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Where are all the Butterflies? Butterfly Populations in the United States
And so a visit to the Dave's Garden Hummingbird and Butterfly forum was in order. In May and June however, temperatures were cold and rains were plenty. Although the data does not point to any concrete answers, several factors are certain.
El Segundo
Where the Flowers Grow
And now in mid February, WALMART HAD THEIR FIRST SHIPMENT OF ROSES!I had learned from my DG friends that I should buy bare root roses, and in my ignorance I had to turn to Google to see what that term meant.
El Segundo
Garden Where You Can
People garden where they can, not where they wish they could. Armies have been marching up and down this road since before Hannibal brought his elephants here, and everybody from Napoleon to the Holy Roman Emperors and the Normans to the Nazis have used...
Where\'s Your Water Source?
Well more than half of the respondents immediately declined to even hazard a guess until prompted by researchers. Potential water savings: Up to 30 gallons per shower 4. How do you save water on your urban farm?
Where\'s the Houseplant Love?
I could easily take a cutting from it to start my own, but I don't. Nana cared for those plants greatly, hauling them to the back porch every spring and carefully misting the ferns several times a week.
Where to Cut the Stem of an Orchid After the Flowers Are Gone
Use a good potting medium that breaks down very slowly to allow as much time as possible between repottings. Where the stem or spike should be cut depends on the type, health and maturity of the orchid.Dendrobium orchids can produce five to 20 flowers...
Santa Monica
Where Is Dragon Fruit Grown?
It tolerates temperatures that do not exceed 100 degrees Fahrenheit and requires some shade, as too much sunlight will kill the plant. Dragon fruit is also known as pitaya, and is a tropical plant that produces edible fruit.
Santa Monica
Where Agriculture and Environment Collide
As the world's middle class nearly triples in number, demand for meat, dairy products and eggs is expected to rise by as much as 100 percent by 2050. “I think we have a jewel here.”
Where\'s Your Attitude Taking You?
But he also has a wonderful gift for connecting with the human spirit. He was a military pilot for the U.S. Air Force. “My feeling was what you achieve in this life, has to start with one's attitude; and if you don't have an attitude of personal initiative,...
Chickens: Where It All Began
Our goal for raising poultry was self-sufficiency, and we thought dual-purpose SLWs would provide us with meat and eggs. But before I get ahead of myself, let's go back to where it all began: chickens.
Where Does The Food Go?
There are also boxes of cereal, bags of rice and pasta, cans of pasta sauces and occasionally a can of coffee or--better yet--boxed cake mixes and flavored gelatin mixes. I greet them all with a smile and a good morning and carry on with my daily routine.
El Segundo
Where Do Wild Huckleberries Grow?
Two varieties exist in the wild, with different native growth areas. The second variety, Gaylussacia frondosa var. According to the University of Idaho, this shrub has never been successfully cultivated.
Santa Monica
Where Do Bees Go In Winter?
I'm sure she continued on in a circle around the pond and then headed home before she got too cold. The constant hum that fills the air on a bee farm has fallen silent for a few months.
Where Does Plant Respiration Take Place?
Respiration, or breathing, is a function that plants and animals have in common. Fermentation is not as efficient at making energy as respiration is, but it does not require oxygen.
Santa Monica
Made In America
Lewendal suggested that if more of us asked for American-made, our country would be stronger for it. One of them was Robert Foster, a co-founder of Bad Boy Mowers. At a recent trade show , I spoke with several made-in-America business owners that exemplify...
Where do bees go in winter?
Heat energy is produced by the oxidation of the honey, and circulated throughout the hive by the wing-fanning of worker beesOn warmer days, bees will venture out for short flights to eliminate body waste.
El Segundo
Canola: Where Does it Come From?
I guess it's only we delicate North Americans who can't stomach an oil named "rape."The seeds are pressed to produce Canola oil (or canola oil; in 1982 canola became a non-licensed, non-capitalized word), which is then refined.
El Segundo
Spring: Chickens Are Coming, Veggies Are Growing
Our young ladies are coming from a farmer friend of mine who has a mixed flock of all kinds of funky varieties. I should be able to start picking the lettuce in another week or so, the peas are up a few inches, the radish will be harvestable in about...
What are annuals?
Starter annual "6-packs" are possibly the most widely sold live plant item. Most important for you is to cover the seed only as deep as specified, no deeper, and to keep the soil moist until tiny green sprouts emerge.
El Segundo
Are Roses Perennials?
Remove all dead wood or any canes that are thin, not growing well or weak, and deadhead any spent flowers at an outward-facing bud above a group of five or seven leaflets. After the water has drained, add more soil and repeat the mud process until reaching...
Santa Monica
Are Gardenias Toxic?
Found both indoors and outdoors, gardenias are known for their white flowers and fragrant smell. Although not all gardenias are poisonous, some varieties of gardenia are toxic to some living creatures.The beautiful gardenia may be toxic to living beings.According...
Santa Monica
Are Petunias Perennials?
The petunia -- with its long blooming period and low maintenance requirements -- remains one of the most popular flowering plants among gardeners, according to Clemson University Cooperative Extension.
Santa Monica
Where Urban Meets Farm: Cooking Up Community
Will it be a vegetarian kitchen? “While soup is simmering, people are getting to know one another. Currently, the movement has spread to Canada and the U.S. Pacific Northwest. “I love to cook, but it's a lot more enjoyable to cook in community,”...
What Are Sheaves?
The Bible often use the word "sheaves;" for example in Genesis: "We were binding sheaves of corn out in the field when suddenly my sheaf rose and stood upright, while your sheaves gathered round mine and bowed down to it" (Genesis 37:7).
Santa Monica
Where Does Glucose Come From in Plants?
Indeed, without plants, life would cease to exist. In the case of plants, chlorophyll absorbs a mixture of blue and red waves. In a typical ecosystem, plants are the producers. The light energy bring about a chemical reaction between water and carbon...
Santa Monica
3 Scenarios Where Backyard Roosters Won\'t Work
If you're comfortable eating your rooster, you can learn to process him yourself or you can have him processed for you. If you don't have temporary housing for the rooster, you could take turns free-ranging the hens when the rooster is confined to the...
Are Succulents Perennials?
Hardiness is measured by U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones based on average winter low temperatures. In comparison, they watered their vegetable and flower gardens twice weekly for six months.Sedums, ice plants, sempervivums, agaves...
Santa Monica