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When To Plant Summer Bulbs

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When Do Stargazer Lilies Bloom & How Long Do They Stay in Bloom?
Where the last freezes of winter occur in May, Stargazers bloom in late July and August. The Stargazer lily is known for its electric-pink to crimson, rose-spotted flowers. Deadheading spent blooms helps strengthen the lily's bulb.Greenhouse growers plant...
Santa Monica
The Best Time to Transplant Tiger Lilies
Additionally, you can remove the same number of scales from newly purchased tiger lily bulbs before planting them. The best time to transplant tiger lilies depends on whether you are working with bulbs, bulbils, scales or seedlings.Tiger lilies are a...
Santa Monica
Asiatic Lily Facts
Asiatic lilies are grown from a bulb and are hardy from zone 4 to 9. Asiatic lilies make beautiful cut flowers and will draw butterflies to your garden. In the spring, after all danger of frost is past, you can remove most of the mulch.
Santa Monica
How to Dry Alliums
Leaving some air space between the bunches. Group the stems into small bunches and fasten them together snugly near the cut end of the stem with a rubber band.Unfold a paperclip and hook one end under the rubber band and the other end hook over the drying...
Santa Monica
How to Keep Gladiolus From Falling Over
Because they are planted more tightly than usual, the stems will support one another as they grow.Water and fertilize your gladiolus regularly according to your bulb's directions. As one of the tallest flowering bulbs in the gardening world, gladiolus...
Santa Monica
How to Care for Tropicanna Canna
Only plant rhizomes in spring after the threat of frost has passed.As individual flowers die throughout the summer, remove the flower-bearing stems under the spent flowers. If you're using a 10-10-10 fertilizer, use 1 pound for each 100 square feet.
Santa Monica
When Do Gladiolus Flowers Bloom?
Because glads mature in a season, you can plant corms in spring and enjoy flowers by mid-summer, when a series of trumpet-shaped florets opens along the stem. Glads make spectacular vase arrangements with or without other cut flowers.Keep flowers upright...
Santa Monica
How to Extend the Ranunculus Blooming Season
The flower heads have densely layered, overlapping and concentric petals that are each tissue thin and slightly curved much like a camellia.Water carefully and lightly to prevent root and stem rot.
Santa Monica
Summer Bulbs for Southern Gardens: Crinums. Zones 7 through 11.
Like their cousins amaryllis, crinums are also within the Amaryllidaceae family. Suggest that the dispersal could have been made in large part by crinum seeds traveling on ocean waves.
El Segundo
How Soon After Irises Stop Blooming Can the Greenery Be Cut Back?
Plant these pieces in your garden for widespread blossoming come spring and summer.Unlike the foliage, flower stalks need immediate removal after they start fading. These perennials commonly blossom in the spring and summer with colors ranging from orange...
Santa Monica
When to Plant Gladiolus Bulbs?
Be sure not to plant at the end of the summer, as the gladiolus will not be able to fully bloom before a hard freeze in the fall. The flowers need to receive a minimum of 1 inch of water a week and a water-based fertilizer must be watered into the soil...
Santa Monica
How to Plant a Naked Lady
These members of the Amaryllis family have similar needs. If you plant them too deeply, they may rot. Suitable for U. Refill the hole with soil and then water it well to remove air pockets.
Santa Monica
How to Care for a Sun Star Flower
Resume when the new leaves emerge in fall or winter.As each flower cluster fades, cut it off at the base of the stem.Sun star's leaves continue photosynthesizing food for the bulb to store over the winter.
Santa Monica
How to Plant Ranunculus Plants
For other sizes, space each hole between 4 to 6 inches apart.Plant one ranunculus tuber with the claw side down into each planting hole. Also called Persian buttercup, ranunculus produce cup-shaped flowers with delicate petals that resemble crepe paper.
Santa Monica
How to Identify Bulb Plants
Lilies do not have this outer covering, but the bulb has fleshy scales, which are actually leaves.Cut in half, lengthwise. The term "bulb" generally applies to the underground organ of a plant that stores energy and allows the plant to survive during...
Santa Monica
How Fast Do Lilies Multiply?
How often gardeners lift bulbs depends on the rate of creation and growth of bulblets that form around the base of the tunicate bulb. The lovely lily is a tough customer, too. Most lilies have energy left over to create new bulbs from which new lily plants...
Santa Monica
Blushing Beauties - Pink varieties of Zantedeschia aethiopica
Flushing a luminous rosy pink, a host of elegant floral goblets soar on robust stems above mounds of glossy arrow-head leaves. See them with the morning sun shining through their waxy spathes and they glow in translucent perfection, while a peek inside...
El Segundo
How to Care for a Gladiolus After It Blooms
Use clean, sharp shears to remove the stems.Water the plants weekly after blooming. Dig the corms up after cutting back the foliage.Spread the corms out in a dry, warm location indoors.
Santa Monica
Summer Bulbs for Southern Gardens: Lycoris, \'Surprise Lilies\'
It was first imported to the US in 1948 and named in 1957by Dr. Traub in honor of bulb collector Cecil Houdyshel. Department of Horticultural Science, NC State University. PlantFiles, August 5, 2007.
El Segundo
How to Care for a Ornithogalum Dubium Plant
Mix 1/2 teaspoons of balanced fertilizer -- look for 10-10-10, 14-14-14 or 20-20-20 -- in 1 quart of water and then pour it over the soil around the base. Cut off the dead leaves at the base where they emerge from the soil after they've turned brown and...
Santa Monica
Crocosmia, a short review
Hi, my name is Mark Fox and I hold the NCCPG National Collection of Crocosmia in the UK. All of the species grown in the UK come from 'summer rainfall areas' of South and Southern Africa, and the varieties offered have been bred from these, and it is...
El Segundo
Gladiolus: Summer\'s Magnificent Showcase
The only missing color is a true blue, but recently, bulb catalogs are boasting hybrid Gladiolus in near-blue. If you've found thrip damage on your plants, you can either discard them and start with new ones, or try one of the following non-chemical controls...
El Segundo
How to Kill Flower Bulbs
Their colorful early blooms herald winter's end. Use a cardboard backdrop to shield any nearby plants. Their relatively shallow roots often sit less than 6 inches deep. Ridding your lawn and garden of unwanted flower bulbs may take time -- depending on...
Santa Monica
How to Care for Spider Lilies
Once the leaves disappear, your garden's left with noticeable bare spots. A 2-inch layer of organic mulch such as ground bark retains soil moisture, and it also protects spider lilies growing in USDA zones 6 through 8 from freeze damage.Spider lilies...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Elephant Ears in Water
Elephant ears are heavy feeders that also need an excessive amount of water. Use the amount recommended by the manufacturer.Remove the plant from its pot eight weeks after you started the tubers.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Ranunculus in Containers
Use a balanced, 20-20-20 water-soluble formula, diluted at a rate of 1/2 teaspoon per gallon at planting and then at half-strength later on, but check your product label for further directions.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Gladiolus Bulbs Indoors
Gardeners usually grow gladiolus as a summer flowering bulb in the garden. Space bulb 2 to 4 inches apart in the pot. Add water until the excess moisture drains from the bottom of the pot.Place the pot in a warm window that receives at least eight hours...
Santa Monica