This is the perfect jam to serve alongside cheeses, such as sheep or goat cheese. Experience an intense fig flavor in our delicious fig nectar preserve. Known as “Nettarina di Fichi” in Italian, this fig nectar preserve is made from the sweet figs...
Ingredients: Figs, sugar. Packaged in the same facility as peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, soy, and milk products.
Harvested by hand since ancient times, Turkish figs may become one of your favorite new delights! If you experience a problem with any of our products, customer service, shipping, or even if you just plain don't like what you bought, please let us know.
Ingredients: Turkish figs. *STORE UNOPENED AND OPENED BAGS UNDER REFRIGERATION UPON RECEIVING* Packaged in the same facility as peanuts, tree nuts, soy, and milk products.
Health Benefits of Organic California Figs Organic California figs are rich in dietary fiber; in a single serving, they provide 20 percent of the daily recommended value for fiber.
They also provide calcium, a nutrient that is vital to the structure and health of bones and teeth. Soluble fiber is known to help lower LDL “bad” cholesterol, stabilize blood sugar, and assist the body with nutrient absorption.
If you experience a problem with any of our products, customer service, shipping, or even if you just plain don't like what you bought, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right.
Mission figs are also high in iron, which helps the body form hemoglobin so that cells have enough oxygen to function. Chock-full of minerals like potassium, calcium, and iron, mission figs are a healthy treat all around.
By drying your figs, you'll vastly increase their shelf life and get to enjoy them through the entire year. Black Mission Fig Trees are in high demand. Your friends, family and neighbors will love the gift of the fig.
If you want to try just one, you can do so with the Osborne Prolific as it's self-fruitful, so you don't need a pollinator. The fruit is large with an attractive red-hued, brown skin and amber flesh.
Cold-hardy trees are especially well-suited for the Northwest's cool summers and short season; tolerating temperatures in the teens, and, once established, are hardy at 0°F—returning the next season, and yielding a fresh crop of nectarous fruits in...
A family heirloom, named after plantsman Steve Castorani's mother Letizia, whose parents brought the fig all the way from Italy. Enjoy the summer harvest of luscious flavor from the old home country.
Drought-tolerant, pest-resistant. After a single bite into a fig, we know well why figs figure so prominently in scriptures (e.g., Biblical proverb: “He who guards the fig tree will eat its fruit”) and myths.
Its fruit ripens on the tree, and its leaves are resistant to fungal infections that spread in areas of high summer humidity. Figs can be eaten fresh, dried for storage or made into jams and preserves, all of which are delicious with breakfast grains,...
As deer and birds are ardent fig-fanciers, protect your tree with netting when fruits are in evidence. The ‘Texas Everbearing' fig is a reigning star in Figland. For peak flavor experience, let figs ripen on trees.
The Chicago Hardy Fig is: * Self Fruiting * Low maintenance and hardy * Deer and Pest resistant There's nothing like the unique taste and textures of fresh figs! Eat the fruit right off the tree or surprise your guests with figs you've grown wrapped in...
The Black Jack Fig is a dwarf tree which maintains a natural height of 6 to 8 feet, which makes it perfect for containers or small garden spaces. It is a heavy producer with especially sweet, juicy fruit.
One bag contains about 50-60 pieces. Shelf life: bags – up to 1 year. Manufactured on shared equipment with peanuts, soybeans, tree nuts, milk, eggs, wheat and whey. Store in a cool, dry place.
Ripens in July. Great for preserves! Tree is a fast-grower and heavy producer, especially in the south. Large golden fruit with a ruby blush. Pulp is light red to pink. Delectable when eaten fresh, but also dries well.
“Closed eye” when ripe; helps resist splitting and souring. Fruit is delightful fresh, but also dries beautifully. Self-pollinating.The USDA hardiness zones offer a guide to varieties that will grow well in certain climates.
It was Thomas Jefferson—Founding Father, president, farmer, and horticulturalist—who introduced ‘White Marseilles', his favorite fig, to this still-grateful nation. Super-productive trees are well suited to the Northeast and Northwest.
Have a taste of ‘Italian Honey' and you will be utterly seduced. If you live in the Northwest, with its cool summers and growing season, ‘Italian Honey' is the fig for you. Growing to just 8 feet, this attractive and prolific cultivar is an enticing...
More delicious figs hanging from your tree with every harvest. In search of a medium-sized, fruit-bearing tree that can stand up to the elements? Order yours today! This fruit's rich flavor combined with its crunchy seeds and chewy texture makes the Celestial...
The deep green fig leaves are easy on the eyes all summer and the fruit is violet colored on the outside with rose-colored flesh inside. This is a ‘closed-eye' variety, which means the little eye on the bottom of the fruit stays tight resisting pests,...
You and your family will love the Violette de Bordeaux and this variety's endless possibilities. Pick sweet fresh figs twice a year. We take pride in delivering you the highest quality trees.
Mature Spread: 4 - 5 feet
Botanical Name: Ficus carica 'Violette de Bordeaux'
You can also easily grow one in a container on your front porch. Grow one in a sunny corner or as a background planting for a seasonal bed. Cold-Hardy Fig with Delicious Fruit Brown Turkey Fig is a cold-hardy variety of fig tree with a delectable harvest.
Full sun Up to 10-15 pounds per plant Overall Rating:. Bear in mind that figs are content with confined roots. Finished container size should be approximately 8-10 gallons. We've found it to be the best-suited variety for cool, maritime climates.
Grows well in containers! Heat-tolerant. Self-pollinating.The USDA hardiness zones offer a guide to varieties that will grow well in certain climates. Make sure that your hardiness zone lies within the zone compatability range of this variety before ordering.
Self-pollinating, so you don't need more than one in order to achieve a large harvest year after year. Later, your main harvest ripens in early fall and is considerably larger. Order here for quick delivery right to your door.