that tulips do not like excessive moisture and should not be planted where they are watered by irrigation systems
  •  Easy to grow, carefree and naturalizing
  • Blossom Color: Red
  • Best Time to Plant: Fall
  • Annual / Perennial: Perennial
Garden Grove
Elephant Ears  Hilo Beauty- Bulb (1-Set)
Prices start at : 19.39 USD / package

Long and 10 in. Once established, they require little to no attention. They are grown for their foliage, which is reminiscent of an elephant's ear. Not only are they 1 of the largest flowering bulbs, they are also very versatile in that they can grow...
  • Pack Size: 6
  • Common Name: Elephant Ear
  • Plant 2.5 ft. apart, 2 in. - 3 in. D: Yes
  • Fragrance: None
  • Sun Tolerance: Part Sun
  • Annual / Perennial: Annual
Garden Grove
Amaryllis Bulbs Economy Mixed (Set of 3)
Prices start at : 44.89 USD / package

To grow indoors as a house plant proceed as follows: Select a 6 in. Then, let nature take its course. Amaryllis bulbs like room temperatures, and exposure to sunshine will keep them shorter.
  • Fragrance: None
  • A Van Zyverden value best buy: Yes
  • Mature Width (in.): 12
  • Blossom Color: Assorted Colors
  • Blossom Color Family: Multi
  • Sun Tolerance: Part Sun
Garden Grove
Dahlia Jill Mixed (Pack of 5)
Prices start at : 15.74 USD / package

Dahlia Jill is the perfect way to brighten up the summer border. Excellent and easy to place in cut flower arrangements. Dahlia Jill are charming small, ball-shaped pompon flowers in a mixture of colors with 2-3 in.
  •  Growing Instructions: Because Dahlias can range in height from a mere 7 in. to approximately 48 in., it is important to select their location in the garden carefully. Low growing varieties look best close to the edge of a border with taller varieties progressing to the back. All Dahlias should be planted after all danger of frost has passed. Choose a sunny location that drains well. Dig a hole about 6 in. deep and allow 2 in. to 4 in. of space between tubers depending on variety.
  •  Prefer full sun to light shade
  •  Perennial in zones 9-11; store indoors in colder areas
  • Mature Height (in.): 36 in
  • Fragrance: None
  • Sun Tolerance: Part Sun
Garden Grove
Daffodils Bulbs Fragrant Mixture (Set of 25)
Prices start at : 26.45 USD / package

Mixture consists of the following varieties: Bell Song, Thalia, Golden Dawn, Martinette, Hillstar, and Sweetness. They do well throughout most of the U. If you cannot plant them immediately, store in a cool, airy place.
  • Recommended Space Between Plantings (in.): 4"
  • Hardiness Zone: 3 (-40 to -30 F),4 (-30 to -20 F),5 (-20 to -10 F),6 (-10 to 0 F),7 (0 to 10 F),8 (10 to 20 F)
  • Common Name: Daffodil
  • Blossom Color Family: Multi
  • Wildlife Deterred: Deer
  • Returnable: 90-Day
Garden Grove
Fresh Red Color Roses (250 Stems)
Prices start at : 188.1 USD / box

By far the most popular red rose, perfect for all occasions. A bright pure red rose, with a large head and gently rolling petals that burst into a beautiful big bloom.
  •  Enjoy
  •  Free shipping in the continental USA
  • Product Height (in.): 18 in
  • Approximate #of Stems: 250
  • Fragrance: Slight
  • Returnable: Non-Returnable
Garden Grove
Oriental Lily Stargazer Bulbs (10-Pack)
Prices start at : 12.98 USD / package

Plus, the hardy, easy-to-grow plants produce blooms in abundance. It makes a stunning addition to your landscape and home with its large, 6 in. Stargazer Oriental Lily is a colorful late-season variety that boasts an exotic look and a heady fragrance.
  •  Due to state regulations, this plant cannot be shipped to AE, AK, GU, HI, PR
  •  For best results, grow in well-drained acidic, clay, loamy or sandy soil; will tolerator heavier soils
  • Fragrance: Strong
  • Annual / Perennial: Perennial
  • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
  • Recommended Space Between Plantings (in.): 12
Garden Grove
2 Dozen Orange Roses
Prices start at : 52.25 USD / each

Have a blast and go wild with roses assorted colors at a wedding, anniversary, graduation or fundraise. Gorgeous and astonishingly roses orange colors are almost too beautiful to handle.
  •  Diameter when bloomed: 2.6 in. - 3.8 in. time to bloom: 24 - 48-hours
  •  Free shipping in the continental USA
  •  Stems are 16 in. - 18 in. long; 32 - 41 petals per flower
  • Blossom Color: Orange
  • Fragrance: Slight
  • Common Name: Rose
Garden Grove
Cyclamen Bulbs coum (Set of 5)
Prices start at : 21.7 USD / package

Easily grown in sun or partial shade. The winter, however, is mainly left to coum. It does great as a woodland specimen plant, where it can create vast swathes of flowers. In the wild, it often grows well in areas with significant rainfall.
  •  Hardy outdoor cultivar
  •  Late fall, early winter blooming
  • Fragrance: None
  • Hardiness Zone: 5 (-20 to -10 F),6 (-10 to 0 F),7 (0 to 10 F),8 (10 to 20 F),9 (20 to 30 F)
  • Growth Habit: Low-Growing
  • Blossom Color: Purple
Garden Grove
Desert Candle, Foxtail Lily, Fox Tail Lily, Fox-tail Lily Eremurus robustus
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

* The plant was introduced from Central Asia in 1874 and is popular in gardens. Robustus has a stem six to ten feet high, with leaves as long as 48 inches, and 4 inches in width, the widest in its genus.
  • Family: Liliaceae
  • Seeds Per Pound: 15,436
  • Collection Locale: Russia
  • Purity: 98%
  • Lot#: 080433
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
Garden Grove
Pink, White, and Yellow Woodland Plant Collection of Bulbs (25-Pack)
Prices start at : 34.99 USD / package

This woodland plant collection consists of 25 bulbs and 3 varieties. Even though you really can't go wrong by putting garden combinations together yourself through some trail and error, we can help you get started with our pre-selected iconic Dutch bulb...
  •  Collection consists of Scilla, Eranthis, and Galanthus
  •  Picture perfect pairing of varieties
  •  Bulbs are shipped in a dormant state, ready for planting
  • Sun Tolerance: Part Sun
  • Additional Characteristics: Deer Resistant
  • Blossom Color: Assorted Colors
Garden Grove
Color Your Garden Yellow Bulbs Collection (Set of 73)
Prices start at : 67.45 USD / package

To ensure optimal results, allow adequate space and sunlight, plant at the appropriate depth, and feed with a well balanced fertilizer. Collection consists of: 12 Caribbean Parrot Tulips, 15 Faffodils Dutch Master, and 50 Winter Aconites.
  • Annual / Perennial: Perennial
  • Recommended Space Between Plantings (in.): 2-8
  • Fragrance: None
  • Mature Height (in.): 18
  • Flower bulbs are the indispensable blooms of the spring garden, as they bring it to life: Yes
  • Mature Width (in.): 9
Garden Grove
Trumpet Lily Regale Bulbs (5-Pack)
Prices start at : 12.98 USD / package

They add brilliant color and wonderful fragrance to beds, borders and naturalized areas. Also known as the Aurelian Hybrid Lily, it features blooms of snowy white with rich purple on the exterior of the slightly recurved petals; sturdy stems grow 4 ft.


    • Mature Width (in.): 12
    • Mature Height (in.): 72
    • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
    • Fragrance: Strong
    • Wildlife Attracted: Butterflies
    • Recommended Space Between Plantings (in.): 12
    Garden Grove
    Double Sensation Lily Bulbs (3-Pack)
    Prices start at : 10.00 USD / package

    The second layer of petals actually replaces the anthers. It also has exceptional flower power, producing 4 to 5 flowers on each stem in the first year and perennializing nicely for even more in following years.
    •  Due to state regulations, this plant cannot be shipped to AE, AK, GU, HI, PR
    •  Reaches standard mature height of 24 in. to 26 in.
    • Blossom Color Family: Reds / Pinks
    • Returnable: 90-Day
    • Additional Characteristics: Hummingbird/Butterfly Attractant
    • Pack Size: 3
    Garden Grove
    Non-Stop Begonia Mix Bulbs (3-Pack)
    Prices start at : 8.98 USD / package

    Lovely in containers and borders. Non-Stop Begonia Mix adds a variety of color to your garden. Bred to stay shorter and bloom longer, these orange, red, yellow, white and pink flowers will outlast all others.
    • Begonias love moist soil, so never let the soil dry out: Yes
    • Fragrance: None
    • Best Time to Plant: Spring
    • Wildlife Attracted: Butterflies
    • Hardiness Zone: 10 (30 to 40 F),3 (-40 to -30 F),4 (-30 to -20 F),5 (-20 to -10 F),6 (-10 to 0 F),7 (0 to 10 F),8 (10 to 20 F),9 (20 to 30 F)
    • Botanical Name: Begonia mix
    Garden Grove
    Giant Hybrid Lily Empoli Bulbs (5-Pack)
    Prices start at : 14.98 USD / package

    With up to 10 flowers per sturdy stem on an established plant, these fragrant flowers are perfect for the back of the border, cut flower arrangements and bouquets. Leave fully hardy bulbs in the ground in order to grow taller flowers each year 3 ft.
    •  Flowers bloom June through July
    •  Includes (5) 16 cm to 18 cm bulbs
    • Recommended Space Between Plantings (in.): 12
    • Mature Height (in.): 55
    • Sun Tolerance: Full Sun
    • Blossom Color: Pink
    Garden Grove
    Trumpet Lily Mix Bareroot (3-Pack)
    Prices start at : 16.98 USD / package

    Linear, glossy green leaves are arranged in whorls or spirals up tall stems. Flowers in assorted colors are trumpet-shaped and truly majestic. Bound to make any garden the envy of the neighborhood.
    •  Grows 48 in. - 60 in. tall at maturity
    •  Space plant approximately 12 in. apart for best results
    •  Growing instructions: loosen the soil to a depth of 6 in. - 10 in. and amend with compost if necessary, tamp down the soil and water well and water thoroughly during periods of drought
    • Hardiness Zone: 3 (-40 to -30 F),4 (-30 to -20 F),5 (-20 to -10 F),6 (-10 to 0 F),7 (0 to 10 F),8 (10 to 20 F)
    • Pack Size: 8
    • Fragrance: Slight
    Garden Grove
    Color Your Garden Yellow  Collection  Bulbs (13-Set)
    Prices start at : 31.14 USD / package

    Create the color perfect garden. Collection consists of: 5 Begonias Golden Balcony, 5 Dahlias Kelvin Floodlight, and 3 Daylilies Fragrant Returns. Some colors pair well together while others may vibrate or add tension.
    • Cheerful yellow flowers will brighten your garden for years to come: Yes
    • Best Time to Plant: Spring
    • Blossom Color: Yellow
    • Pack Size: 14
    • Growth Habit: Variety
    • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
    Garden Grove
    White Siam Tulip Bulbs (3-Pack)
    Prices start at : 17.98 USD / package

    They're useful for borders and you can easily bring blooms in for bouquets and arrangements. The long blooming season lasts from June all the way to August. There's a host of companion plants that go well with White Siam Tulip's beauty caladium, salvia,...
    • Fragrance: None
    • Best Time to Plant: Spring
    • Blossom Color Family: Whites
    • Recommended Space Between Plantings (in.): 12
    • Wildlife Attracted: No Wildlife Attracted
    • Hardiness Zone: 10 (30 to 40 F),8 (10 to 20 F),9 (20 to 30 F)
    Garden Grove
    Tulips Bulbs Queen Of Night (Set of 12)
    Prices start at : 16.48 USD / package

    They can be used in nearly any garden design scheme. Flowers are upward facing, with linear to lance shaped green leaves on the stem. Tulips are unique in range of size, shape and bold color found in almost every color spectrum, that only tulips provide.
    • Hardiness Zone: 3 (-40 to -30 F),4 (-30 to -20 F),5 (-20 to -10 F),6 (-10 to 0 F),7 (0 to 10 F)
    • Sun Tolerance: Part Sun
    • Shipped As: Packaged
    • Famous almost-black tulip: Yes
    • Fragrance: None
    • Wildlife Attracted: No Wildlife Attracted
    Garden Grove
    Tulips Bulbs Havana Nights Blend (Set of 15)
    Prices start at : 18.34 USD / package

    Planted together they look iconic, in dazzling harmony. Flowers are upward facing, with linear to lance shaped green leaves on the stem. In the garden, plant them before frost, but not as early as in the northern part of the country.
    • Mature Height (in.): 24
    • Deeply fringed flowers: Yes
    • Best Time to Plant: Fall
    • Additional Characteristics: None Listed
    • Returnable: 90-Day
    • Annual / Perennial: Perennial
    Garden Grove
    Tulips Bulbs Little Treasures Collection (Set of 50)
    Prices start at : 29.09 USD / package

    Best planted late fall. They perform beautifully, perennializing and naturalizing extremely well in USDA zones 3-8. In the garden, plant them before frost, but not as early as in the northern part of the country.
    •  Bulbs are individually packed and labeled
    •  Five varieties make up this wild tulip collection
    • Sun Tolerance: Part Sun
    • Mature Height (in.): 12
    • Additional Characteristics: None Listed
    • Wildlife Attracted: No Wildlife Attracted
    Garden Grove
    Dahlias Aloha Bulbs (Set of 5)
    Prices start at : 16.59 USD / package

    If you have been to a state fair, you have probably seen a pavilion filled with these exotic amazing blossoms. They can also be grown as pot plants. It is also the national flower of Mexico.
    •  Big dahlias might need a support structure to keep the heavy huge blooms from bending to the ground, cut flowers only after they are almost fully open to enjoy them in a vase indoors, the more you cut, the more they bloom
    •  Larger roots produce stronger plants with more flowers
    •  Exact care of dahlia flowers may vary dependent upon your zone, but these tips should help you get maximum blooms and healthy bushy plants, plant in well-drained soil, after danger of frost has passed, where they will get plenty of sunlight, they respond dramatically to feeding increasing the growth of leaves and flowers, and your tuber clump for an even bigger show next season, water well
    • Hardiness Zone: 10 (30 to 40 F),11 (40 to 50 F)
    • Botanical Name: Dahlia
    • Returnable: 90-Day
    Garden Grove
    Color Your Garden White Bulbs Collection (Set of 49)
    Prices start at : 38.67 USD / package

    Best planted in late fall. Collection consists of: 12 Ivory Floradale Tulips, 12 Thalia Daffodils, and 25 Snow Drops. In the garden, plant them before frost, but not as early as in the northern part of the country.
    • Wildlife Attracted: No Wildlife Attracted
    • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
    • Sun Tolerance: Part Sun
    • Growth Habit: Variety
    • Recommended Space Between Plantings (in.): 2-8
    • Mature Height (in.): 24
    Garden Grove
    Oriental Lily Salinas Bulbs (10-Pack)
    Prices start at : 14.98 USD / package

    A mass planting will stop traffic, but be sure to cut some of the exotic blooms to enjoy their delicious scent in arrangements indoors. Salinas Oriental Lily is an exquisite variety with an intense color and fragrance that distinguishes it from others...
    •  Reaches standard mature height of 36 in. to 48 in.
    •  Botanical name: lilium oriental salinas
    • Fragrance: Strong
    • Annual / Perennial: Perennial
    • Common Name: Lily
    • Shipped As: Bare Root
    Garden Grove
    White Giant Calla Lily Bulb (1-Pack)
    Prices start at : 6.25 USD / each

    These summertime bloomers can be grown in the garden or containers. Its chalice like white flowers add elegance to cut floral arrangements and bouquets. In zones 3 to 7, lift in the fall.
    • Best Time to Plant: Spring
    • Hardiness Zone: 10 (30 to 40 F),3 (-40 to -30 F),4 (-30 to -20 F),5 (-20 to -10 F),6 (-10 to 0 F),7 (0 to 10 F),8 (10 to 20 F),9 (20 to 30 F)
    • Mature Height (in.): 24
    • Wildlife Deterred: Deer
    • Space plants approximately 18 in. to 24 in. apart for best results: Yes
    • Recommended Space Between Plantings (in.): 18
    Garden Grove
    Persian Blue Allium (5-Pack)
    Prices start at : 12.58 USD / package

    Hundreds of tiny star like flowers make up each sphere head. Persian Blue Allium are sure to please with round Purple-blue florets. Allium sphere heads are comprised of clusters of close-knit flowers.
    •  Grow 34 in. to 36 in. tall
    •  Planting tip, select a site carefully for your allium Persian blue, because they do not like to be moved, permit them to stay where they were originally planted for 3-4 years before moving them to another location, bulb lets often form along the main bulb, when flowers diminish in size, dig the bulbs up in the fall, remove the bulb lets and plant them in another location or give them to family members and friends to use in their gardens
    •  Excellent cut flower, strong, sturdy stems, deer resistant
    •  Bloom late spring to early summer
    •  Growing instructions, select a spot in the garden that receives full sun to light shade in where the soil drains well, loosen the soil, and plant the bulbs, pointy end up, approximately 8 in. deep and 5 in. to 6 in. apart, tamp down the soil and water well after planting, flowers may be cut for use in indoor arrangements, foliage should be left to die back naturally as it provides the nutrients the bulb will need to grow and flower the following year, bulbs may also be planted in containers and tubs at a depth of approximately 4 in.
    •  Easy to grow, carefree and fragrant
    Garden Grove