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When To Plant Bedding Plants

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The Best Time of Day to Plant Seeds
Morning planting also will delay exposure to rodents.Seeds and plants grow in spurts at night, not during the day. Morning planting offers a seed more of what it needs to germinate and fewer dangers.Seeds need warmth to germinate--temperatures between...
Santa Monica
The Most Common Ocean Plants
These plants help to protect the underwater land masses from erosion and help absorb wave and current impacts.Closer to shore, seaweeds such as kelp grow in abundance and can surround shorelines with lush leaves reaching from the sea bed up to the air.
Santa Monica
What Kind of Plants Do I Plant Underneath Pine Trees?
If it looks sparse, intersperse the shrubs with containers filled with shade-loving flowers.Test the soil under the garden. Pine needles increase the acidity of the soil and extreme acidity damages some plants.
Santa Monica
How Long Does it Take for Cucumber Seeds to Germinate?
Cucumber seeds can germinate at soil temperatures that are at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit, but this is not an ideal temperature, and there is a greater likelihood that the seeds will not germinate.
Santa Monica
Plants & Animals That Live in Rivers & Streams
Rivers and streams are fresh water and hold up to 3 percent of the Earth's fresh water. Crustaceans such as crayfish, shrimp, some types of lobster and certain crab species live in streams and rivers.
Santa Monica
Strawberry Leaves Are Turning Yellow
If the pattern of yellowing on the plants is distinctive — for instance, yellowing occurs near the top of the plant first — then it's likely your strawberry plants need additional nutrients.
Santa Monica
How to Deadhead a Canna
Deadheading -- removing spent flowers and seed capsules -- faithfully throughout the blooming season helps to prolong blooming, and it may increase the number and quality of flowers.Canna flower colors are orange, yellow, pink, red and white.Deadheading...
Santa Monica
How Long Does it Take to Grow Wheatgrass?
The grass will regrow and be ready for a second harvest in one to two weeks if you don't cut into the crown or uproot it. Wash the jar thoroughly with soap and water, and rinse well, to minimize the chance of mold growth or later damping-off problems.
Santa Monica
The Effects of Caffeine on Plants
On the other hand, he warns that using coffee beans will have a detrimental effect.Three authors, Helene Boucher, Antoinetta Gensale and Pauline Lau, in the Fall 2001 issue of Dr. Jes Online, conducted an elaborate study to determine the effects of crushed-up...
Santa Monica
Why Won\'t My Gladiolus Bloom?
Next, set the corms in a location where winter temperatures are between 35 and 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Follow the manufacturer's directions for the type of fertilizer you choose to use.
Santa Monica
The Difference Between Flowers & Weeds
Dandelions are also difficult to eradicate because of their airborne seeds and long tap roots that will regrow if broken off in the soil. Similar to garden plants, weeds can produce colorful flowers and attract beneficial insects, like bees and butterflies,...
Santa Monica
What Should I Do If My Blue Hydrangea Has Turned Green?
They prefer warm, moist climates and are low-maintenance plants. Next, ensure that your hydrangea plants are getting adequate nutrition. Nantucket Hydrangea recommends using a fertilizer low in phosphorus because it can inhibit the uptake of aluminum,...
Santa Monica
How to Grow a Guava Tree From Seed
Guava trees are ideal for the home landscape as they offer continuous fruit production and are tolerant of a range of soil conditions. This tropical fruit is recognized by its yellow or green rind and sweet, juicy, pink-colored flesh, which is used to...
Santa Monica
Common Characteristics in Horsetail Plants
Horsetails are vascular plants that reproduce by spores, not seeds, and by spreading underground stems called rhizomes. This silica has been extracted for use in diuretic medicines.
Santa Monica
How to Make Potash Fertilizer
The next time you burn wood in your fireplace or fire pit, save the cooled ashes to use as a natural potassium fertilizer for your landscape. Spread wood ashes at the rate of 1/2 pound per shrub or bush once a year during the spring, prior to planting.
Santa Monica
How to Remove Dead Blooms From a Dianthus
Cut the flowers off 1/4-inch above the nearest set of healthy leaves. Using garden shears cut the foliage back by up to 5 inches to retain strong shape in the bush, however, for showy evergreen foliage year round, shear no more than 3 inches.
Santa Monica
Plants that Benefit from Pine Needle Mulch
If your yard is covered with pine needles from several mature pine trees, use the needles as mulch rather than bagging and discarding them. According to the Ohio State University Extension publication, "Mulching Landscape Plants," pine needle mulch increases...
Santa Monica
Does Lavender Die in the Winter?
Transplant them into larger pots and once a good root system has developed, plant them in the garden.Lavender blooms each year on new plant growth so pruning should occur early spring, before the stems begin to sprout.
Santa Monica
How to Plant Citronella
In colder climates, plant citronellas in pots so you can move them indoors for winter.If you wish to plant mosquito plants in the ground, find a site for them in light, sandy and slightly acidic soil -- with a pH close to 6.5. Choose a spot that gets...
Santa Monica
Wave Petunia vs. Supertunia
The four additional Wave series and more than 50 Wave cultivars introduced since then have been tough acts to follow, but they met their match with the 2006 arrival of Proven Winner's Supertunia "Vista Bubblegum" (Petunia "Ustuni6001" Supertunia Vista...
Santa Monica
How Long Does Watermelon Take to Grow & What Month Do You Plant?
Stagger plantings in the long growing season of the southern zones to enjoy watermelon for a longer period.Early ripening watermelons grow well in areas with a short warm season or as a second crop in areas with a longer season.
Santa Monica
Medicinal Plants for Kids
For most kids getting sick and enduring minor injuries is as much a part of childhood as toys and summer vacation. While pharmacy shelves are stocked with pills and creams to cure various ailments, it's also possible to treat some small matters with medicinal...
Santa Monica
Plants That Keep Spider Mites Away
Dill produces a pungent aroma and repels spider mites when grown as a protective hedge around other plants. Garlic is a good neighbor in the garden, growing well alongside most other plants.
Santa Monica
Can You Cut Bamboo & Have It Reroot?
These materials are wrapped and physically bound to bamboo nodes using coconut fiber. Place cuttings in a sandy, starting medium. Use this culm to prepare several cuttings 2 to 3 nodes in length, leaving about 4 inches on each side.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Hibiscus for Tea at Home
To make your own hibiscus tea from scratch, you will first need to grow the flowers. A calyx or outer bunch of leaves protecting the bud of the flower will look bright and shiny when ready.
Santa Monica
Zinnias, Old and New
With a few more in the bag, all your friends can be treated to a generous package of seeds for their gardens. The best cutting time is in the early morning before flowers have had a chance to loose moisture and while they are fully hydrated.
El Segundo
When to Plant Potatoes in Colorado
Do not plant potatoes in the same location each year, and do not plant them where other nightshade family plants were grown the previous season. While not all of the more than 5,000 varieties preserved in Peru are available in Colorado, hundreds of varieties,...
Santa Monica