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When To Harvest Elephant Garlic

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Elephant Ear Plant Disease In Gardens: How To Treat Sick Elephant Ears
Seedlings are the ones that most often get the disease. Many signs that it isn't feeling well will be showing on the leaves. The leaves are prone to several diseases which mar this ornamental appeal.
Tips For Storing Elephant Ear Bulbs
If you find rot, discard the damaged elephant ear bulb so that the rot does not spread to the other bulbs.: Please be aware that elephant ear bulbs and leaves contain calcium oxalate, or oxalic acid, which may cause skin irritation and burning in sensitive...
Tips For Growing Elephant Ear Plants
These plants come in a variety of colors and sizes. In fact, these plants are commonly grown for their large, tropical-looking foliage, which is reminiscent of elephant ears. Keep reading to learn more about how to take care of an elephant ear plant.There...
Elephant Ear Plant Types: Learn About Common Elephant Ear Plants
Watch for, whose feeding activities can damage the beautiful foliage. Bring the smaller forms, such as most Alocasia, indoors in winter to grow until temperatures warm. Are one of those plants whose foliage receives double takes and oohs and aahs.
Elephant Garlic Care: How To Grow Elephant Garlic Plants
Dig down a foot into the soil and amend with a 1.5 gallon bucket of sand, granite dust, humus/around the plants with chopped leaves and/or sawdust to keep weeds at bay and also to nourish as the amendments decompose or break down.Elephant garlic prefers...
Hardneck Garlic for Northern Climates
We'll look at a few of the hardnecks here, and some taste notes you might consider in growing one variety over another. 129(4): 559-569. 2004Photo Credits: Many Thanks to Hood River Garlic Farm,Garlic for planting should be pre-ordered now (or before...
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Alocasia watsoniana - A Giant Jewel!
However, not all Jewel Alocasias are so diminutive! Read on to learn about this Giant of the Jewels . Most of the Alocasia species that I consider to be "jewels" are small growers suitable for a windowsill or small conservatory.
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Dividing Elephant Ears: How And When To Divide Elephant Ears
Use a sharp knife or your shovel and bisect the section away from the parent. Elephant ear division isn't necessary, but it helps rejuvenate old plants that may be performing poorly.Elephant ears are not frost tolerant and should be dug up in zones lower...
Elephant Ear With Brown Edges: Why Do Elephant Ear Plants Get Brown On Edge
It is often due to improper siting but might also have cultural or disease causes. They need to have plenty of water and any plant that is allowed to dry out will shoe displeasure with dry, crinkling leaf edges.Leaf browning on elephant ears also occurs...
Growing Colocasia Inside: How To Grow Elephant Ears Indoors
In the chillier northern areas, elephant ear is treated as an annual wherein thethrough the winter and then replanted in the spring.The plant itself reaches heights of between 3 and 5 feet tall and for this reason is usually grown as an outdoor specimen;...
Growing Taro For Food: How To Grow And Harvest Taro Root
The whole process takes about 200 days from planting corms to harvest.To harvest the corms (tubers), lift them gently from the soil with a garden fork just before the first frost in the fall.
Uses Of Dasheen Plants: Learn About Growing Dasheen Taro Plants
Taro plants fall into two main camps. They can be roasted, fried, boiled, and sliced, mashed or grated.The mature leaves can be eaten as well, but they need to be cooked in a specific manner to remove the oxalic acid they contain.
Alocasia robusta - the Giant that will bring you to your knees!
Well, not exactly. Alas, I then found that a nice Robusta is like gourmet food to red spider mites, and that just a little cool weather can flatten out an otherwise healthy Robusta.
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Softneck Garlic for Southern Climates
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When To Harvest Garlic
Really, the only thing left to do is eat your garden garlic harvest. If you try to pull it out, you will only break the leaves off.Freshly dug garlic bulbs will bruise easily and it is easy to accidentally slice a bulb open while digging if you aren't...
My start with Alocasia hybrids - Alocasia x portora
So I conceived the idea of trying to produce new and exotic plants via hybridization. Likewise, traveling to distant lands to discover new and exotic plants that I could trade with was not financially feasible either.
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The Big Ears - Spotlight on the Alocasia macrorrhizos group
Most EE fanciers are familiar with at least one of these, and may have one or more in their collections or gardens. This is, perhaps, the most diverse group of "Big Ears". Alocasia 'Borneo Giant', a notable member of the group, is among the largest of...
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The Big Ears - Introduction to the large terrestrial Alocasias
The sarawakensis group is relatively new to the horticultural scene so few species or cultivars are yet available.By and large, the one characteristic the "Big Ears" have in common is the size of their leaves, or "ears".
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Storing Garlic Bulbs: How To Save Garlic For Next Year
Storage above 65 degrees F. Egyptian slaves are purported to have consumed the bulb to give them strength to build the great pyramids.Garlic is one of 700 species in the Allium or onion family, of which there are three specific types of garlic: softneck...
Garlic Bugs In Gardens: Information About Garlic Plant Pests
These microscopic worm-like pests eat all parts of the stems, leaves and bulbs. The hatchlings are tiny, off-white larvae that then tunnel inside the leaves, leaving visible damage.
How To Grow Garlic In Warmer Climates
Is a bulb and because it is a bulb, most garlic varieties need to have a certain amount of cold weather to form the tasty bulbs we like to eat. Remember, just like flower bulbs, the pointy end of the clove goes up.
Storing Garlic: Tips On How To Store Garlic From The Garden
Do not store on the counter, as mold will develop.If you want to keep some of your harvest for planting next season, just harvest as usual and store in a cool, dark, well-ventilated spot.Now that you know how to store fresh picked garlic from the garden,...
Garlic As Pest Control: Tips For Controlling Pests With Garlic
It doesn't seem to bother some of them, but to others, garlic is as repelling as it is to a vampire. Controlling garden pests with garlic is a low cost, non-toxic control and can be done quite simply.
Fertilization Of Garlic: Tips On Feeding Garlic Plants
Is a long season crop, 180-210 days to maturation, depending upon the variety. Fertilizing your garlic can occur either byor broadcasting fertilizer over the entire bed. Water the garlic deeply every eight to 10 days if spring is dry but taper off in...
Garlic Plant Bulbils: Tips For Growing Garlic From Bulbils
The question is can you, the home gardener, grow garlic from bulbils?First off, you may be wondering what a “bulbil” is.are tiny, undivided bulbs produced in the scape of hardneck garlic.
Can You Plant Garlic Near Tomatoes: Tips For Planting Garlic With Tomatoes
Pour this brew into a spray bottle for use as an insecticide, provided you are one of the many of us who love the smell of garlic. It seems that while most of us love the pungent flavor and aroma of garlic, the insect world finds it less irresistible.
The Big Ears - Spotlight on Colocasia and Xanthosoma
Here I'll showcase Colocasia and Xanthosoma and help dispel some of the confusion generated by naming plants from three completely different genera as "elephant ears". So you should not assume that the specimen you obtained in a swap is one of the edible...
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