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When Is Spring

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Baseball season isHere's a Black Swallowtail butterfly! (Yep, they're here!)photos copyright melody (dandelion), frostweed (bluebonnets), Emma Louise Killoran (crocus), crimsontsavo (butterfly) and growin (rosebush).*Butch Cassidy was probably the most...
El Segundo
Spring Freeze! How Will It Affect My Spring-flowering Bulbs?
At the same time, I feel a certainly motherly anguish: will nature play a nasty trick on me and send a late freeze or a freak blizzard? The first factor to consider is what kind of spring-flowering bulbs you have.
El Segundo
It\'s Time ...
And so, it's time. Time to force forsythia and other spring blooming shrubs and bushes. We're in the home stretch for the coming of spring. I would even look at some ofIt's time to prune or take down hardwood trees as Paul Rodman explained inI've finally...
El Segundo
Mud Season is the fifth season of the year in the Northeast part of the United States
More than one person has sued for the right to have their roadunpaved. In New York, New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont, hiking or even walking on muddy trails during Mud Season damage can devastate the fragile ecosystem in place in the sub-artic or alpine...
El Segundo
Bringing Caladiums Out of Winter Storage
Generally speaking, if you live in an area where the soil temperature at 3 or 4 inches below the surface falls below 60°F in the winter, the tubers should be dug. When spring approaches, she begins to water the pots of caladium tubers.
El Segundo
When to Spray Apple Trees for Worms
Apple worms start as eggs laid on the fruit by their moth parents. Gauge your specific spray start date by counting 21 days after your apple tree is in full bloom. Establish an ongoing spraying regimen in keeping with the manufacturer's directions on...
Santa Monica
Candelabra Primroses
All produce rosettes of upright leaves from which rises stiffly upright flower stems 30-60 cm tall. Biological control is available via predatory nematodes.In THE GENUS PRIMULA by Josef Halda, he lists 25 species as belonging to this section.
El Segundo
Types of Dogwood Trees
Flowering dogwoods tend to have a height and spread of 15 to 20 feet.Kousa dogwoods (Cornus kousa) are not quite as common as flowering dogwoods, and not quite as showy, either. Today, there are close to 50 varieties, of various shapes and colors, from...
Santa Monica
Bloodroot: A Welcome Sign of Spring
Werner, Jr.; 1988National Park Service: Shenandoah National Park - Bloodroot Most of the plant's growth occurs before theforest trees develop their canopy and shade the ground. The plant's dark seeds contain an elaiosome, a fleshy structure rich in oils...
El Segundo
Wildflower Walks: Enjoying the Fleeting Beauty of Native Spring Flowers
The more closely you look, the more you'll see.Not sure where to start? We felt especially lucky whenever we came upon one of the less common red trilliums, which she calls "Wake Robins." Trout lilies seem to like similar locations, and I was delighted...
El Segundo
Think Monet!
My husband was building a wheelchair path from one side of the yard to the other. Monet found that by dabbing little small brush-strokes of un-mixed, straight color, he could more accurately capture the sense of light and color he found in the real world.
El Segundo
Lilac, What a Temptation!
He grabbed our friend, while we all ran out of the garden. My friends and I were excited that the day had come and we would have a lilac branch in our hands, together with other flowers we could "take." Our parents didn't need to know - it would be a...
El Segundo
Stellar Starflower
When I went out on the first day of spring to peek under the flat, the bulbs were just beginning to send up little onion-like shoots.In the south that foliage often emerges in the fall, but it would take a brave bulb to attempt such a head start in Pennsylvania.Starflowers...
El Segundo
Weeks and Weeks and Weeks of Tulips!
"Tulips only bloom for a week," was the constant comment, followed by the logical question, "What will you do when the tulips are gone?" Each contradictory response strengthened my resolve.
El Segundo
How to Fertilize an Indian Hawthorn
The tree flowers in the spring, so it should be fed with a complete fertilizer, such as a product with a nitrogen-phosphorous-potassium blend of 16-4-8, 12-6-6 or 12-4-8. Keep the fertilizer grains at least 6 inches away from the trunk to prevent over-fertilizing...
Santa Monica
What Is Rescue Remedy?
The finished product is poured into individual bottles or further processed into pastilles.Bach Rescue Remedy's web site states that Rescue Remedy is safe for use by all people. Bach's Rescue Remedy's convenient size easily fits in your pocket, handbag...
Santa Monica
How to Identify Different Types of Oak Trees in North Carolina
Lobes may be deep or shallow. You can distinguish oaks from other trees by the leaf buds that form in clusters at the end of twigs and their acorns. Nigra) feels smooth on the undersides of the leaves, while the blackjack oak (Q.
Santa Monica
Pretty Yellow Bows Adorn a Child\'s Easter
I didn't mind too much, though, because my family had gathered our eggs from the laying hens, and we had more at home. Many years ago you did something wonderful for a child, the memory of which has lasted a lifetime.
El Segundo
Primroses: Diversity is Their Key to Popularity - Part 2 : Primrose Selections
In part 1 of the article entitled: Primroses: Diversity is Their Key to Popularity, I described the main cultural requirements of primroses and how they may be used in the garden.In this article I will describe in more detail the main groups of primroses...
El Segundo
Forsythia and False Forsythia: A look at the authentic forsythia and its imitator
Bushes signal spring before many other plants in the landscape awaken. Bright yellow flowers burst open along bare stems from late winter to early spring. Forsythia are beautiful mounds of yellow in early spring but they have an imitator quietly invading...
El Segundo
Seed Starting: Basic Tips for Success
This results in strong roots and prevents excess vegetative or leaf growth before the plant is established.These basic tips should result in a bumper crop of home grown vegetables and fruits.
El Segundo
About Two Crocuses, Dutch and Tommie
You probably know the Dutch crocus but there are other crocus species worth growing.. Crocuses are carefree and dirt cheap when you consider the years of beauty they give. A bit of bulb fertilizer gives a boost, but is strictly optional for these tough...
El Segundo
How to Tell When Oranges Are Ready to Be Picked
One medium orange contains over 100 percent of the daily recommended serving of Vitamin C. Vitamin C supports the immune system and aids in metabolism. Avoid oranges that feel spongy or contain soft spots.Smell the orange.
Santa Monica
How to Trim an Overgrown Camellia Bush
Prune away all leggy, crowded, crossing, rubbing, dead or damaged growth from the camellia to keep it from becoming overgrown and unhealthy again. Prune your camellia to rejuvenate it in late spring or after the shrub is finished flowering.
Santa Monica
Allergy to Hyacinths
When this oil comes in contact with the skin, it can cause a condition known as "hyacinth itch."According to, hyacinth itch can cause a rash, violent itching, inflammation and blisters on the skin.
Santa Monica
When to Prune a River Birch Tree
Do not begin trimming if the birch trees have started growing leaves. Never prune more than 20 percent of the river birch tree branches.Locate the collar on each branch of your river birch trees before pruning.
Santa Monica
Are Bradford Pear Trees Poisonous to Humans?
Bradford pears are quick-growing deciduous trees that reach approximately 50 feet high when mature. When poisoning does occur, it may manifest as a mild fever, stomach upset and dizziness.The Sierra Club gave the Bradford pear the moniker of "Frankentree"...
Santa Monica