Also known as Speckled Bays, this open-pollinated bush shell bean has been around since the early 1800s. An early producer of creamy pods with speckles of red.
Vigorous plants, big yields. It boasts terrific yields of old-fashioned, rich “beany” beans that taste and smell terrific. This is a tender half runner bean with succulent white seeds.
A vigorous that can easily reach 20 feet. Hummingbirds love to visit the beautiful flowers that grow on this bean. Rapid climbers. People often grow this bean as an edible landscape plant.
Thin to one plant per cell or pot. May simply be called scarlet runner. Keep pods picked for continuous bloom. Plant 2 seeds 1" deep in individual cells or pots. Use them to garnish or in salads, soups, and desserts.Transplant: Sow 2-3 weeks before last...
It is not necessary to tie these beans, as they will twine around anything close by.The seeds are large and should be planted 2 to 3 inches apart to minimize overcrowding. One such plant includes the scarlet runner bean ().
However, the navy kind is a bit smaller and softer when cooked. There are quite a few species of legumes with white seeds, and all of them can be called white beans. Copper Manganese Iron Folate Vitamin B1
Latin Name: Phaseolus Coccineus L. To promote the orderly division mammalian leukocytes, red blood coagulant There is strong spleen and kidney function. Primarily for the treatment of obesity and diabetes.
Only comes in 1 oz,4 oz,8 oz and 1 pound increments..truffles are feesh,so may lose some weight while in transit to you,but i will throw in extra to make sure you get the weight you paid for..
We have best Quality White Truffle for Sale in low prices. Contact us for purchasing. We have Best Quality and Big Quantity of Fresh White Truffle for Sale, If anyone Interested Immediately contact.
A very tasty large dried bean great for drying! Popular in European gardens, Broad Windsor is one of the tastiest of all dried beans and one of the largest-the size of a quarter! When eaten at the shelling stage, you'll discover why their mild flavor...
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We are agrostraders ltd we are producers and supplier of agricultural products and we are looking for a client to establish long term cantract .you can contact for more info We are agrostraders ltd we are producers and supplier of agricultural products...
All-America Winner. Heat-resistant plants thrive in adverse conditions. Excellent for freezing. Proven tops for productivity, flavor and wide adaptability. A great bean that can be planted early and first to harvest.
The growth is even more vigorous, with heavier foliage. Burpee Improved beans are both larger and thicker than normal lima beans. Large pods, high yields, and perfectly shaped beans.
6-7″ stringless pods are great young. This bush bean is a beautiful yet tasty bean! The fresh shell beans are large and round shaped. A great market bean with vibrant color. An Italian bean that can be eaten fresh, frozen or canned.
King of the Garden Pole variety is our best freezing bean variety. They come out of the freezer just like they were put in. Great freezing bean. Also a heavy long-term yielder. A heavy yielding lima bean.
The seeds turn pink-brown when cooked. The Christmas bean will grow great in both warmer and cooler temperatures. A perfect bean for warmer climates. Have an excellent semi-rich flavor.
Maroon colored beans are decorated with darker red, cranberry markings. Cranberry Shell stores exceptionally well. An incredible bean variety that can be used as a snap, shell or dry bean.
And three just breed. 10 Does, 3 Bucks, All cages, water bottles, Feeders, Hay, Straw, and right now 34 bunnies, All are great breeders and have large litters. And three just ... Two does ready to deliver.
The area produces remarkable Sauvignon Blanc, and we are proud of the quality of our grapes. High quality Sauvignon Blanc grapes available from the premium Sauvignon Blanc grape growing area in California
Will not “mush up” when cooked. One of the best cooking beans around. Great bean for cooking and offers great flavor. A small, delicious, white bean that can be used in soup or for baking.
An upright plant that grows to over 17″. Developed to produce high concentrated pod set. An improved Kentucky Wonder Bush bean. Medium green pods, flat, 6″ long with white seeds.
I am cultivating velvet beans. If anyone capable of selling to those company or can sell themselves feel free to contact me. Want to sell some serious buyer in bulk quantities. Velvet beans have various medicinal effect and it is being sold at a whopping...