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When Do You Plant Caladium Bulbs

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Tips For Growing Fancy Leaf Caladiums
Place the tuber bumpy side up and cover with about two inches of soil.Be patient, as it will take three to six weeks for leaves to emerge. Water thoroughly when the soil is dry to the touch.Fancy leaf caladiums are perfect for those heavily shaded areas...
Caladium Plant Care: How To Plant Caladiums
Store the tubers in a cool, dry location. Caladiums can be grown in containers or clumped together within beds and borders. For the most part, each tuber has a large bud, which is often surrounded by smaller ones.
Caladium Plant Problems – Caladium Plant Pests And Disease
Take care with irrigation and fertilization and you'll be preventing caladium problems.Caladium plants are not typically troubled by insects, but sometimes caladium plant pests nibble their leaves or cell sap.Your best defense against caladium plant pests...
Winter Care For Caladiums – Learn About Caladium Care In Winter
Because of this, it is used to hot temperatures and needs special treatment during winter in cooler climates. This process will cure the bulbs and cause them to go dormant.After a few weeks, cut the tops off level with the soil line.
Planting Caladiums – When To Plant Caladium Bulbs
Either way, you are now left with the very important question of “when to plant caladium bulbs?”One of the most important things you can do for properis to plant at the right time.
Let Your Garden Tell You When to Plant
Warm-season vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, squash and melons can suffer greatly, if air temperatures drop below 50 degrees, unless you've protected the transplants with cloches or some other plant-protection device.A special word of caution...
El Segundo
Caladuims: Colorful Accents for Shady Areas
Fertilizer high in nitrogen (the first number on a fertilizer package) will result in leaves with more green than color, so remember to limit that element.If you live in an area with cold winters, lift your caladium tubers after they have been knocked...
El Segundo
Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Caladiums
Plant a number of tubers in each pot to make for a fuller show. Caladiums are sold in several grades, and the #1 Jumbos give the biggest show, but I've also used the smaller ones sold in those cheap big box store bags with great results; it just takes...
El Segundo
Caladium hybridizing - Making your own unique plant creation
Each year at this time of year, we begin seeing Caladiums show up for Spring planting. I recommend using the clear plastic containers you sometimes get take-out food in, but make sure you punch holes in the bottoms for drainage and use a fine grade of...
El Segundo
Thai Caladiums - Will they rock the Caladium world?
As a hybridizer myself, I'd love to know what parent(s) the Thai breeders used to come up with this plant and others like it. This particular characteristic is amazingly unlike the Caladiums we all know and love.
El Segundo
Growing Caladiums: A Bright Spot Of Color For Shady Areas
From formal plantings, to fun containers, Caladiums can add a splash of color anywhere. The problem resolves itself without further treatment in most cases. They are heavy consumers of potash and phosphorus, and applications of a 5-10-10 fertilizer every...
El Segundo
When Do You Plant Tulip Bulbs in Texas?
Although many gardeners store their tulip bulbs, it's better to purchase them in the fall and get them directly into the ground.Gardeners should plant tulips when the weather cools and leaves start to drop from trees.
Santa Monica
The \'Ole Home Place
Behind the house, just off the back doorsteps, a weed entangled herb garden can barely be made out. Of course, different zones will have their own unique plant life.Take your camera with you when you go to collect plants.
El Segundo
What Are Dormant Tubers?
Eye's are pink or white dots or bumps on the top portion of the tuber (as opposed to the bottom where you'll see roots).Give the prepared tubers a little longer to dry completely. Some growers use the ventilated plastic bags that are found in grocery...
El Segundo
How Long Do Stargazer Lilies Take to Sprout?
The blossoms are red with a white border. Stargazers are one of the most expensive flowers that florists sell, according to the Iowa State University Extension.Stargazer lilies add a pleasant fragrance to your home.Stargazer lilies grow in a variety of...
Santa Monica
Why Do My Paperwhites Stink?
The distinctive odor, which some find unpleasant, is due to a biochemical called indole.Paperwhite narcissus can be fragrant or malodorous, depending on your nose.The scent of indole has been characterized as "musky," though some say its concentrated...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Bulbs in a Glass Vase
If you have a bigger container, you can add two or more bulbs, spacing them by wedging pebbles between them.Some bulbs, like tulips and hyacinths, need a period of time in a dark, cool areas before forcing.
Santa Monica
Do You Deadhead Blazing Star Plants?
Water your blazing star plant immediately after fertilizing to dilute the fertilizer application and prevent the plant's roots from burning.Pruning your blazing star plant at the end of its growing season helps to simulate more vigorous growth the following...
Santa Monica
What to Do With Drooping Tulips
They'll stand upright in a tall, narrow vase, but can also be placed in floral foam for added support in shorter, wider containers. Choose other spring flowers for a cheerful display, and highlight their colors with deep green foliage.
Santa Monica
How to Plant Windflower Bulbs
This softens the husk and gets the roots wet for planting.Mix the top 5 inches of your site with a rich potting soil to provide the bulbs with good drainage and nutrition. Windflowers bloom in large riots of a variety of colors.
Santa Monica
Do Daffodil Bulbs Multiply?
Store bulbs in a cool, dry place until it's time to plant them in the fall.Plant bulbs in the fall when the ground has cooled.Plant your daffodil bulbs, pointed end up, after the soil has cooled in the fall.
Santa Monica
Is Agapanthus the Same Family As Allium?
Despite their similarities, they are not from the same botanical family, but both have a treasured place in many gardens.The small, tightly packed flowers of allium contrast with the larger, lighter agapanthus flowers.The allium family includes leeks,...
Santa Monica
Cures for Mold on Dahlia Leaves
Lowering the amount of moisture may help halt or dramatically slow down the growth of the fungi. Chlorothalonil is a fungicide that is effective against gray mold and powdery mildew.
Santa Monica
How to Care for Paperwhites After Blooming
The bulbs require no chilling period and are among the easiest to bloom, even in water, without soil. Unfortunately, water-forced paperwhite bulbs use all of their energy producing the flowers and will not rebloom.
Santa Monica
When and How to Separate and Transplant Lilies?
Lilies grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 8.Lilies thrive in cool climates where winter naturally chills the bulbs.When growing lilies, it's best to let them grow undisturbed as long as they are flowering reliably.
Santa Monica
How to Take Care of Tulips After Blooming
Knowing what type of tulips you have helps you decide how to take care of them after blooming.Leave the foliage and stems on the tulip bulbs, of both species and hybrid varieties, after they have bloomed.
Santa Monica
Are Freesia Bulbs Annuals or Perennials?
This flower is available in blue, pink, red, white, yellow, cream, lavender and orange. Freesias are commonly used as cut flowers.Freesias are available in many different color varieties.Freesias tolerate winters in U.S. Department of Agriculture Plant...
Santa Monica