Some companion plants for daffodils are discussed in thisIn old Southern gardens the daffodils were over-planted with daylilies such as Kwanso daylilies, ((photo center, below) to hide the ripening foliage.
Bulb plants, like tulips (Tulipa spp.) and daffodils (Narcissus spp.), are single parents in the bigger sense of the word: They reproduce without romance or pollen exchange. The pollen from a flower must travel from the anther to the stigma to fertilize...
In the fall, let the foliage of your lily die naturally. Brush away the excess dirt. Asiatic lilies can be planted in the spring or the fall. Your Asiatic lily needs water when the top 2 inches of soil is dry.Asiatic lilies should be planted 8 to 12 inches...
Leave the Alliums undisturbed for three to six weeks to dry completely. Alliums are a genus of perennial plants with more than a thousand species and varietals. Included are the most commonly known onions, leeks, chives, shallots and garlic.
Everything a healthy bulb needs for its first season is stored up inside. Avoid disappointment by choosing warm-climate varieties that don't require winter chilling, or plant pre-chilled daffodil bulbs each year.The depth of daffodil planting holes depends...
Buy bulbs in fall for midwinter blooms. Tulips forced indoors exhaust their energy providing wintry springtime blooms. Refrigerate your bulbs in a paper bag -- away from bulb-destroying, ethylene-producing fruits -- at 33 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit.
Although the foliage appears unsightly, it is slowly gathering energy to be stored for next season's flowering. Your irises can be slowly pruned of their yellowed foliage to create a neater garden appearance.
Gladiolus flowers are perennials that stand tall and beautiful. After purchasing your bulbs, plant at the peak time so your flowers will grow and thrive.Plant your gladiolus bulbs as soon as the ground is soft enough to work with.
Cut the bloom and the stem clear to the ground, but don't remove any of the foliage while it's still green. Don't add mulch to the iris bed as that will keep moisture at the roots and cause rot.
American Meadows suggests that planting should coincide with the first frosts in the area.Texas covers U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 6 to 9, so tulip planting times will vary throughout the state.
You just need to keep the soil damp, as they like to be in moist soil. If you are so inclined, it's good to know that this showy flower is edible. They are often found in the Chinese dish moo shu pork.
They need a site with excellent drainage and at least six hours of daily sun. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 9 and 7 through 10, respectively, naked ladies live for decades.
Planting bulbs in the fall for spring blooms is extremely popular among gardeners. All true bulbs have rings, which start from the bottom and circle outward and then back to the center.
New plants rise from seeds the following spring if conditions are right, but plants may have to grow for two or three years before bulbs form and become large enough to support blooms.
This South African bulb, perennial in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 7a through 10b, reaching just 12 to 15 inches high. As summer progresses, they gradually turn yellow and die back.
In frost-free climates, plant ranunculus tubers in the fall, from October through November. Mix the organic matter down into the 8- to 10-inch layer of soil. In other climates, plant ranunculus about two to three weeks after the last spring frost is anticipated.Locate...
Store the corms in a paper bag in a dry location where temperatures are 35 to 45 degree Fahrenheit until spring planting. Dry the corms for three weeks.Break the bottom off the corm along the seam and discard the bottom portion, saving only the new top...
Apply several inches of organic mulch such as shredded leaves or bark over the planting sites. Flowering bulbs come in thousands of varieties, and optimal planting times are dictated by their specific needs to properly break dormancy and set bloom.
So, I plant clumps of 3 or 7 bulbs rather than 2 or 8.daffodil bulbs in the hole and filled it halfway with soil, you'll have a hole of the perfect depth for planting smaller bulbs around and between them.
If your region gets rain through the summer, either transplant the bulbs into pots and keep them dry through the summer, or grow the bulbs in pots year-round and transfer into a dry spot in summer.
In fall, winter and spring, rain or snow is usually enough to maintain the actively growing plants. Masking them with summer-blooming plants isn't advisable, because watering could damage the dormant bulbs.
Cover the top 1/2 inch of the soil surface with pea gravel to keep the soil in the pot. Lay it out somewhere to dry for two or three days. Empty the saucer of water so the tender new roots are not sitting in stagnant water.Move the plant to a room with...
For flowers in late summer, start pots indoors in spring, a few weeks before your last expected frost in cold areas. Plant tubers with pointed ends -- or fingers -- downward in any commercial potting soil, setting each about 2 inches deep.
Leave the corms in the ground as long as possible, as the green foliage absorbs sunlight, which provides energy and food to produce next year's blooms. Without the foliage, flower production will be weakened.
They're tender perennials, hardy only in the warmest parts of the United States. Avoid using sand or moss as these materials hold moisture and encourage premature sprouting.Keep the roots in a cool, dark location such as a crawlspace or basement.
He holds the copyright, and pictures may not be reproduced without permission. My husband was recently lucky enough to stumble across some growing in the wild at Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky, and took these pictures for me.
You have trees and shrubs, you have annuals and perennials, and what else can you add to your garden to give it that little bit of color? They are not always dependable bloomers in zones 8 and 9 so they might have to be planted year in and year out but...