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When To Harvest Cantaloupe

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The Right Time To Pick A Cantaloupe – How And When To Pick Cantaloupe
There may also be a crack near the point of attachment and the stem will become brown.Once your cantaloupe is ready to be harvested from the vine, it helps to know how to pick it. And once they're picked, they won't continue to ripen.
How to Grow Cantaloupe
In areas that have a short growing season, transplants are grown to get an early start and can add two to four weeks to the area's growing season. Harvest the cantaloupes as soon as they slip from the vine to avoid spoilage.
Santa Monica
Melons prefer soil that is consistently moist and temperatures that are hot. Mulching with black plastic keeps the ground warm and moist, especially helpful in northern climates. Choose a variety best suited to your climate.
How to grow: Cantaloupe (Growing Guide)
Our Garden Planner can produce a personalized calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area. Often grown in widely spaced enriched hills, or in well-aged compost heaps that include some soil.
When To Harvest Rhubarb And How To Harvest Rhubarb
Significantly slow or stop your rhubarb harvest in late June or early July so that your rhubarb plant can build up energy stores to make it through the winter. This will ensure the plant is sufficiently established.Harvesting rhubarb isn't difficult either.
How to Harvest Potatoes
In fact, sometimes the yield is too good—we've had years when we can't eat them all before the eyes start sprouting! Throughout the season, I've managed to harvest about 75 pounds of both mature and new potatoes.
How to Harvest Chamomile
With so many great uses for this bright, sunny flower, it's well worth the time and effort to grow and harvest. When my children went through this phase, I soaked a washcloth in chamomile tea and froze it.
Butternut Harvesting: How To Harvest Butternut Trees
Discard any nuts that float to the surface. If you are lucky enough to have one of these gorgeous white walnut trees, you may be wondering when and how to harvest butternut trees? They are also susceptible to fungal infections.The incidence for fungal...
Harvesting Sunflower Seeds – Tips To Harvest Sunflowers
3 to 4 inches works well. When seeds are fully ripened and just beginning to loosen from the head, cut the stem about one inch below the head. Dry your seeds completely prior to storing them.
When To Harvest Garlic
Once the leaves get to be one-half to two-thirds brown, you should harvest the garlic regardless of size. In warmer climates, you can expect to be harvesting garlic as early as spring, though onlycertain garlic varieties will perform well in warm climatesfreestar.queue.push(function()...
How To Harvest Cilantro
Either way, you'll need to harvest the cilantro at least once a week to help stave off. Harvesting cilantro is an excellent way to have fresh herbs for your Mexican and Asian dishes as well as keeping your cilantro plants usable a little longer.
How to Harvest Honey
Step 3: Uncap the Honey Luc Viatour / Once inside, uncap the wax-sealed honeycomb using an uncapping knife, fork or scratcher on both sides of the frame. Some flowers can actually infuse the honey with toxic qualities.
How To Harvest Lemongrass
Cut the leaves down to about 1 inch above the base of the stalk, and place it in a dish or glass of fresh water—roots do not need to be attached. Non-chemical fertilizers that are high in nitrogen include composted chicken manure, blood meal and feather...
How to Harvest Sage
Hang the sage bundle upside down in a dark, warm, dry and airy place. Wash well to remove any traces of dirt and blot dry with a paper towel. Bunch together and tie with a string. The vinegar helps to cut fattiness and also has a tenderizing effect on...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Tomatoes, Watermelons & Cantaloupe Together
Plant only one row of each variety of melon to minimize space usage. Warm-season plants like tomatoes and melons thrive together with the same temperature, sun, nutrition and water needs, but they require generous spacing for growth.
Santa Monica
Parsnip Harvesting – How And When To Harvest Parsnips
Parsnips should be kept weed free and swallowtail-butterflyshould be handpicked off. Water parsnip plants thoroughly, once a week, during periods of dry weather.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });To get...
Harvesting Feverfew Herbs: How To Harvest Feverfew Plants
Harvesting feverfew herbs when in full bloom will produce a higher yield than an earlier harvest. The harvesting of feverfew herb seeds and leaves by these early societies was thought to cure everything from inflammation, migraines, insect bites, bronchial...
Mushroom Harvesting: How To Harvest Mushrooms At Home
You are looking for the cap of the largest mushroom in the group to go from turning down at the edges to turning up or flattening out at the edges.are grown on logs and that is how they are sold as kits.
How to Grow Melons (Honeydew, Cantaloupe and Muskmelon)
Gardeners in areas with rainy summers need only irrigate melons if less than 1 inch of rain falls per week, while gardeners in areas where summer rain is rare must provide an inch of water weekly.
Santa Monica
When to Harvest Crab Apples
In the spring they explode with fragrant blooms that cover the trees for up to two weeks. Crabapple trees (Malus spp.) create a showy display throughout much of the year. Most crabapples are not as sweet as apples but instead have a tart, tangy flavor...
Santa Monica
3 Ways To Harvest Honey
Use of a centrifugal extractor leaves the cells of the comb intact because you need only remove the pure wax cap that indicates finished honey. “The widespread view that if the combs were used over and over through the use of the honey extractor, then...
How to Harvest Juniper Berries
Make certain you correctly identify the juniper you plan to harvest.Juniper berries are blue-black when ripe and ready to harvest.Identify the plant you plan to harvest. The most famous of these is Juniperus communis, native to parts of Asia, Europe and...
Santa Monica
3 Ways To Harvest Honey
Quality Guarantee: For the consumer, eating cut comb is a guarantee that the honey is pure, raw and unadulterated, as it has typically gone straight from the hive to the jar. The Cut-Comb Method Cut-comb harvesting is popular for its curb-appeal with...
How to Harvest Pine Nuts
Put the unopened cones in burlap bags.To harvest the seeds from unopened cones, place the burlap bags containing the cones in the sun for several days, turning the bags daily. Grow your own pines, or find stands of appropriate pine species on privately...
Santa Monica
How To Harvest Dried Beans
Once I remove the dried pods from the plants, I let them spread them out and let them sit in a single layer for another week or two, until the pods are crispy. A third favorite is a gorgeous black and white bean called Yin Yang.
How to Harvest Phlox Seeds
Choose blooms from healthy phlox plants.Leave the phlox alone until the petals drop off and the seed pod located behind the petals shrivels and turns brown. Don't leave the seed pods too long, as the pod can break and expel the seeds on the ground.Snip...
Santa Monica
How to Harvest Wheatgrass Seeds
Repeat until all the sheaves have dropped their seeds.Winnow the seeds outside on a warm, breezy day. The plant is sprouted in shallow containers and the young, succulent leaves are harvested and consumed before the plant fully matures.
Santa Monica