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Which White Wines Are Dry

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Grow A White Clover Lawn – Using Clover As A Grass Substitute
It is possible to grow a white clover lawn, but there are some things to consider before you launch head first into having a white clover yard.Let's take a look at issues of using a white clover lawn substitute and how to replace your lawn with clover...
Dying Conifers, A Real Threat
Tree damage, though, is so extensive that the EPA recently hosted a teleconference with departments of agriculture from several states to gather information about a possible link between Imprelis and the trees.DuPont began investigating the problem last...
El Segundo
Gardeners in the White House
He frequently traded seeds and plants with friends, which boasted 250 varieties of 70 species of vegetables in a 1,000-foot-long garden.was passionate about peas; he grew 22 varieties, and challenged his neighbors to a competition every spring to see...
El Segundo
Sweet Potatoes or Yams - Which is Which?
Sweet potatoes are usually held in storage to "cure" before being sold.Unfortunately, all too often, they appear on the table in the form of a casserole made from canned "candied yams," topped with marshmallows.Here are a couple of festive holiday recipes...
El Segundo
Pests On My Plants
I saw one white egg on a begonia leaf by accident, while taking a picture. I've also used soap on a wet sponge to clean every leaf of the yucky bugs. Females stay inside the scales for their lifecycle, while males only have a covering until they mature...
El Segundo
Poinsettia Pruning
Sometimes the fruits are already formed. After all, they are tropical plants, native to- the famous Flor de Noche Buena, meaning the Christmas Eve flower. However, since their flowers were opened and the nectar glands were full, it wouldn't have been...
El Segundo
Sustainable Wine
Look for the Sustainability in Practice label on your wine bottles. Today, there are nearly 50,000 cases of wine from more than 10,000 acres of vineyards that carry the Sustainability in Practice Certified seal confirming that that the wine was made with...
Obamas to Plant White House Vegetable Garden!
For the first time since Eleanor Roosevelt planted a Victory Garden at the White House in 1943, there will once again be a vegetable garden at the White House. (However, no beets as President Obama has a very public dislike of the humble root vegetable.In...
El Segundo
Which Oranges Are Seedless?
Like all oranges, navals are high in vitamin C.Nearly seedless, the Valencia orange is known for its juiciness and rich flavor. This seedless fruit has a rich, juicy, raspberry flavor and the perfect balance between sweetness and acidity.
Santa Monica
Which Flowers Mean Family?
Peonies symbolize a happy life and happy marriage as well as good health, compassion and prosperity. Pink carnations mean love of a woman or mother, red carnations mean love, pride and admiration, and a white carnation means innocence and pure love.Children...
Santa Monica
Plants Which Reproduce Through Leaves
Planted in moist soil with lots of light and humidity, the begonia plant will grow into an exact copy of its parent. Leaf cuttings of sansiveria produce plantlets that must be cut and transplanted into fresh soil for growth.Like the bryophyllum, the piggy...
Santa Monica
Which Pine Trees Are Poisonous?
Although the needles, as well as the bark and branch tips, are toxic to horses, goats and sheep, cattle are especially susceptible to potentially lethal reactions, including premature births and miscarriages.
Santa Monica
Which Begonias Tolerate Hot Sun?
Modern cultivars with green leaves can also grow in sun so long as they receive afternoon shade. For fertilizers with 10 percent nitrogen, apply 1/4 pound per 25 square feet. Wax begonias are compact, busy plants that reliably flower throughout the entire...
Santa Monica
Which Succulents Are Cold-Hardy?
Its evergreen rosettes meld blue, green, silver and pink.Unlike the invasive, warm-climate ice plant (Carpobrotus edulis), hardy in USDA zone 8 through 11, cold-hardy ice plants (Delosperma spp.) bring their silvery, succulent foliage and brilliant flowers...
Santa Monica
Warm Up Your Recipes With Espelette Peppers
To grow your own, Espelette seeds can be purchased from garden companies who guarantee the seeds are from one of these French Basque communes: Ainhoa, Cambo-les-Bains, Espelette, Halsou, Jatxou, itxassou, Larressore, Pee Saint-sur-Nivelle or Souraide...
El Segundo
Prunes or Dried Plums: By Any Name, A Healthy Treat
This unfermentable sugar encourages the formation of desirable intestinal microorganisms. Use chopped prunes as you would any other dried fruit, to sprinkle on hot cereal or add to pastries, cakes or breads.For a fun look at prunes as a candied treat,...
El Segundo
Which Fiddlehead Ferns Are Edible?
As they mature, the ferns become bitter and fully mature ostrich ferns -- unfurled -- should not be eaten. The stems of younger ferns can sometimes also be broken by hand.Harvest no more than two-thirds of the fiddleheads from a plant.Rinse fiddleheads...
Santa Monica
Which Animals Will Eat Tomato Plants?
Roof rats live in warmer areas of the country and often invade attics and sheds. Reduce their numbers by removing brush piles and excluding them from buildings.with a chicken wire fence 3 feet tall with an additional 6 inches buried in the ground.
Santa Monica
Which Islands in Hawaii Grow Coconuts?
The leeward side of the Big Island, where Kona is located, provides ideal conditions for coconut trees: regular rainfall, high humidity and warm temperatures.A little more than a mile from the town of Kaunakakai, at the southern portion of the island...
Santa Monica
Which Plants Make the Best Topiaries?
Shrubs with medium to dark green leaves look better as hedges and intricate shapes although you can use variegated and yellow-leaved varieties.Any plant, evergreen or deciduous, can be pruned into a pyramid, as long as it grows from a single, strong trunk.
Santa Monica
Which Soils Absorb the Most Water?
It drains well, retains moisture and is richer in nutrients than sand. It's easier to cultivate than clay. It's important for determining drainage capabilities of the soil in the landscape and for choosing the best plants for the garden.
Santa Monica
Milkweeds: which one\'s for your garden?
Monarch caterpillars need not go hungry though; established common milkweed often sends up new tender stems in late summer. It came become a real garden pest!There are a number of other species of Asclepias milkweed that you could explore.
El Segundo
Which Flowers Grow Well in Connecticut?
Try lavender and yucca in drier, sandier soil in coastal areas. Set bulbs with their widest end pointing down for best results.Fill baskets with impatiens in partial shade for cascades of easy-care blooms in red, white, pink and lavender.
Santa Monica
Which Flower Absorbs Food Coloring Faster?
When cut and placed in a vase, the hydrangea will live for several weeks, and when food coloring is added, the color of the flower will change fairly quickly. For the best coloring results, the vase should contain warm water and a few drops of food coloring.
Santa Monica
Which Lycium Is Best for Tucson?
They lose their leaves during the driest part of the year and decline to flower or fruit when water is scarce for extended periods. The leaves are not quite as fleshy and smooth as the berlandieri.
Santa Monica
Hot Cider and Wine
Or welcome guests to ladle it out themselves—it'll stay warm better that way. My preference is not to add sugar, but some brown sugar can be added and the wine warmed and stirred until dissolved.
Masterful Masterworts
If you are not familiar with these long-lasting perennials, then this article will provide you with an overview of this small but wonderful group of plants. Perhaps it is the reddish-pink shades that are currently the most popular.
El Segundo