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When To Plant Caladium Bulbs

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Tips For Growing Fancy Leaf Caladiums
But before you decide to grow fancy leaf caladiums, there are a few things you should know about them and their care.originated in Peru and around the Amazon Basin in Brazil. If the soil is too cool, the bulbs tend to rot.
Caladium Plant Care: How To Plant Caladiums
Applyingaround caladium plants will help to conserve and maintain moisture, even in containers.Since caladiums are considered tender perennials, they must be dug up in the fall and stored indoors over winter in cold climates.
Caladium Plant Problems – Caladium Plant Pests And Disease
Colder or hotter temperatures will create stunted growth in the plants.Caladiums like sunlight, but not suddenly. They are shaped likeand can get up to 18 inches long. Usually these diseases are caused by fungal pathogens, such as Rhizoctonia and Pythium...
Winter Care For Caladiums – Learn About Caladium Care In Winter
(10 C.) in a dry place. (15 C.), dig up your caladium bulb with the foliage still attached. Don't try to remove any of the dirt from the roots yet. Store them at 50 F. Limit watering to once monthly (to prevent it from drying out completely in soil) and...
Planting Caladiums – When To Plant Caladium Bulbs
If you live in zones 8 or less, you will need to spend some time around the time of first frost digging caladiums up and store them for the winter.Planting caladiums at the right time will ensure that you have healthy and lush caladium plants all summer...
Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Caladiums
There's no dead-heading or pruning so busy gardeners can keep a lovely show by watering. They do not benefit from applications of Miracle-Gro, as the high nitrogen content of that fertilizer tends to promote green leaves and the colors won't be as bright.
El Segundo
Let Your Garden Tell You When to Plant
Are you listening? When that first spell of warm weather with above-freezing temperatures at night comes along in spring, it's sometimes difficult to resist the temptation to get everything into the ground: plants, seeds, bulbs, rhizomes, and corms.Every...
El Segundo
Caladuims: Colorful Accents for Shady Areas
Many of us have a shady area that needs a splash of color and very few flowering plants thrive in reduced sunlight. He hosts destination weddings and the brides just adore the lush beds full of the tropical foliage.
El Segundo
Caladium hybridizing - Making your own unique plant creation
You should have your planting containers ready to receive the seeds. If possible, use dark colored paper towels to squeeze the berries on, plus a magnifying glass and tweezers to pick out the seeds with.
El Segundo
Thai Caladiums - Will they rock the Caladium world?
Before you plunk down your cash, however, let me tell you my experience with these entrancing beauties . This particular characteristic is amazingly unlike the Caladiums we all know and love.
El Segundo
Growing Caladiums: A Bright Spot Of Color For Shady Areas
While no deaths have been reported from ingesting Caladiums, be alert for small children playing near them. Pests avoid them, and they are quite simple to maintain.Many mail-order sources are available to purchase Caladium tubers, and most big box stores...
El Segundo
The \'Ole Home Place
Of course, different zones will have their own unique plant life.Take your camera with you when you go to collect plants. Before you grab your shovel out of the trunk of your car, there are other ways to have pieces of these flowers in your yard.Once...
El Segundo
What Are Dormant Tubers?
Your comments are welcome, but please be aware that authors of previously published articles may not be able to respond to your questions.)Tubers fall into two groups: root tubers and stem tubers.
El Segundo
How Long Do Stargazer Lilies Take to Sprout?
If you buy frozen bulbs, thaw them before planting.Several factors determine when the bulbs will sprout, such as the density of surrounding bulbs, amount of sunlight, temperatures and planting time.
Santa Monica
Why Do My Paperwhites Stink?
The distinctive odor, which some find unpleasant, is due to a biochemical called indole.Paperwhite narcissus can be fragrant or malodorous, depending on your nose.The scent of indole has been characterized as "musky," though some say its concentrated...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Bulbs in a Glass Vase
But fall follows summer, year after year, and then comes winter. It's during these darker months when the garden has little to offer that a happy bloom would be extremely welcome. On the other hand, the bulbs need soil after flowering to refill the coffers...
Santa Monica
What to Do With Drooping Tulips
Hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 8, tulips (Tulipa spp.) are dignified in the garden, standing straight and tall while proudly showing off their distinctive blooms.
Santa Monica
How to Plant Windflower Bulbs
You should end with a 50/50 mix of garden soil and potting soil.Dig holes 3 inches deep for your windflower bulbs. Place bulbs into holes and cover them with soil.Water the site well and maintain consistent weekly waterings to keep the soil moist but...
Santa Monica
Do Daffodil Bulbs Multiply?
Mature bulbs should be planted 6 inches deep and watered thoroughly until the wet weather begins. New bulbs will naturally sprout from the bottom and sides of the main bulb.Divide bulbs in the late spring or early fall, if they seem crowded, or if they...
Santa Monica
Is Agapanthus the Same Family As Allium?
Agapanthus plants are not cold-hardy, unlike allium, and take damage when temperatures drop below 28 degrees Fahrenheit. Allium and agapanthus flowers tower over garden beds or make eye-catching accents in sunny gardens.
Santa Monica
Cures for Mold on Dahlia Leaves
Tend to the dahlia plants when they're dry because it helps prevent fungal spores from spreading. Knowing the type of fungus the dahlia is infected with is the first step in curing it.
Santa Monica
How to Care for Paperwhites After Blooming
Add bulb-starter fertilizer to the bottom of the hole, at the rate suggested on the label, and cover it with 2 inches of soil.Drop the paperwhite bulb into the hole and cover it with soil.Water the planting area until the top 8 inches of soil is moist.Water...
Santa Monica
When and How to Separate and Transplant Lilies?
Dig holes for each bulb two to three times deeper than the height of the bulb. Gently break the smaller bulb from the larger bulb. Lily (Lilium) bulbs multiply continuously, hidden under the soil.
Santa Monica
How to Take Care of Tulips After Blooming
Leaving the foliage and stems to ripen, turn brown and shrivel up feeds the bulbs for next year's tulip flowers.Plant hybrid tulips 5 inches or more away from perennials such as yarrow, sedum spectabile or day lilies.
Santa Monica
Are Freesia Bulbs Annuals or Perennials?
If the bulbs freeze in the ground during the winter, then the bulbs rot after the ground thaws out. This flowering bulb invades favorable landscapes and continues in the wild as a perennial flower.
Santa Monica
Butter Daisy, a Low Maintenance Annual
Florida's heat and humidity bothered them not in the least. Smiles lit their faces when they realized the flowers were still there – still growing strong, and still beautiful.Winter came, and with it the death of the melampodiums.
El Segundo
Growing Biennial Vegetables for Flowers and Seeds
Only a small mass of roots is required to keep the plants alive, but it's important to keep garden soil packed around the primary roots as the plants are dug and moved to buckets. Once winter gets going, I like to add a low row cover tunnel to provide...