Avoid piling mulch around the base of the tree.insects sometimes attack the tree. (-8 C.)freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });As part of your kumquat tree care, you should keep the soil moist around young...
Month-long activities, including recipe contests, beauty pageants, and decorating contests precede the kumquat festival, which is celebrated on the last Saturday of January.My favorite recipe for kumquats is a pie that is delicious and easy to make.
The leaves are dark green and glossy and branches have the occasional thorn. Regardless of its shape, a kumquat tree brings long-lasting beauty to your garden. The kumquat is an easily grown evergreen shrub or tree (8 to 15 feet) with small yellow to...
« More Dirt on Gardening » Our young ladies are coming from a farmer friend of mine who has a mixed flock of all kinds of funky varieties. I planted extra broccoli plants this year since my 3-year-old is finally eating it and I put in 10 pounds of seed...
With annuals, you make selections each year from live plants or seeds (stocking up), enjoy them for a few months (fun,) and then remove the remains (clean up.) The most popular annual is thought to be the petunia, since various varieties of petunias have...
Use clean, sharp pruners and cut at a 45-degree angle. After the water has drained, add more soil and repeat the mud process until reaching the original soil level.Roses need 1 inch of water per week and sandy soil, and dry spells will require an increased...
This also applies to small children.A common houseplant gardenia variety, gardenia radicans floraplena is non-toxic to any living creature, including cats, dogs or small children, according to the University of Nebraska.
Place petunias in full sun to avoid spindly plants with few flowers. This also improves the appearance of the plant. Water deeply on a weekly basis and apply balanced fertilizer monthly to encourage root development and support fast growth and abundant...
There are similar words from other European languages that have influenced the word we use today, for example "schoof" in Dutch meaning sheaf, "schaub" in German meaning wisp of straw and the Old Norse word "skauf" meaning tail of a fox.Synonyms -- words...
Hardiness is measured by U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones based on average winter low temperatures. In comparison, they watered their vegetable and flower gardens twice weekly for six months.Sedums, ice plants, sempervivums, agaves...
Conversely, the long, hot summer in northern and central Florida, zone 9, can harm some daffodils since the heat causes foliage to prematurely wither or summertime rains can lead to bulb rot.Daffodils contain toxins that prevent rodents and deer from...
“It was three full days of events, judging and lots of great people to chat with.” Most ABA sanctioned shows also have a youth show with separate recognition prizes; sometimes the youth compete with the adults.
Plant them in pots indoors over the winter. Gazania, especially smaller varieties, is ideal for sunny window boxes, suggests the Old Fashioned Living website. In the spring, after the threat of frost has passed, plant the new cuttings in the yard.To help...
When using 1-pint jars, add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid. Tomatillos are canned alone or with other ingredients to make salsa verde, also known as "green sauce" in Mexican cuisine.
« More Greenhorn Acres » Tags beekeeper , beekeeping , bees , Greenhorn Acres , hive This fine beek, who also goes by his secret beekeeping name of “Steve,” visited a few weeks ago and together, we scoped a site.
Red barberries develop better color in full sun exposures, but also thrive in partial shade. The deciduous Japanese barberry (B. Their bright-green foliage turns purple to red in winter.
A recent conversation—if you can call it that—I had on Twitter left me amused but also stunned about the public perception of farming. Like that French couple, we devote endless hours to tending our flocks, herds, hives and crops.
Our chicks arrived on Friday, and now there are 10 red-and-yellow peeps in the living room. Hot chicks spread way out to the perimeter of the brooder to escape the heat. Dad drove straight in to get it.
Any person or animal suffering such symptoms should be taken immediately to see a health care provider. Kids and grand-kids -- and other humans -- eating or touching these plants might suffer ill effects, and pets should also be kept a safe distance away.The...
Handling the eucalyptus leaf can cause skin irritation, redness and burning.According to Vet Info.com, the eucalyptus leaf is one of the most poisonous plants for dogs. Be certain to take a piece of the plant with you for identification purposes; but...
It's giving me hope for the shiitake log right next to it—no signs yet, but I'm feeling optimistic. Right now, they're just little puffy buttons, but soon they will be several inches across, ready for harvest and a nice bath in butter and white wine.
If you have a dog that really likes to dig or eat things in the garden, Japanese anemone probably isn't a good choice for you. However, it is poisonous, so should be treated with caution.Japanese anemone is poisonous to both humans and dogs.An herbaceous...
Grasses are used to produce practical items: bamboo is made into many items, such as furniture and boats; savanna grasses thatch roofs. Relative to other flowers, grass flowers may have larger anthers, the male flower structures that produce and hold...
This keeps them better protected against a harsh winter.Young fig trees may only be able to withstand temperatures between 20 and 29 degrees F. Apply lights to the fig tree during the holiday season for added warmth.
They will also avoid poisonous plants like daffodils and poppies.Another way to attempt to keep your daylilies from becoming the deer's next meal is to use repellents. Also, a radio playing loudly in the garden will keep deer away, but it may disturb...
Because we view seeds as a nuisance when eating fresh oranges, breeders in the 1800s developed trees producing seedless varieties. These varieties are propagated by taking cuttings from a tree and grafting them onto root stock.
Pinch plants at the end of the season to help plants keep blooming. Petunias tend to attract deer.Petunias (Petunia spp.), a popular garden annual, are occasionally or frequently browsed by deer.