The nutty butter suet feeds better than typical suet, draws more bird types and even bluebirds will visit the nutter butter suet in the winter. Thi# attracts so many birds and we like purchasing from Fleet Farms .
✓ A great source of energy
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 5.2 x 5.2 x 1.4 inches.
✓ Model #2012
✓ Place in feeder and hang at least 5 ft off the ground
✓ Made of rendered beef suet, fine cracked corn and chopped peanuts
I have purchase these peanuts for quite a while for the squirrels because my neighbor would complain about the mess from the unshelled type. This was a good value. The product was as they described it (not always so on line).
✓ Peanuts give backyard birds the nutrients they need
✓ Model # 100508149
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 13.8 x 9.5 x 2 inches to 19.75 x 9.5 x 3.5 inches depending on size selected.
I bought these A Fleet Farm/ Oshkosh. So,,, tin order to get more(because my birds ate them like crazy) I went online to get from Fleet Farm. I live 3 hours north of there.
✓ This product cannot be shipped to: CA
✓ Attracts a variety of birds
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 6.5 x 5 x 2.25 inches.
✓ Unique ball shaped suet with melt resistant formula
Good quality hearts and chips at a competitive price. It was dust free & full of sunflowers kernels & chips so every piece was eaten. Squirrels mainly only want the sunflower seeds, and most birds love sunflower seeds as well, so it's a win-win!! I purchase...
✓ Attracts the greatest variety of wild birds including goldfinches and cardinals
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 22.25 x 13.5 x 2.5 inches.
The birds love this and it is great that there are no shells to clean up. All of the wildlife love it: birds, crows, rabbits, squirrels, and ducks. This product is far superior to the ordinary bird seed you get in stores.
✓ A mix of hulled sunflower, millet, cracked corn, corn, peanuts, red millet, canary seed and calcium carbonate
✓ Weight: Approximately: 9.7 pounds
✓ No sunflower hulls means no mess
✓ This product cannot be shipped to: CA
✓ A concentrated food that lasts longer so feeders won't need to be filled as often
The birds live them. I will do it again. I'll be back for more! I purchased as a Black Friday event so I didn't have to go out shopping. I found these suet cakes for my new bird feeder and decided to buy 50 of them to stock up — since they were on sale.
Its easier for me to handle. They love it! Before buying the cracked corn I did a little research, and learned the cracked corn is not wasted like the whole kernels. I mix it with bird seeds and feed them to ky ducks.
✓ Attracts Blue Jays, Cardinals, Nuthaatches, Sparrows, Buntings, Mourning Doves, Ducks, Turkeys, Geese, Squirrels, Chipmunks and more
✓ This product cannot be shipped to: CA
✓ Cracked Corn attracts bitrds and other small animals to the feeding area
I can now fit 3 cakes into one feeder rather than 2. I have been purchasing this for some time and the birds love it all year round. I will no longer purchase this brand. My mom and I love to feed our wild birds and these suet cakes are good and reasonably...
✓ Tasty and nutritious treat with a great source of energy for many birds
✓ This product cannot be shipped to: CA
✓ Weight: Approximately: 7.5 pounds
✓ Attracts a variety of birds
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 9.8 x 6.2 x 5 inches.
It can be used to feed all year round. To use, Feed Desired Amount In Finch Style Feeder with Small Holes Or In A Mesh Sock Feeder. Guizotia Abyssinica/Niger -Some Call This Thistle Size: 50 lbs
Sunflower kernels for larger birds. Store in a cool dry place. Sunflower Hearts Coarse Sunflower Hearts Coarse is an excellent product we know our customers will love.
Wild Delight Wild Delight Pink Ribbon Finch Sock Feeder Wild Delight Wild Delight Pink Ribbon Finch Sock Feeder in stock and ready to ship. An all-in-one feed and feeder that contains only the finest premium grade nyjer seed*, an oil seed preferred by...
Morning Song Year-Round Wild Bird Food Blended to attract the beauty of backyard birds year round, Attracts a variety of birds characterized by different colors, shapes, sizes and songs, Supplies critical energy in winter and a healthy food sourcein spring...
The hummingbirds absolutely love it! I tried other preparations, but there was a clear choice for this formulation. The ready to use preparation makes it so very easy as well. My feeder went from one or two birds with the old preparation, to up to 20...
✓ Hydrating energy drink that mimics real flower nectar
My yard birds love this fruit & nut bell so I bought two cases. All kinds of birds are stopping by for a treat. The bells arrived in a timely manner and the birds are happy once again.
✓ Weight: Approximately: .938 pounds
✓ Contains white millet, sunflower, cracked corn, peanuts, raisins, dried cranberries, and moreh a binder that contains real honey
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 6.5 x 6 x 5.75 inches.
✓ Attracts Buntings, Woodpeckers, Chickadees and more
✓ After plastic is removed, insert wire or string through hole and hang
Keep this food dry for best results. A perfect treat for all those arboreal birds such as titmice, nuthatches, jays, woodpeckers and chickadees. This product can not be shipped to the following Countries: CA Size: 5 lbs.
Natural Reed Feeder With Mealworm To Go Natural Reed Feeder With Mealworm To Go is an excellent product we know our customers will love. Highly nutritious food for wild birds. Great for robins, bluebirds, woodpeckers and all insect eating birds.