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My Rose Article
I got cuttings of local native roses. Although there have been some others that individual bushes have died, that one unnamed rose is the only one that is gone. The bushes came across the Atlantic and then travelled through the early colonies until they...
El Segundo
A Special Rose From My Mom
I want to share this miracle with you. I miss her funny way of dressing and the way she wore curlers and bobby pins in her hair.I miss her cooking, as much as we could stand of it.I miss her yelling at me to get up in the mornings.There's not much left...
El Segundo
Rose Rosette, Killer With A Double-Edged Sword
Here in my town, they surround the City Hall, banks, most churches, schools and even gas stations and convenience stores. It seems that the widespread use of the popular Knockout roses may have helped it to gain a foothold in our gardens.
El Segundo
Wild Roses: The Native Roses and Naturalized Roses of North America
(HMF) Prairie rose, grows on dry hills and prairies. Also, accurate taxonomies are important because otherwise 'ordinary language' descriptions such as 'prairie rose', 'woods rose', 'California rose', etc.
El Segundo
Soapy Water for Treating Rose Bushes
Hard water is not effective with insecticidal soaps, which must be used with soft or distilled water. Soaps used to kill rose pests are called insecticidal soaps, and they are a nontoxic, biodegradable alternative to chemical pesticides, which often do...
Santa Monica
When & How Much Should You Prune Knock Out Roses in Georgia?
One of the only tasks needed to keep Knock Out Roses looking great year after year is an annual pruning.Pruning Knockout Roses in Georgia is a late winter task.Prune Knock Out Roses in late February, recommends the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension...
Santa Monica
How to Get Rid of Bugs on Roses, the Green Way
Of soap into a spray bottle filled with water.Spray mixture directly on the plants with and without the bugs. Read on for the safest way to kill rose bugs without the pesticides in the air around your home.Put 1 tsp.
Santa Monica
How to Clone Roses
Try again in a few days.Close the bag after three hours if the cutting is unaffected. An ideal cutting is 5 inches long with five groups of leaves (leaflets) and a spent (past bloom) flower.Wrap the cutting with moist paper towel and place it in a sealed...
Santa Monica
Are Roses Monocots or Dicots?
Most dicots are compatible with one another in the wild, often growing near each other. These vascular bundles are like the arteries of the plant, carrying nutrients throughout. Monocots grow up, rather than out.
Santa Monica
Noisettes: An American Rose with a French Name
The history of the different classes of rose is very interesting to me. She explained to me that the color which we think of as being a shade of pink, was once considered to be red., which is a seedling of 'Champney's Pink Cluster', and a fine rose in...
El Segundo
How to Keep White Roses From Turning Brown
The classic flower for the wedding bouquet is the white rose. Taking special care when handling your roses can delay the process, allowing you to enjoy the flowers longer.Don't touch the blossom petals, to avoid bruising and browning the flower.Keep the...
Santa Monica
How Tall Can a Rose Bush Grow?
Climbing roses include ramblers, climbing hybrid tea roses and trailing roses. These varieties grow between 2 and 6 feet tall. In fertile soils, rose bushes grow quickly and vigorously.
Santa Monica
Have no fear, Earthkind roses are here
In the dead of winter when those pretty catalogs start pouring in, you begin dreaming of a rose garden. I'm not, by any means, suggesting that you only grow Earthkind roses. Through the trials, they have come up with a group of roses that will thrive...
El Segundo
Painting the Roses Red
There are so many different types of roses and red ones can be found in almost all. I settled on 'Dublin Bay' (1975, McGredy). Be sure that it will do well in your particular climate.
El Segundo
Roses ~ In the Pink
"Floofy" is a technicalmeaning a large, fluffy, many-petaled rose. 'Pink Peace' is listed as hardy to zone 5, while 'Chicago Peace' will only tough it out to zone 6.Who wouldn't buy a rose of a type called Romantica?(1985, Meilland) is a typical Romantica...
El Segundo
Orange You Lovely? Orange You Beautiful? A look at orange roses
I am a convert now! and I mean big time!! There was a thread. Let's have a look at some of the favorite orange roses discussed by our members.Several of our regular members on the Rose Forum are, fortunately, big fans of orange roses and also fantastic...
El Segundo
Rose Rustling: Rounding Up Old Roses
Often their names have gotten lost somewhere along the way. Years ago my mother took cuttings from a couple bushes on an old farm my uncle had purchased. No, we rose rustlers don't make a practice of stealing other people's roses, as if they were so many...
El Segundo
The Yellow Rose of... Wheatfield
The rose I intentionally bought arrived dead and was not available, so I was offered a refund or a substitute. Orange You Beautiful? Actually, it is barely a climber at a height of 6' 7", but that is perfect for the location and to be grown on a pillar...
El Segundo
Purple Roses Majesty
Dawn comes calling in all shades of pinks, roses, mauves, lavenders and purples. The only thing I find shocking is that I see no 'blue' in this rose at all. I will share with you here some of our purple roses.'Angel Face' (1969, Swim & Weeks)[l], floribunda.
El Segundo
Harvesting and Using Rose Hips for Tea
(almost no flavor) It tasted a lot like fresh rose petals. During WWII wild rose hips were gathered by the people of England and Scandinavia and made into syrup to replace the Vitamin C rich citrus fruits that were unavailable because of the sea blockades.I...
El Segundo
Excessive Roses
Disguised as a cat, he was my companion outside when I worked with the roses. These tend to make up for the fact that they do not repeat by being stunning when they are in bloom.I adore roses that smell good and I have very few that do not have a delicious...
El Segundo
Are Roses Acid Loving Plants?
You can also mix agricultural lime or wood ash into the soil around your roses. They also suffer from zinc, manganese, iron and aluminum toxicity and show reduced flowering.Roses grow best in slightly acid soil, with a pH of 6.5 to 6.8. This allows for...
Santa Monica
How to Kill Rose Slugs
Search the tops and undersides of leaves for the small slugs, picking off the pests you find and dropping them into a pail of soapy water. Three species commonly appear on rose plants: the rose slug (Endelomyia aethiops), the curled rose slug sawfly (Allantus...
Santa Monica
Why Are There Flies on My Roses?
Water roses when the soil feels dry to the touch, until the soil becomes saturated. However, providing your rose with the right care and treating the flies can reduce any problems.The rose midge is a destructive fly that can greatly harm rose plants.
Santa Monica
How Are Roses Pollinated?
Many other types of birds come to feed on seeds when fruit develops after pollination, and seeds are dispersed in their droppings.Air currents are another important pollinator for roses.
Santa Monica
Skyscape Roses
It grew out the top of the tree and cascaded again to the ground--like a giant floral fountain at the edge of an overgrown wooded pasture.'American Pillar' was the first rose I'd seen climbing a tree.
El Segundo
Love Across the Miles
I thank you for reading and wish you the best of whatever this season brings to you.You can read the original Peggy Martin Rose story by Dr. WelchYou can view the Wikipedia article about the hurricane
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