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My Jasmine Plant Has Yellow Leaves
If you suspect that the roots are too wet, replant it after amending the soil with a shovelful or two of peat moss mixed in. One of jasmine's most striking features is its foliage.
Santa Monica
This Little Piggy Has The Zoomies
Oliver the pig clearly has the zoomies (a term used to describe when an animal suddenly is very hyper) – and he's having so much fun! Watch: Have any of your animals had the zoomies?
What Tree Has Heart-Shaped Leaves?
This deciduous tree sportsvery large heart-shaped leaves up to a foot long with a velvety texturein mid-spring. Trees with, or heart-shaped, leaves are some of the most easily recognized, and several common species are found in North America.genus have...
Santa Monica
The Thistle Has My Lucky Charm
I'll be fighting it, but I'll also keep the good memories of the "lucky charm". They particularly like my lawn, maybe because theyhave lots of grass leaves to hold on to. This makes it seem like a kind of lucky charm, don't you agree?
El Segundo
My Spider Plant Has Brown Ends
A population explosion in a pot, the spider -- or airplane -- plant (Chlorophytum comosum) was made for hanging baskets. Fluoride in municipal water is too diluted to harm all but the most sensitive plants.
Santa Monica
My Yucca Plant Has Brown Leaves
Be sure the soil around the yucca drains water, whether it's in a planter or the garden. As these appear, the leaves will also begin to turn brown and drop off of the yucca plant. Remove plants from the area directly around a garden yucca to free up root...
Santa Monica
My Jade Plant Has Curled Leaves
They can develop sunburn or shriveled and curled leaves. They do well in warm, dry conditions and can tolerate dim lighting. Specimens that suffer a freeze several hours long are unlikely to recover.
Santa Monica
My Orange Tree Has Black Leaves
To lay mulch, remove weeds from the base of the orange tree. Do not apply horticultural oil when temperatures are warmer than 85 degrees Fahrenheit or in combination with sulfur treatments.
Santa Monica
What Dogwood Tree Has Red Berries?
But you'll receive a double reward if your dogwood tree is one of the species that produces red berries after the flowers fade.Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) is a native plant throughout its perennial range of U.S. Department of Agriculture plant...
Santa Monica
The Best Flowering Perennials
Indigenous people used the root of this plant as a cure for bronchitis and other lung ailments. Seeds sprout easily on a slightly scratched soil surface. It is commercially available through native plant nurseries, propagated by divided root clumps or...
Santa Monica
The Best Antioxidant Vegetables
World's Healthiest Foods also states these groups of antioxidants can help raise the amount of certain nutrients in the blood, such as beta-carotene and lutein, which keep the heart and eyes healthy.
Santa Monica
Beets Are the Best!
When the beets are cooled, open the foil and slide off the skins. Beets can dye your hands like exotic henna. Photo by Judith Hausman This grated, raw beet salad is healthy and beautiful.
What Type of Tree Has Green Balls?
The edible chestnuts have green husks covered in spiny, needle-like protrusions, while the inedible chestnuts bear husks with sharp, warty protrusions that do not cover the entire surface of the husk.
Santa Monica
Help! My Chicken Has A Broken Beak
With my one free hand, I set my beak-repair supplies on the kitchen table. Next, I gently but thoroughly cleaned the area with Vetericyn spray, remembering that the exposed tissue was extremely sensitive.
My Garden Has a Plan for Me
Life began anew as small seedlings popped up seemingly everywhere in response to the warmer, longer days.The cereal long gone and the remaining milk nearly dry, I remained sitting and taking it all in.
El Segundo
What Kind of Citrus Tree Has Thorns?
These trees self-pollinate and will produce fruit when grown indoors. Mature citrus trees, like lemons, limes and grapefruits, tend to grow thorns less frequently than newly grafted trees.Many different kinds of fruit-bearing citrus trees are known to...
Santa Monica
Italian Farm Trucks
One of my favorite features of the Italian small farmer scene is the way products get to market. These Ape are by far the most common type of agricultural truck in all of Italy. That's all history now.
My Farm Truck
He charged me five euros, parts and labor included, and I was soon on my way again. When something on the scooter does break, and it happens once a year or so, I simply push it to the closest mechanic, (seems like there's one on every other street) and...
The Best Mushrooms to Grow
They prefer a moist environment where temperatures range between 50 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. According to Cornell University information, their high selenium content boosts the immune system.
Santa Monica
My Poinsettia Is Dropping Leaves & Has Black Spots
If you see any spots, prune immediately and then spray with fungicide again. One of the most common issues is a disease known as alternaria leaf spot. In its advanced stages, this disease can cause the leaves of your poinsettia plant to fall off.
Santa Monica
My Chicken Has Diarrhea—What Should I Do?
Feces collecting around a chicken's vent indicate digestive troubles that need addressed immediately. What could be causing this? If bacteria or stress disrupt the normal population of these microbes, diarrhea can result.
Chicken Feather Loss Has Causes Other Than Molting
If you can rule out everything else, then you can blame the feather loss on molt. But if a chicken does peck, the sealer will stain its beak, and you'll find the aggressor in your coop .
Can You Fix a Cactus That Has Broken?
For many cacti, however, a broken section grafted back into place looks wounded, even if the graft heals. If the wounded end on the broken piece and the stub were cut evenly with a sharp knife and you bind the broken piece into place on the stub, the...
Santa Monica
Who Has Been Munching On Your Potato Plants?
Potato stalk borer eggs are laid by adult beetles in the stems of host plants, such as the potato plant. The exterior of the beetles are covered in short, coarse hairs that lend them their gray coloration.
The Best Fungicide for Tomatoes
Black, wet-looking spots start at the leaf edge and spread inward. Wet weather aids the spread of the fungus, and it affects the fruit, as well, with rough, dark brown patches. Fungicides can protect a plant if they are used before any kind of fungal...
Santa Monica
The Best Perennials for Texas
Deer-resistant, this fragrant herb does well in borders or in meadow plantings and can grow to 3 feet. This plant is also known as purple prairie verbena, and displays purple or pink blooms.
Santa Monica
The Best Scented Indoor Plants
It tolerates drought well and likes hot, dry conditions. The flowers emit a light, floral scent that can fill a room and make it smell fresh year-round.Hoyas--also known as wax plants because of their waxy green leaves--bloom with downward-tilting, umbrella-shaped...
Santa Monica