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What To Do With Papaya

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What to Do With Sunflower Stalks
Tie these in place—very tightly—using baling wire or strong fishing line, allow trellises to fully dry, then brush or spray them with water seal.Leaving the mature sunflower seed head attached, saw several stalks off near the base and dry the entire...
Santa Monica
What to Do With Jalapeno Seeds
Add a little at a time until you get your preferred heat level.Save the seeds and plant them. Do not place your face near the chopped peppers and breath in deeply, as the fumes are irritating.
Santa Monica
What to Do With Drooping Tulips
Remove any leaves that will be below water level, so they don't foul up the water. Perk them up by placing them outside at night when temperatures are cooler but not frigid. There's a method to their madness: Tulips continue to grow after being cut, reaching...
Santa Monica
What to Do With Excess Cucumbers
Cucumbers add fresh, cool flavors to tossed green salads and stand on their own as a cold side dish. Remove ink and crayon stains from walls with cucumber peelings. Instead of traditional gazpacho, base the cold soup on cucumbers, and use freshly chopped...
Santa Monica
How to Care for Papaya
The trees grow fast into woody stems 10 to 12 feet tall and a few inches wide on the top. Mexican papayas are huge in comparison, weighing up to 10 pounds. And in winter, the papaya plant is better off without any excess water.
Santa Monica
What Type of Papaya Tree Do I Have?
The round-shaped papayas on female plants are medium to large, have a visible bulge and a large cavity for holding seeds, and are of good quality.Bisexual trees grow cylinder-shaped buds.
Santa Monica
What to Do With All That . . . Cilantro
What to do?You may be most familiar with cilantro from Mexican cooking, where it is a frequent star. Cilantro is not common in New Mexican cooking (which is more well known for the use of blue corn and fresh chilies), but cilantro is a hallmark of the...
El Segundo
What to Do With All That . . . Lemongrass
So what to do with the flavorful, fragrant stalks? But where I am, in Texas, the best shot I?ve got for getting this tender perennial to make it through the winter is to cut it back to just a few inches tall and mulch over it.
El Segundo
What to do with all that . . . basil
Let cook for about half an hour, then sprinkle with chopped basil a minute or two before you take the soup off the heat. If you aren't growing Thai basil, you can substitute any of the more traditional basils without too much of a loss in flavor.Citrus...
El Segundo
What to Do With Flowers in Oregano
Sampling the flowers before using them gives a better idea on how much to use in each dish.The small, pink or white flowers growing on the ends of oregano stems add color to the herb garden.
Santa Monica
What to Do With All That . . . Dill
These can look quite decorative in the jars.In Greek cuisine, cucumbers and dill come together in tatziki, a sauce based on Greek yogurt. My favorite way to combine them is to take a dozen small new potatoes, which I scrub well and then quarter.
El Segundo
What To Do With Your First Bonsai
The usual scenario is as follows:You receive a bonsai as a gift for Christmas or for your birthday. A good choice for beginners. Grow outdoors in warm months and keep from cold in winter.There are some basic dos and don'ts for bonsai that can go a long...
What to Do WIth All Those . . . Chives
A little bit of the herb goes a long way, so even a small chives bed can feel like more chives than you will ever be able to use. This may be because they start so easily from seed, and grow into dense grass-like clumps.
El Segundo
What to Do With All That . . . Parsley
However, it is self-seeding, which means if it likes the area where you've planted it, not only will the plant replace itself, but you might get a lot more seedlings than you bargained for.
El Segundo
What To Do With A Fallen Nest
March has blown in like a lion here in Central Kentucky where I live. Of course, a nest with eggs or chicks in it requires a careful response. Nest No.1 The nest pictured above fell from an oak tree.
7 Sweet Things To Do With Honey
August means the honey harvest is nearly upon us for those of us who keep bees. From pollinating food crops to creating honey, there's no more useful insect that I can think of—I must confess to being biased in favor of bees, though.
What to Do With Citrus Trees With Yellow Leaves
Adding iron-rich fertilizers or compost to the soil around the citrus tree helps increase the soil's nitrogen content and improve the health of the tree. Citrus trees thrive in warm areas where they are not affected by frost or freezing temperatures.
Santa Monica
What to do with all that . . . oregano
It makes a sort of tall carpet, and it covered with tiny blossoms in the spring. After all, it is a member of the mint family. Combine about a quarter cup of red wine vinegar with a tablespoon of Dijon mustard, and about a quarter cup of olive oil.
El Segundo
What to Do With All That . . . Fennel
In Syria and Lebanon, fennel leaves are a common addition to ejjeh, a type of frittata.In Greece, fennel leaves are used in savory pies, and to season chicken and fish dishes.Florence Fennel (a cultivar with a bulbous leaf base) can be eaten as a vegetable,...
El Segundo
What to do with all that thyme
My lemon thyme tends to grow over the edges of the sidewalk, and when that happens, I whip up a batch of lemon thyme cookies that you would swear contain lemon juice and zest (Just add 3 tablespoons of lemon thyme leaves to your favorite butter or sugar...
El Segundo
Things For Kids To Do With Violets
Also be sure that excess white has been removed or all you get is a sticky blob of violet. My youngest children sometimes get impatient with the time-consuming nature of painting each petal and will simply dunk the whole bloom in and shake off the excess.
What To Do With Egg-Bound Hen
If you suspect the hen is egg bound but you can't feel an egg, the soaking and isolation treatment can help move one along if it's trapped. Unless someone who is skilled, like a veterinarian or veteran farmer, has taught you how to perform this procedure,...
How to Transplant a Papaya Tree
Diluted soapy water can drive the soilborne insects away without killing the papaya trees.Monitor the plant growth and regularly check if the newly transplanted papaya trees grow any new leaves.
Santa Monica
What To Do With Your Compost In Winter
While your compost heap might slow down in cold weather, you can still continue to feed it using these tips. As the mercury dips, the metabolism of the microbes inhabiting the compost pile slows down significantly.
Spring To-do Lists
It is only meant to help you and make you feel more productive and successful. Make your goals obtainable.* Raise and harvest enough vegetables to decrease my produce bill by 20%With your main goals in mind, decide on a couple tasks that would be easy...
El Segundo
Raising a Gardener
Other times, over caring for things can cause them hardship.More times than not, that little bit of time giving and nurturing, will give us back something worthwhile and maybe even something spectacular.Although pulling weeds may not be fun, it is necessary...
El Segundo
An Heirloom Garden
As a result, I've learned it's probably not a good idea to put plants beneath her nose until she knows exactly what should and should not go in her mouth. She's learned that tulip blooms are fragile.
El Segundo