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White Calla Lily Bouquet

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Tequila Sunrise Calla Lily Mix
Prices start at : 32.98 USD / Bag of 3

Callas do best when sited in dappled or bright, yet indirect sunlight. The bulbs are irregular, sort of like ginger roots, and several can be planted in the same pot. Rehmannii , and these have more narrow leaves than the classic white type.
  • Flower Size: 3-5" flowers
  • Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
  • Foliage: Green upright foliage with white specks.
  • Common Name: Tequila Sunrise Calla Lily Mix
  • Days to Bloom: Blooms in 70-112 days. (10-16 weeks)
  • Containers: Yes
Mango Calla Lily
Prices start at : 13.98 USD / Bag of 1

Many people grow callas in patio pots, which can be brought in before frost arrives. 'Mango' Calla Lily's bright apricot blooms are enchanting with coral accents and a blush of green where the flowerhead meets the stalk.
  • Bulb Size: 14-16 cm
  • Bloom Time: Mid summer until frost
  • Foliage Color: Green
  • Containers: Yes
  • Soil Moisture: Average, Well Draining
  • Flower Size: 3-5" flowers
Do You Deadhead Calla Lily Plants: Removing Spent Blossoms On Calla Lilies
Once you remove the dead flower, the plant can focus on getting ready for next year.The information on deadheading calla lilies is a simple set of instructions. Each calla is designed to create a certain number of flowers, sometimes one or two and other...
Calla Lily Care – Tips On Growing Calla Lilies
Regular watering can resume within two to three months. Here are a few tips on growing calla lilies that will make them sparkle in your yard.It is easy to grow calla lilies. Allow them to dry out for a few days before storing the rhizomes for winter.
Calla Lily Varieties – Information About Different Calla Lily Plants
In warmer climates without winter frost, these flowers will grow like perennials. These are all beautiful flowers and they can be used to complement other plants in your garden or together to create a stunning variety of multi-colored and regal blooms.
Calla Lily Watering: How Much Water Do Calla Lilies Need
Water outdoor calla lilies regularly, providing sufficient water to keep the soil evenly moist. Brown leaf tips are also a sign of excessive fertilizer. Use a well-drained potting mix; although calla lilies like moisture, they don't do well in saturated,...
Albomaculata Calla Lily
Prices start at : 14.98 USD / Bag of 1

If you haven't grown callas, you may be surprised that these bulbs create a sizable plant. Most of the very colorful callas are a separate species, C. Rehmannii , and these have more narrow leaves than the classic white type.
  • Mature Height: 12-14" tall
  • Plant Type / Life Cycle: Annual
  • Foliage: Green upright foliage with white specks.
  • Advantages: Deer Resistant, Rabbit Resistant, Easy to Grow, Cut Flowers, Containers
  • Planting Time: Spring / Summer
  • Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Picasso Calla Lily
Prices start at : 14.98 USD / Bag of 1

If you haven't grown callas, you may be surprised that these bulbs create a sizable plant. Most of the very colorful callas are a separate species, C. Rehmannii , and these have more narrow leaves than the classic white type.
  • Bulb Spacing: 3 bulbs per sq. ft.
  • Days to Bloom: Blooms in 70-112 days. (10-16 weeks)
  • Mature Height: 16-24" tall
  • Full Sun: Yes
  • Patent Number: PP#15282
  • Soil Moisture: Average, Well Draining
Transplanting Calla Lilies: How To Transplant Calla Lily Outside
Slide a spade under the plants at a depth of 4 to 5 inches to avoid damaging the rhizomes. Place them in the holes so that the soil line is even with the surrounding soil.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Help For Yellowing Calla Lilies: Why Calla Lily Leaves Turn Yellow
A calla lily turning yellow can be an indication of a number of problems, but most of them are easily fixed. Check with yourAnother common reason for yellowing calla lilies is. If possible, dig up the plants and transfer them to a spot with, preferably...
Dividing Calla Lilies – How And When To Divide Callas
Let the rhizomes dry for a day to form a callus over the cut before replanting.8 through 10, you'll have to store the rhizomes and replant them in the spring. Cut or break apart the rhizome, making sure each section has at least one eye.
Green Calla Lily Flowers – Reasons For Calla Lilies With Green Blooms
They bloom the most in temperatures from 75-80 F. There are many colors of calla lily, but the white is one of the most used and part of wedding celebrations and funerals alike. Callas are originally from Africa and require hot temperatures to promote...
Why Calla Lilies Don\'t Bloom: Making Your Calla Lily Bloom
You can do this very easily. If calla lilies are getting too little light, they will be stunted. Once the calla lily plant has stopped blooming, stop providing water to it. Place it in a cool (not cold) dark place for two months.
Calla Buds Not Blooming – Reasons Why Calla Lily Buds Don\'t Open
It's also important to know that the bulb of the calla lily stores nutrients over the winter, which comes from the leaves. This may be the case if this is the first year you put the plant in your garden.
Calla Lily Seed Info: How To Grow A Calla Lily From Seed
Keep the soil moist and watch for growth. Discard any that do not show any signs of a well-draining pot and place the seeds that have started in the pots. It is best to plant two seeds per pot right underneath the soil.
Odessa Calla Lily
Prices start at : 13.98 USD / Bag of 1

If you haven't grown callas, you may be surprised that these bulbs create a sizable plant. Most of the very colorful callas are a separate species, C. Rehmannii , and these have more narrow leaves than the classic white type.
  •  Plants for Small Spaces
  •  Deer Resistant
  •  Easy to Grow
  • Planting Time: Spring / Summer
  • Days to Bloom: Blooms in 70-112 days. (10-16 weeks)
  • Foliage Color: Green
Calla Lily Problems: Reasons Why My Calla Lily Is Drooping
This leads to the gardener who says, “Help, my calla lily is drooping!”Calla lily flower droop can stem from several fungal diseases such as. They are not particularly temperamental plants and adapt well to.
Calla Lily Hardiness: Will Calla Lilies Come Back In Spring
You can take it outdoors for a patio plant in the summer and bring it in again before the first frost. You can even allow it to go dormant for the winter by simply not watering it until the spring.Another option is to put your calla in the ground in your...
Feeding Calla Lilies : How To Fertilize Calla Lily Plants
While not a true lily, callas are an integral part of weddings and funerals alike, their classic flowers representing love and devotion. For natural sources of calcium, the bone meal also works, as do.
Nashville Calla Lily
Prices start at : 13.98 USD / Bag of 1

Many people grow callas in patio pots, which can be brought in before frost arrives. Starting with a blush of green from their stem, 'Nashville' Calla Lily's pale buttermilk blooms are overtaken by magenta-purple, fluted curls.

10-12" tall

    • Flower Size: 3-5" flowers
    • Mature Height: 10-12" tall
    • Soil Type: Clay Soil, Sandy Soil, Loamy Soil
    • Mature Plant Size: 10-12" tall
    • Foliage: Green upright foliage with white specks.
    • Foliage Color: Green
    Purple Rain Calla Lily Mix
    Prices start at : 32.98 USD / Bag of 3

    If you haven't grown callas, you may be surprised that these bulbs create a sizable plant. Most of the very colorful callas are a separate species, C. Rehmannii , and these have more narrow leaves than the classic white type.
    • Mature Height: 14-20" tall
    • Botanical Name: Zantedeschia Purple Rain Mix
    • Additional Information: Perennial in zones 8-10. Annual in zones 3-7.
    • Planting Depth: Bulbs/Tubers should be planted 3-4" below the soil line.
    • Plant Type / Life Cycle: Annual
    • Foliage Color: Green
    Best Gold Calla Lily
    Prices start at : 13.98 USD / Bag of 1

    If you plant your bulbs in spring, you'll have flowers in about 70-112 days. Sometimes the clumps grow 36' high. The bulbs are irregular, sort of like ginger roots, and several can be planted in the same pot.
    •  Deer Resistant
    •  Full Sun
    • Planting Depth: Bulbs/Tubers should be planted 3-4" below the soil line.
    • Poisonous or Toxic to Animals: All parts of plant are poisonous if ingested. Toxic to dog and cats.
    • Planting Time: Spring / Summer
    • Soil Moisture: Average, Well Draining
    Orange Blend Calla Lily Mix
    Prices start at : 32.98 USD / Bag of 3

    Callas do best when sited in dappled or bright, yet indirect sunlight. The bulbs are irregular, sort of like ginger roots, and several can be planted in the same pot. Rehmannii , and these have more narrow leaves than the classic white type.
    •  Cut Flowers
    •  Neonicotinoid-Free
    •  Deer Resistant
    • Bulb Size: 14-16 cm
    • Advantages: Deer Resistant, Rabbit Resistant, Easy to Grow, Cut Flowers, Containers
    • Mature Height: 14-20" tall
    Salsa Calla Lily Mix
    Prices start at : 32.98 USD / Bag of 3

    Salsa Calla Lily Mix is a colorful combination or pink, yellow, and white callas all set against mix and match green foliage. Rehmannii , and these have more narrow leaves than the classic white type.
    •  Cut Flowers
    •  Poisonous or Toxic to Animals
    • Additional Information: Perennial in zones 8-10. Can be grown as annuals in zones 3-7.
    • Mature Height: 14-20" tall
    • Bulb Size: 14-16 cm
    • Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
    White Florist Calla Lily
    Prices start at : 16.98 USD / Bag of 1

    Plant 'White Florist' in a big pot on your patio, give it plenty of water and stand back! (Zantedeschia aethiopica) The bulbs are irregular, sort of like ginger roots, and several can be planted in the same pot.
    •  Easy to Grow
    •  Deer Resistant
    • Planting Time: Spring / Summer
    • Advantages: Deer Resistant, Rabbit Resistant, Easy to Grow, Cut Flowers, Containers
    • Soil Moisture: Average, Moist/Wet, Well Draining
    • Foliage: Green upright foliage.
    Blushing Beauties - Pink varieties of Zantedeschia aethiopica
    It does not take much imagination to picture a large planting of these beauties, in a border under glass or outside, wherever this can be achieved. I have yet to cultivate ´Glow´ but another pink variety, '', performs well for me, slumbering through...
    El Segundo
    Making the Most of Supermarket Bouquets
    That allows us to sneer at the tired and tinted appearance of the blooms we pass at the supermarket. Tulips used to be a bargain as well, though I notice that their price has gone up.I purchased a $5 bunch of mini-carnations for myself recently, and was...
    El Segundo