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Let Us Plant Lettuce
The first year I planted a full packet of Mesclun mix salad greens, the second year I tried Red Sails lettuce, and both times they provided us with a steady supply of leaves to pick throughout late spring, summer, and early fall.
When Anxiety Attacks…
For some reason, it just cracked me up (no pun intended). • Turn off the news. Another hen sits a foot away from them, on just one egg. By the way, I'm writing this as much for myself as for you.
The Book For Preserving Your Yearly Harvest
And inspire you.” Even just leafing through Mrs. Get more canning and preserving tips on 7 Tips for Troubleshooting Pickle Problems 9 Fixes for Canning Problems 8 Natural and Healthy Canning Substitutions 9 Need-to-Know Tips for Canning...
Clean Up Fallen Leaves Easier With These Tools
Whether it's spring or fall, cleaning up fallen leaves can be time-consuming and strenuous; consider these tools to save time and energy. I find it useful to have several rakes on hand, including a couple of slightly different types.
5 Tools I Can\'t Garden Without
I bought this wheelbarrow in 1993, and it has served me incredibly well over the years. I wear a pair of latex medical gloves underneath mine when the weather is cold and my hands remain warm and my dexterity stays intact.
Tips on Buy Replacement Wheels for Small Farm Machines
Any smaller and the wheel won't fit; any larger and it will flop around on the axle, essentially rendering it useless. If the axle on your yard cart is, say, 3/4 inches in diameter, the axle opening on the wheel needs to be precisely this size.
How to Move a Crape Myrtle Tree
Cultivars can range in height from dwarf specimens at 3 to 5 feet, a mid-range size from 5 to 10 feet, with the largest size ranging from 10 to 20 feet. Crape myrtle is known for its delicate, vibrant blossoms in white, pink, red or purple and all shades...
Santa Monica
Winter Mulch Madness
We burn enough calories to justify pie! Tags frank hyman , homemade mulch , Mulch , winter mulch If you have snow-bound winters, you'll want to set a different deadline. Photo by Frank Hyman Set up a schedule for mulching so your spring vegetables don't...
Farm Storehouse: A Roundup of Products to Help You & Your Operation
Power Wheelbarrow Yardmax's Power Wheelbarrow has a load capacity of 660 pounds and offers the traction and stability needed to move heavy loads across rugged, uneven, muddy and wet landscapes.
How to Sell Pine Straw
Call several and ask their current price. Pine straw is a popular mulch in the southern United States.Contact your county extension office to find pine straw producers in your area.
Santa Monica
Fun New Tools for the Gardener on Your Holiday Gift List
Trouble is, our tools are just too big and unwieldy for small hands. Measuring 33-by-17-by-15-3/4-inches, this hard-working wheelbarrow features a steel axle and ball bearings with a solid rubber tire.
El Segundo
Rocks In The Garden: How To Work With Rocky Soil
If you're lucky, or specifically requested it, the contractor put in topsoil of at least 12 inches (30 cm.) deep.Besides being backbreaking work, rocky soil can make it harder for certain plants to take root and absorb essential nutrients.
5 New Uses for Old Barn Finds
It's a relatively simple task: Apply primer and chalkboard paint directly on to the window panes (or, if the panes are broken, to pieces of wood fitted to replace the glass). Let's face it—no barn would be complete without a pile of old lumber stashed...
5 Gift Ideas For The Chicken Lover In Your Life
Gardening gloves just aren't warm or waterproof enough to handle filling fonts or hauling water in the middle of a blizzard. Chances are, if I have to share the fourth (or 10th, or 32nd) photo on my iPhone with you, it'll be of a chicken.
7 Garden-Tested Gifts For Your Favorite Gardener
We use it to cut down our blackberry canes every spring. I use mine all the time. Although Leatherman has several models, the Wave is my favorite. You can purchase vegetable, herb, and flower seeds in individual packets or in collections.
The Chicken Palace: When Lazy Leads To Awesome
And, when I do have to finally bite the bullet and clean it out, the wheelbarrow rolls right under it. And, I'm following the deep-litter method, which makes cleanup even easier—in fact, almost nonexistent.
How To Transplant A Rose Bush
Many times I find some tree roots and they are easy to tell that they are not part of the rose bush's root system due to their size.If I am moving the rose bush to another place a few blocks or several miles away, I will wrap the rootball with an old...
5 Tools You Need to Start Gardening Right Now
Here are three of our favorites: Stirrup Hoe Johnny's Selected Seeds Also called a scuffle hoe or a hula hoe, the stirrup hoe has a looped head with a sharp blade on the end that allows you to horizontally skim below the surface of the soil in a back-and-forth...
Double Digging Basics
Double digging is so named because trenches are dug at double the depth of a common spade or shovel. When you get to the last row, use the turf and topsoil dug up and set aside from the first row.
El Segundo
Container Grown Wildflowers: Tips On Caring For Potted Wildflower Plants
Use a lightweight, porousin your container. Make sure that the container is clean and dry before you begin. Wildflowers in containers is a fantastic way to garden without fuss.Any container that will hold soil will do fine for wildflowers.
Planting Rose Bushes – Step By Step Instructions To Plant A Rose Bush
Pruning off an inch or two of the canes will help send a message to the rose bush that it is time for it to think about getting to growing.Keep an eye on the soil moisture for the next several weeks — not keeping them too wet but moist.
Spring Cleaning in the Garden
I'll pick up old fern fronds, cut back the chrysanthemums, pick up any branches that blew off of the trees during the winter.Spring cleaning of the garden should be relaxing. Theyusually come through the winter here looking pretty rough.
El Segundo
6 Homemade Potting Soil Recipes
Lime for each shovel of peat moss 6. Lime for each shovel of peat moss 2. General Potting Soil Mix 6 gallons sphagnum peat moss 1/4 cup limestone 4¼ gallons vermiculite or perlite 4¼ gallons compost Mix together 2 cups rock phosphate, 2 cups greensand,...
Pond Scum Garden Fertilizer: Can You Use Pond Algae For Fertilizer
Read on to find out.Yes. For example, spread up to 3 inches of the compost over the soil just before spring planting, then dig or plow it into the soil, or spread the compost evenly over the soil as mulch.for indoor plants by mixing equal parts pond scum...
Can I Transplant A Clematis – How And When To Move Clematis Vines
Just be sure to do it early enough in the fall so that the roots will have time to settle in before winter. Be patient and don't panic if you don't see much growth or improvement in the clematis for the first season as it settles in its new location.freestar.queue.push(function()...
How to Cut Tree Roots Without Killing the Tree
Trees ornament our lawns, provide shade, block wind and provide refuge for scores of birds and other critters. Prevent roots from taking over by trimming them. Embed a strong root barrier made of plastic, metal or concrete into the trench.
Santa Monica
Gardening Tips to Make Life Easier
While crawling around under the deck looking for a hose leak, I spied an old plastic kiddie pool--the molded plastic type. For Morning Glories and other annual climbers--when fall comes and you're ready to clean up, just pull the whole thing up and off...
El Segundo