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White Spider Lily

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Am looking for fall blooming bulbs to naturalize in home garden. Looking for red spider lilies to naturalize in Northwest GA -- Atltanta, GA area [7B] Looking specifically for red spider lilies to naturalize in Northwest GA -- Atltanta, GA area [7B]
United States
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Small plants/bulbs available for shipping; large plants for pick up only in Brooksville, FL. Email for pictures, more info. Prices range from $30 up plus shipping. Have Purple (some call Red) Giant Spider Lily bulbs, Crinum Amabile.
Price : CALL

Was removing spider lily bulbs for transplanting and after an hour or two had thousands of bulbs and there are thousands more. Havn't any experience with selling anything..shipping also is an unknown.Could use some advice.
Pests On My Plants
I could see that on my oleander which was pretty badly damaged during one winter. They are terrible parasites and I lost a lemon tree and several begonias to their attack, which happened before these new insecticides appeared on our market.
El Segundo
What\'s That Bug? The Argiope Aurantia, or Writing Spider
Although the real "Charlotte" was not an Argiope aurantia, she was an Araneus cavaticus. While she can bite, she rarely does, and the effect is no more uncomfortable than any other non-poisonous insect or creature.
El Segundo
Spider Plant With Swollen Roots: Learn About Spider Plant Stolons
Thick roots will form quickly on the spiderettes, even if they are taken from the mother. These are the source of the shoots and leaves and are companions of the root system. A spider plant with swollen roots may be pot bound, require more soil or showing...
Spider Plants And Cats: Why Are Cats Eating Spider Plant Leaves And Can It Be Harmful?
Cats mainly like spider plants because they are mildly hallucinogenic. My mother has a number of cats, by this I mean well over 10. What's the point to this? She also enjoys growing plants, many of them, and we all know that cats and houseplants may not...
Solid Green Spider Plants: Why Is Spider Plant Losing Green Color
If your spider plant is losing its green color, it is not able to absorb enough energy from the sun to keep it healthy and vigorous.Most commonly this bleaching of the leaves is caused by too much sunlight.
Why Are Spider Plant Leaves Turning Black Or Dark Brown
Treating plants with dark leaf tips starts with identifying the cause and then correcting any bad cultivation practices.Spider plants are graceful foliage plants. Reddish brown tips can indicate excess fluoride in your water, while tan to gray tips can...
Caring For Sick Spider Plants: How To Treat Diseases Of Spider Plant
If your plant does happen to be suffering from a pathogen or bacteria in the soil, repotting it (with new, clean, sterile potting medium) should do the trick. In other words, they work well indoors with only moderate watering.
Spider Plant Gnats: What To Do About Fungus Gnats On Spider Plants
This solution is probably most effective when used in conjunction with other fungus gnat control the soil surface. However, if you're tired of spider plant fungus gnats terrorizing your prized plant, help is on the way.are attracted to spider...
Pruning Spider Plants – How To Trim Spider Plant Leaves
You could also choose to leave some water sitting out overnight to lessen the chemical effects.Brown tips can also occur from too much sunlight and low humidity. This is normally done during spring, or in most cases, summer.Pruning spider plants keeps...
Wolves in the Garden
We may not enjoy the fare they do, but their steady appetite of insects makes for excellent biological insect control. This is an excellent way to determine the wolf spider population in your landscape.
El Segundo
Black Widows in My Garden
All I remember next was jumping around like a lunatic and slapping my legs in a cold sweat for several minutes waiting for the inevitable bite I had heard was so painful.Fortunately these spiders are incredibly soft-bodied and it doesn't take much effort...
El Segundo
Common Outdoor Spiders: Know Them, Love Them
They are more curious and have better vision than many other spiders; I often see them sitting atop my patio chairs, checking out the surroundings. If you spot one of these beauties in your yard during the day, the size of them can give you a start -...
El Segundo
Propagating Spiderettes: Learn How To Root Spider Plant Babies
This is an unnecessary step, but some people enjoy rooting a new plant the old-fashioned way – in a jar on the kitchen windowsill.If you want a thick, bushy plant, start several spider plant babies in the same pot.
Wilting Spider Plants: Reasons A Spider Plant Leaves Look Droopy
Transplant it to a bigger pot, and water and feed it well.Spider plants can be a little fussy about water and light requirements, but they're also very durable. Wilting spider plants are not uncommon, though they're usually easy to cure.
Spider Plant Water Cultivation: Can You Grow Spider Plants In Water Only
Fill a jar or glass with this non-chlorinated water and set the cutting into the container with the bulk of its leaves outside the liquid. Key nutrients can be derived from fertilizer; however, a risk of root burn from built up salts is a potential result.
Spider Plant Problems: Tips For Getting Spiderettes On Plants
These are aerial in a hanging basket which then suspend from the parent. Most interior gardeners are familiar with the charismatic. If you find your spider plant not producing babies like these, it might simply be due to the young age of the plant or...
Yellowing Spider Plant Leaves: Why Are Leaves Turning Yellow On Spider Plant
Most common are sucking insects whose feeding behavior reduces the sap in the plant and can introduce diseases.. Water your plant when the top half inch feels dry to the touch. Yellow leaves on spider plants is a classic complaint but the cause can take...
Dividing Spider Plants: When To Split A Spider Plant
If you've moved your spider into new, bigger pots several times, it should be thriving. The idea is to slice off and throw away the damaged roots, then divide the healthy roots into several pieces.Remove the plant from its pot and take a look at the roots.
Spider Plant Care: Gardening Tips For Spider Plants
It usually helps to periodically leach plants by giving them a thorough watering to flush out excess salts. Keep this well watered and once it roots, you can cut it from the mother plant.Alternatively, you can cut off one of the plantlets, place it in...
Do Spider Plants Have Seeds: How To Grow A Spider Plant From Seed
Once they're dry, they should split open naturally and drop their seeds.You can place a piece of paper under the plant to collect the seeds when they fall, or you can break the dry pods off by hand and put them in a paper bag, where they should split...
Does A Spider Plant Flower: My Spider Plant Is Growing Flowers
Read on to learn more.Spider plants do occasionally develop small white flowers at the ends of their long arching stems. Spider plant flowers are very small and white, with three-six petals.Sometimes, certain varieties of spider plants will send out frequent...
Sticky Residue On Spider Plants – How To Treat Sticky Spider Plant Leaves
Cover all parts of the plant, paying special attention to the underside of the leaves and the center of the spider plant.can sometimes help ease the pest problem when combined with treatment.Aphids and other pests are often attracted to the succulent...
Repotting Spider Plants: How Do You Repot A Spider Plant
Fill the bottom of the pot with soil, then place the plant's roots in the soil. When you see roots showing above the soil, it is time to start moving spider plants to larger pots.How do you repot a spider plant?
Care Of Spider Plants Outdoors: How To Grow A Spider Plant Outside
They tend to get sunburnt in full sun or afternoon sun. Because they are so tolerant and easy to grow. They alsopropagate easily from the little plantlets (spiders)that grow from their flower stalks.