All you have to do is visit their website and punch in the farmer ID found on your package to learn about the farmer and folks who raised that particular chicken. (Gizzards not included.)Aside from producing the highest-quality and best-tasting chicken,...
(from Empire Kosher) They can be roasted, grilled or used as the key ingredient in chicken soup and other kosher meals. These meaty, healthful organic chickens are plump and juicy.
How do you want us to do the packing?? What is the quantity you want to purchase for the first shipment??? Please do look at this information very well so that we can ease the business and start the shipment at once.
(from Katie's Best) The chickens are raised on spacious farms and have free access to the outdoors. (Gizzards not included.)Katie's Best is a family-owned and operated business that works almost exclusively with small Amish farms in southern Indiana.
Use whole, split up the belly to butterfly or chop them into parts for all your favorite chicken recipes. Though these birds were bred for broiling or frying, don't stop there — they're mighty good for roasting and grilling, too.
Great bean for using for refried beans. Eat young when green for delicious flavor. A great tasting bean, popular in Mexican food! The Pinto bean plant is a half-runner type that produces 20 inch plants with light tan seeds with brown speckles.
We are agrostraders ltd we are producers and supplier of agricultural products and we are looking for a client to establish We are agrostraders ltd we are producers and supplier of agricultural products and we are looking for a client to establish long...
We offer Whole Frozen Chicken,Chicken Parts,Frozen Fishes,Dove, Ostrich, Pheasant,Quail, Turkey, Goose, Grouse, Gizzard,Goat Meet and Table brown and white Eggs.and we sell in considerable prices.
Heat-resistant plants thrive in adverse conditions. Proven tops for productivity, flavor and wide adaptability. All-America Winner. Heavy yields of 4″ pods, with 3-5 large beans each.
The plants are uniformly upright. Burpee Improved beans are both larger and thicker than normal lima beans. Large pods, high yields, and perfectly shaped beans. The growth is even more vigorous, with heavier foliage.
The thin skin always finishes nice and crispy, and we think the best way to appreciate the flavor is to roast it and serve with mashed potato and peas. It's a superior chicken that meets the Label Rouge specification — a French government program to...
They're processed using purified cold air instead of water — that's the air-chilled difference. All Smart Chicken products are raised without the use of antibiotics, animal byproducts, growth hormones, and are 100% all-natural.
An Italian bean that can be eaten fresh, frozen or canned. This bush bean is a beautiful yet tasty bean! The fresh shell beans are large and round shaped. A great market bean with vibrant color.
They come out of the freezer just like they were put in. Also a heavy long-term yielder. King of the Garden Pole variety is our best freezing bean variety. A great top pole Lima bean.
Have an excellent semi-rich flavor. The Christmas bean will grow great in both warmer and cooler temperatures. A perfect bean for warmer climates. The seeds turn pink-brown when cooked.
This variety dates back to the 1800s and is well-suited to short-season, cool summer climates. Cranberry Shell stores exceptionally well. An incredible bean variety that can be used as a snap, shell or dry bean.
Different Packaging etc. All types, colours, and specs. Whole and Split Lentils available, any type. Available from Europe and or North America region. Good quality, and or rough quality is available.
Great bean for cooking and offers great flavor. A small, delicious, white bean that can be used in soup or for baking. Great flavor and taste. Will not “mush up” when cooked. One of the best cooking beans around.
Medium green pods, flat, 6″ long with white seeds. Developed to produce high concentrated pod set. An improved Kentucky Wonder Bush bean. An upright plant that grows to over 17″.
I am cultivating velvet beans. Velvet beans have various medicinal effect and it is being sold at a whopping price of 45000 indian rupees per 1 kg in USA in form of drug. Please contact me.
Perfect for those who are tired of bending over to pick beans, but still want the high yield of a bush bean. This is the pole version of the popular bush type that is widely planted for the canning industry.
When left to fully mature, Kentucky Wonder is a good shelling bean. Get multiple harvest from these prolific producers. For stringless and most tender beans harvest when they are young and only 4-5″.
Harvest early for best stringless beans. Provider beans can be planted earlier than other beans because it germinates well in cool soils. A stringless, fast maturing pole bean. Provider has compact bean plants that are easy to establish and adapt well...
Once dry, these beans will store for a long time! This bean is often used in Mexican food.A perfect winter food full of protein straight from your own garden. Each pod contains 5 large, red kidney shaped beans.
The raw materials is the spermoderm of black bean(Glycine soja sieb.Et Zuce,Semen Glycine,also named black bean). Package: carton, with double vacuum poly bags inside,2.5kg/bag,25kg/carton, or to pack as per customers\' demand.
Samples are available. It is normally processed into cocoa liquor, cocoapowder and cocoa butter before it's made into chocolate food. Mohammed Abdul Export Manager LIOCAM ENTERPRISE