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What To Do With Rutabaga

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Getting To The Root Of Things. The Rutabaga: Its History, Uses, and Culture
Preparation is usually simple: It can be roasted, boiled and mashed, or simmered in soups and stews. In fact, a synonym for rutabaga is swede, or Swedish Turnip.In Ireland, the rutabaga was the first Jack-O-Lantern, as the roots were hollowed out and...
El Segundo
Dyeing Carnations: A Fun Project With Kids
The cost is minimal, and would be nice for everyone to have one to wear. By coloring the water, we can see how it moves upward to the blooms.The technical term for water moving out through the leaves and flowers is called transpiration, and if this is...
El Segundo
What to Do With Sunflower Stalks
Create post-harvest shade and privacy by adding a sunflower stalk ceiling to the playhouse.String sunflower stalks together with thin but sturdy wire to make a tall bamboo-style privacy screen or windbreak.
Santa Monica
What to Do With Jalapeno Seeds
They're often added to Mexican, Thai and American dishes. The more seeds added, the hotter the spice. Cut it open, remove the seeds, spread them out in a single layer and air dry them.
Santa Monica
What to Do With Drooping Tulips
Remove any leaves that will be below water level, so they don't foul up the water. About a 1/2 inch should be cut from the bottom of each stem. There's a method to their madness: Tulips continue to grow after being cut, reaching for the light.
Santa Monica
What to Do With Excess Cucumbers
Many possibilities exist with this versatile vegetable.Use cucumbers for cooking, beauty and household applications.Although some cucumber types are specifically bred for pickling, you can use any variety to make sweet or dill pickles.
Santa Monica
How to grow: Rutabaga (Growing Guide)
Troubleshooting Rutabagas left in the ground too long become woody. Spacing Single Plants: 9" (25cm) each way (minimum) Rows: 7" (20cm) with 1' 3" (40cm) row gap (minimum) Sow and Plant Sow seeds half an inch deep and 4 inches apart in early summer.
What to Do With All That . . . Cilantro
Cilantro is not common in New Mexican cooking (which is more well known for the use of blue corn and fresh chilies), but cilantro is a hallmark of the Santa Fe substyle, where it can top just about any dish.Another name for cilantro is Chinese parsley.
El Segundo
What to Do With All That . . . Lemongrass
But where I am, in Texas, the best shot I?ve got for getting this tender perennial to make it through the winter is to cut it back to just a few inches tall and mulch over it. The most obvious choice is to make a bowl of aromatic Thai soup.To make an...
El Segundo
What to do with all that . . . basil
Peel and seed two or three pounds of fresh tomatoes and toss them in along with a pinch of sugar. If everything goes well, basil plants become large and bushy. After that, you won't be wondering what to do with all your basil, but what to substitute if...
El Segundo
What to Do With Flowers in Oregano
Most herb growers know that oregano leaves have the strongest and most desirable flavor before the flowers bloom. However, the flowers are useful in cooking and have decorative value for the home and garden.Oregano flowers are used in home crafts, decorations...
Santa Monica
What to Do With All That . . . Dill
These can look quite decorative in the jars.In Greek cuisine, cucumbers and dill come together in tatziki, a sauce based on Greek yogurt. The ideas I've presented here are just a few to get you started.
El Segundo
What To Do With Your First Bonsai
The quality and health of the trees from these places will usually be far better than those from “bonsai stands” or fly-by-night vendors. There are a few species which are commonly sold as gifts for first-timers.
What to Do WIth All Those . . . Chives
This may be because they start so easily from seed, and grow into dense grass-like clumps. When thinking about chives most people concentrate on the foliage (which look like grass blades).However, every part of the chive plant is edible, and you can use...
El Segundo
What to Do With All That . . . Parsley
It is in the same family as carrots and celery, which may be why it goes together with them into the stock pot to form the basis of so many soups.These are flavors that you notice most when they are missing.When a soup or a sauce tastes "flat," I usually...
El Segundo
What To Do With A Fallen Nest
A wind half that strong could knock a bird's nest out of a tree, no matter how ingenious the avian architect. Eastern towhees, spotted towhees, song sparrows, dark-eyed juncos, Townsend's solitaires, nighthawks, brown thrashers and killdeer nest on the...
7 Sweet Things To Do With Honey
It's time to find an excuse to use up all the fresh raw honey you can find. Summer Foot Care Give your kids' feet some TLC with these recipes and tips —we adults aren't the only ones who go barefoot this time of year, right?
What to Do With Citrus Trees With Yellow Leaves
Compost and fertilizer should be applied in early spring.Drought or a lack of water turns the leaves of citrus trees yellow. Regular pesticide sprays throughout the growing season of citrus trees prevents pests from damaging the leaves and turning them...
Santa Monica
What to do with all that . . . oregano
You cut the potatoes the long way into thick wedges and toss them in olive oil. Add some bacon or ham for flavor, some jalapenos for heat, and a goodly amount of oregano, and cook it down for a couple of hours.Once you get a feel for the flavor Oregano...
El Segundo
What to Do With All That . . . Fennel
In fact, in some places, fennel can be so prolific it is considered a weed. In Syria and Lebanon, fennel leaves are a common addition to ejjeh, a type of frittata.In Greece, fennel leaves are used in savory pies, and to season chicken and fish dishes.Florence...
El Segundo
What to do with all that thyme
Crumbled dried thyme can be added with peppercorns and other dried herbs to bags fashioned from cheesecloth or - in a pinch - coffee filters.Dry some of your extra thyme, and mix with dried basil, oregano, parsley, rosemary along with garlic and onion...
El Segundo
Things For Kids To Do With Violets
Violets propagate themselves both by sending out runners and setting seed, though production can sometimes be spotty. My kids love the novelty of eating flowers in salad so much that they forget they're eating salad! You can also dry them to add to cookies...
What To Do With Egg-Bound Hen
In this case, soaking her in a warm Epsom salt bath in a small tub of water can help her muscles relax her enough to pass the egg. The hen cannot eliminate waste, because the egg is blocking the digestive system's access to the vent.
What To Do With Your Compost In Winter
Left unattended, a dormant compost pile will patiently wait for warmer weather to continue its natural process. In order to keep a compost pile actively decomposing, those microbes need to be kept active and warm—and the best way to do this is to continue...
Spring To-do Lists
Narrow your goals down to a singular season.things pertinent from now through May or June. And plus, when doesn't crossing something off a list feel great?* Spring clean-up and remove mulch in perennial bedsObviously you won't be able to get to everything...
El Segundo
Raising a Gardener
We do what we can while we are here and when we are gone, hopefully we left something worthwhile behind. Life is like gardening in that we all complete a circle of life. Sometimes we know exactly the direction we should go and sometimes the path is not...
El Segundo
An Heirloom Garden
And we all want the people we love to love the things we love. She was thrilled. Quick, what does a sensitive, perfectly mature person say in this situation? I wanted a boy to share my love of baseball with and even though I didn't get that boy, I haven't...
El Segundo