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Where are all the Butterflies? Butterfly Populations in the United States
Habitat destruction continues across North America, contributing to the demise of several host species. As a gardener of course, I thought that was fantastic. To participate in a butterfly count in your area, visitmentioned, "...I don't think GARDENERS...
El Segundo
Where the Flowers Grow
I held my breath, hoping he would go on by but I was the only car on the road. But you see, I have these gardening friends and they talked me into buying roses... I had plans and this was just the beginning.I got about a mile from home, no traffic around...
El Segundo
Garden Where You Can
The garden is always tidy and full of healthy-looking plants. I remember my shock at seeing Thomas Jefferson's vegetable garden in Virginia — 50 yards wide and 1,000 yards long. Maria tends an 8-foot-wide by 50-yard-long strip that is wedged between...
Where\'s Your Water Source?
Potential water savings: Up to 50 gallons per load 5. A simple DIY project can save a lot of water. Well more than half of the respondents immediately declined to even hazard a guess until prompted by researchers.
Where\'s the Houseplant Love?
Not sure why, but I've always kind of wondered. I have never been a houseplant person. I just don't do it. As a kid I loved going into her house and seeing the ferns, finger cactus, Christmas cactus, snake plant, African violets and other plants she always...
Where to Cut the Stem of an Orchid After the Flowers Are Gone
Where the stem or spike should be cut depends on the type, health and maturity of the orchid.Dendrobium orchids can produce five to 20 flowers per stem.The general rule of thumb when cutting spent flower stems or spikes from orchids is to cut them off...
Santa Monica
Where Is Dragon Fruit Grown?
This is a fruit that is often seen in health food stores and it originates from several different places.Dragon fruit has white flesh dotted with black seeds.Originally, the dragon fruit came from tropical America, including southern Mexico, Costa Rica...
Santa Monica
Where Agriculture and Environment Collide
“We tried to point out that the U.S. has been engaged in programs to reduce the impact of agriculture for decades now,” Zering says. In addition to helping growers produce more, land-grant research and education have produced environmental benefits,...
Where\'s Your Attitude Taking You?
As a livestock and range specialist, having held many leadership roles with the former National Wool Growers Association and the American Sheep Industry Association, Dr. McNeal is obviously very knowledgeable and gifted in his care of animals.
Chickens: Where It All Began
It was built in the late 1800s from American chestnut timber, before blight wiped that native tree out of the northeastern U.S. and was crafted in traditional gambrel style with a two-level hayloft.
Where Does The Food Go?
They are always so appreciative when I set up the bench. From this point on people were bringing in tomatoes, zucchini and much more. As time goes by I plan to share all my future bounties with my fellow brothers and sisters waiting in line for food.If...
El Segundo
Where Do Wild Huckleberries Grow?
They thrive in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 7 through 9. Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn is from Missouri, but the shrub whose name he bears is found in many different areas of the U.S. Varieties of huckleberry thrive around the...
Santa Monica
Where Do Bees Go In Winter?
This is a hard time for the bees, but it isn't the cold, it's the wind. We protect our bees from the wind with snow fencing and hive wrap. The colony lives on, of course, though many in their number will not see the coming of spring.
Where Does Plant Respiration Take Place?
They also absorb oxygen from their roots. Mitochondria are small bodies, or organelles, that are about the same size as bacteria. This can seriously interfere with the plants' ability to breathe.
Santa Monica
Made In America
The next time you think manufacturing is a thing of the past in this country, think again. Not only did they succeed and gain the recognition and confidence of a significant share of the market, they did it all in America.
Where do bees go in winter?
The colder the weather is outside, the more compact the cluster becomesHibernating honeybees have been studied and shown to consume up to 30 pounds of stored honey during the winter months, which helps the bees produce body heat.
El Segundo
Canola: Where Does it Come From?
In Europe, Great Britain and Asia, rapeseed oil for human consumption is called Low Erucic Acid Rapeseed, or LEAR. Rapeseed meal actually turns out to be helpful for lactating cows, an often misunderstood group.Is Canola oil the healthiest oil out there?
El Segundo
Spring: Chickens Are Coming, Veggies Are Growing
I should be able to start picking the lettuce in another week or so, the peas are up a few inches, the radish will be harvestable in about a week, and I'm busy deciding which tomatoes I'm going to plant (check future postings for more details about that).
What are annuals?
Seed grown annuals will take some weeks to catch up to their sixpack cousins but for the small cost of a seed packet you get a real bargain.Once annuals are in your garden and blooming, nothing much will stop them before their time.
El Segundo
Are Roses Perennials?
Roses need full sun, well-drained soil and good air circulation. For roses that bloom repeatedly, apply another light fertilization in the middle of July, but do not apply any more after mid-August as it may promote growth that will not survive the winter.Keeping...
Santa Monica
Are Gardenias Toxic?
This also applies to small children.A common houseplant gardenia variety, gardenia radicans floraplena is non-toxic to any living creature, including cats, dogs or small children, according to the University of Nebraska.
Santa Monica
Are Petunias Perennials?
All petunias, but especially white and purple ones, produce a pleasant fragrance.Although petunias are annuals, providing the best possible growing conditions allows petunias to produce more flowers for a longer period of time.
Santa Monica
Where Urban Meets Farm: Cooking Up Community
“It's not a program for the poor; community kitchens are for anyone interested in food, sustainability and good health,” she says. Photo courtesy of Fresh Choice Kitchens Community kitchens can work in small spaces by using some creative solutions.
What Are Sheaves?
There are similar words from other European languages that have influenced the word we use today, for example "schoof" in Dutch meaning sheaf, "schaub" in German meaning wisp of straw and the Old Norse word "skauf" meaning tail of a fox.Synonyms -- words...
Santa Monica
Where Does Glucose Come From in Plants?
Sunlight and carbon dioxide are readily available to plants. Plants take energy from the sun and through a process called photosynthesis, produce food. Light isn't necessary as it is for the light reaction, but the product of it is required.
Santa Monica
3 Scenarios Where Backyard Roosters Won\'t Work
If Polly and Bonnie are the flock's only hens, they are in danger of being overbred and abused an aggressive rooster, who can inflict physical harm, severe stress that can affect laying, and even death.
Are Succulents Perennials?
They like gravelly or sandy soil.Succulents do not like standing water, and fast-draining soils are essential in areas with periodic heavy rainfall.Planting them on a mound helps drainage issues.
Santa Monica