Yipee! On June 13th, I got a shipping notice and a tracking notice from my plug seller. This seller would ship in 8 weeks, since he was growing my plants from seed. It helps to know the market price, but factor in the convenience of shopping from your...
If the plant is not on this list, ask the garden center staff or email the. Once you know the longevity of the plant, you can plan your garden (and your finances) accordingly.Thanks to the following DG members for the use of their photos:Questions?
Its hard to plan your garden around a bloom. I'm not, by any means, suggesting that you only grow Earthkind roses. Roses have a reputation of being fussy and prone to disease. From here you can branch out to other roses that will also do well in your...
'Rockin' Robin' (1997, Carruth) is a jazzy addition, red, striped with white and pink.The English roses can be taken as a class by themselves and the outstanding name in this class is David Austin.
This one is very special to me because it was a gift from a DG friend who obviously knows what I love.Dating from 1797, 'Maiden's Blush' (1797, Kew) is an Alba that should reach about 5'.
With many thanks, the credits are listed with each photo. The vibrant color is what draws gardeners to this rose.And that's what all of the orange roses are about ... You can see by these photos that the same is true of all of these rosarian/photographers.'Candelabra'...
Years ago my mother took cuttings from a couple bushes on an old farm my uncle had purchased. You can see in the photo below that one of those roses was a fairly typical pink cabbage rose, the other a more unusual dusky type.Somebody told her that the...
A look at orange rosesFor more information about David Austin's English Roses, here is a link to the web siteFor more information about the English Legend RosesFor more information about Ralph Moore and the closing of the Sequoia Nursery, read my article
Hardy to zone 6b, it can grow to about 6' in height. Hardy to zone 6.'Shocking Blue' (1974, Kordes), floribunda, mauve) [l], floribunda. It blooms all season with large (30-35 petaled) blossoms on a 3'-4' bush.
Since the early days of history, rose hips, in one form or another were used as laxatives, astringents, diuretics, nuitrients and love potions. I think I've got some great little stocking stuffers for my mom and sisters! Store in a covered container in...
The amount of thorns the rose has may be a consideration, but the large roses need only minimal maintenance. Species and Near Species Roses are another category. Roses that Climb: How to Grow them and Enjoy Them.
While I am proud of this achievement, the story does not end here.I wanted to give a very special gift to a very special friend I met here at Dave's Garden. Occasionally, we would read through it but more often than not, it would end up in the recycling...
The hole must be as deep as half of the length of the cutting and 10 inches (25cm) large or a bit larger than the plastic bottle. I cover the cutting with the cut PET bottle, by pushing it gently into the ground, so I won't harm the leaves of my rose...
In 1937, Moore opened Sequoia Nursery in Visalia, California. The property itself has been sold and the proceeds used to endow the Ralph Moore Chair at the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at the University of California, Davis.'Hope...
I am giddy with anticipation and hopeful that the roses all make it through my Western New York winter. Last year for my birthday my gift was a rose garden, anything I wanted. On the 'sunset' side, from the reds it goes to russets, oranges, melons, peaches,...
When someone gets too close to this particular beauty, moving against it, it will dig into the skin. They make for some thorny security that doubles as a tasty treat. You do not want to plant bushes that you will have to spend serious money on, only to...
Every year when the new rose catalogs begin to hit my mailbox one of the first things that I look for is the AARS symbol. All-America Rose Selections is a designation given to roses that have passed a very rigorous evaluation.These evaluations are conducted...
Large stone slabs and wooden benches, garden chairs and trunk slumps are available for the visitors who want to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere and have a small rest before discovering more.George's daughter, Veronique, is the one who will guide you through...
Gifts from the heart, isn't that what this season is all about?Except for the thumbnail, the photos show the progressive growth of my Peggy Martin rose from August 20, 2009, when it first appeared in Kentucky from Arizona, through December 15, when it...
Valued for its resistance to diseases such as black spot and rust it is endangered as a wild plant. Roses are probably the most widely used flower for decorating dinnerware. One of the most popular patterns is Desert Rose created inby Frederick and Mary...
They also make the most wonderful smelling potpourri.One of the most important thing to know about rugosa roses is their, the leaves will turn yellow and fall off. Use puree for tarts, ice cream toppings or to eat as a sauce.Prepare the rose hips as described...
There are lots of songs and even band names with 'black rose' in them. Since I didn't have time to order the book, I moved on.So here is one opinion against the existance of the black rose.
They usually have at least four McCann roses available in their inventory, and I encourage anyone to try growing a McCann rose.The photos were supplied by Sean McCann and used with his kind permission.
Camera, memory cards, tripod, cat treats and change for the soda machine. You will find a friendly staff and perhaps a plant or two that goes beyond the typical varieties you find year in and year out at a big box store.
Always amend the soil if needed. During her career, she received four of the prestigious entertainment awards. Research is an important step in planning a rose garden. She won three Tony awards, two Oscars an Emmy and a Grammy.
When other roses are nearly overwhelmed with blackspot or Japanese beetles, ZD sustains relatively little damage. No matter how often or how inexpertly I prune it, it responds with loads of vigorous growth and dozens of beautiful blooms.If you love roses...
I have a children's story that begins: "Grandma doesn't like roses, they have thorns that prick her, a sweet smell that makes her sneeze, and their blossoms often harbor bees, maybe just one, scarlet red, out of the way by the back yard door..."