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When To Plant Fritillaria Bulbs

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Royalty in the Garden : The Crown Imperial
Crown Imperials come with two disclaimers. Interestingly, the the $4.00 bulb (when purchasing 5 bulbs) is offered bysource. Even deer will avoid them. It seems to do best in our roadside flower beds, where it is literally a traffic stopper.
El Segundo
The \'Ole Home Place
After all, it seems as if no one cares about it, nor, have they in many years. With no outside hindrances, the family was able to concentrate only on each other.Concentrated close to the house are remnants of flower beds along the sagging front porch.
El Segundo
How Long Do Stargazer Lilies Take to Sprout?
Remove the anthers, which contain the pollen, and the flowers will live longer in a vase. Plant the bulbs immediately and at least 8 inches apart. Stargazers are one of the most expensive flowers that florists sell, according to the Iowa State University...
Santa Monica
Why Do My Paperwhites Stink?
The distinctive odor, which some find unpleasant, is due to a biochemical called indole.Paperwhite narcissus can be fragrant or malodorous, depending on your nose.The scent of indole has been characterized as "musky," though some say its concentrated...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Bulbs in a Glass Vase
For one bulb, make the container at least 4 inches in diameter. It looks like an hour glass with a top section sliced off. It doesn't take much to make this happen, just a vase with a water, a few pebbles; and a little know how.
Santa Monica
What to Do With Drooping Tulips
Remove any leaves that will be below water level, so they don't foul up the water. You can trim the stems of tulips already drooping in a vase, for a quick pick-me-up. There's a method to their madness: Tulips continue to grow after being cut, reaching...
Santa Monica
How to Plant Windflower Bulbs
Choose a site that gets filtered sunlight for ideal windflower growing.Soak your windflower bulbs, or tubers, in warm water overnight to prep them for planting the next day. They grow in clumps of flowers that look like small daisies, and are useful in...
Santa Monica
Do Daffodil Bulbs Multiply?
New bulbs will naturally sprout from the bottom and sides of the main bulb.Divide bulbs in the late spring or early fall, if they seem crowded, or if they stop blooming. These sunny flowers propagate themselves two ways, and they'll even tell you when...
Santa Monica
Is Agapanthus the Same Family As Allium?
Although both belong to the order Amaryllidaceae, agapanthus is a member of the African lily family, or Agapanthoideae, while allium species belong to the widespread onion family, or Allioideae.Garden alliums have neat, spherical flower clusters.Both...
Santa Monica
Cures for Mold on Dahlia Leaves
Wear protective eyewear, gloves, pants and a long-sleeved shirt while handling the fungicide, and be careful not to inhale the mist. For example, when using 29.6 percent chlorothalonil, mix 2 teaspoons in 1 gallon of water in a garden sprayer, and coat...
Santa Monica
How to Care for Paperwhites After Blooming
Unfortunately, water-forced paperwhite bulbs use all of their energy producing the flowers and will not rebloom. Cut it off when you are ready to plant the bulb.Dig into the soil in the planting area, to a depth of 6 inches.
Santa Monica
When and How to Separate and Transplant Lilies?
After you are finished planting, water the area. Use your fingers to untangle the roots.Hold the lily bulb and identify the smaller offset growing out from the side. They will be connected at the base.
Santa Monica
How to Take Care of Tulips After Blooming
Letting species tulips go to seed increases your stock as new bulbs eventually grow from the seeds. Tulip bulbs flower from early to late spring in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors.
Santa Monica
Are Freesia Bulbs Annuals or Perennials?
This flowering bulb invades favorable landscapes and continues in the wild as a perennial flower. Store the bulbs in a dry area at 35 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit.Freesia bulbs act like annuals if not over-wintered indoors in cold climates.
Santa Monica
Butter Daisy, a Low Maintenance Annual
The tallest is ‘Medallion', reaching 24 to 36 inches tall.Plant butter daisy en masse in flower beds and borders, or group them with other colorful annuals and perennials. The smaller cultivars are great in containers and will brighten any spot.
El Segundo
Growing Biennial Vegetables for Flowers and Seeds
A generous layer of mulch helps protect celery and other fibrous-rooted biennial vegetables How to Overwinter Biennial Vegetables There are several ways to help biennial vegetables make it through winter so they can come into their blooming glory in spring.
Win the War on Weeds!
Sink ‘Em! Another option is to submerge perennial weed roots in a bucket of water for at least a month until they turn into sloppy goo, which can then be poured over your compost.
Free Mulch! How to Make It and Where to Get More
About once a month, take off your mower's grass bag or insert your mulching attachment and leave the clippings on the grass. Raking leaves can be welcome warm work on a chilly autumn day.
How to Create a Vegetable Garden on a Slope
Then use a measuring tape to estimate the site's rise (elevation gain) and run (distance from front to back). Drainage is never an issue, though I've noticed that some soil moves downhill along with rainwater.
5 Tips for Late Summer Planting Beds
Get Ready for Planting Garlic Finally, it's never too soon to get ready to plant garlic, which deserves loose, deeply dug soil that has been generously amended with compost. Worth going for, don't you think?
How to Ripen Fruit Faster
How to Ripen Peppers Peppers – both sweet/bell and chili – can be exceptionally prodigious once they get into their stride. The bag will trap any ethylene gas produced by the fruit, encouraging it to ripen to perfection.
Keep Plum Trees Healthy and Productive With Summer Pruning
Make sure to choose upward-pointing shoots to counteract this. In autumn and winter, spores of Chondrostereum purpureum may infect trees through wounds, so it's important to avoid pruning at this time.
How to Dry Chili Peppers
How to Make a Chili Pepper Ristra A ristra is simply an arrangement of drying chili peppers. Earlier in the year I shared some top tips for growing super-spicy peppers . Even thorough scrubbing fails to remove all traces of chilli pepper's spicy capsaicin;...
Help Your Garden Survive a Summer Drought
You can use taller crops to shade shorter ones, but in scorching weather drastic action may be needed. Two watering cans are better than one! Don't Blast Your Plants A strong spray from a hose can knock plants about or blast potting soil out of containers.
Grow Potatoes for a Christmas Crop
Cover them over then once the stems reach about 20cm (8in) tall, begin earthing up by drawing the soil up around the stems to create ridges. Whether or not you choose to leave potatoes in the ground depends on how cold early winter is in your part of...
Growing Fruit: Why Thinning Creates a Better Harvest
Apples generally produce clusters of between two to six fruits. Now remove the smallest fruits and any that are awkwardly positioned. Many tree fruits, including apples and pears, naturally thin their fruits in early summer during the so-called June drop...
5 Organic Controls for Greenhouse Whitefly
They have a triangular shape, like tiny, anaemic cheese wedges. Then, when the eggs hatch, the young Encarsia feed on the larvae from the inside out. Whiteflies are great at making more of themselves.