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What To Do With Gooseberries

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Rooting Gooseberry Cuttings: Taking Cuttings From Gooseberry Bush
Avoid taking cuttings during cold snaps.When you are taking cuttings from gooseberry plants, select vigorous shoots that are one year old. You can create one or many new plants each season.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Cermai Fruit Tree Info: Learn About Growing Otaheite Gooseberry Trees
At the tips of each branch are clusters of deciduous green or pink smaller branchlets. It is often used in cooking wherein the fruit is sliced from the pit and then blended with sugar which draws out the juice and sweetens the fruit so it can be made...
Is your Backyard Berry Patch loaded with delicious, tasty but unusual, exotic, and unfamiliar berries?
The berries are a dark purple almost black in color when ripe, softer than a blackberry, and lack the blackberry's large seeds. Is a seedless cross among a Pacific blackberry, red raspberry and loganberry.
El Segundo
What ARE These, some New Kind of Striped Grape?? \
And the gooseberries are growing.' ~Anton Chekhov 'You sit on the verandah and you drink tea, while your ducks swim on the pond, there is a delicious smell everywhere, and . 43619384, and Flowers with baby fruits ©Tryfonov Ievgenii, 4097019, All Used...
El Segundo
Dyeing Carnations: A Fun Project With Kids
This is one time when more is better. There will be streaks and veins in the flowers, and there will always be most of the white carnation visible.If you like, arrange the different colored carnations in a vase and enjoy the mixture.
El Segundo
What to Do With Sunflower Stalks
As it turns out, sunflower stalks can be put to many practical uses.Use dried sunflower stalks to build circular pole bean teepees in the garden to support your pole beans. Hardly anyone dreams about the sober, hardworking trunk-like stems that support...
Santa Monica
What to Do With Jalapeno Seeds
Sprinkle them on pizza, eggs, tacos, nachos or any dish that you'd like to spice up.It is certainly fine to throw the seeds away. Add a little at a time until you get your preferred heat level.Save the seeds and plant them.
Santa Monica
What to Do With Drooping Tulips
The denser the bouquet, the more sturdily your tulips will be held upright. Hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 8, tulips (Tulipa spp.) are dignified in the garden, standing straight and tall while proudly showing off...
Santa Monica
What to Do With Excess Cucumbers
In addition, make stainless steel sinks and faucets shine by rubbing a cucumber slice over them. Cure squeaky hinges with a swipe of a piece of cucumber. Add sliced cucumbers to a conventional stir-fry for a creamy, crunchy difference.To get rid of puffy...
Santa Monica
How to grow: Gooseberry (Growing Guide)
With older, spreading varieties, prune out lateral branches lying close to the ground as well as those that appear to be rooting at the tips. Slow-growing plants can be fed again in early summer.
What to Do With All That . . . Cilantro
All you need to do is remove the stems from the cilantro and toss the leaves in the blender with the juice of a lime or two and some coarsely chopped onions, tomatoes and jalapenos.
El Segundo
What to Do With All That . . . Lemongrass
The most obvious choice is to make a bowl of aromatic Thai soup.To make an easy Tom Ka Gai (coconut chicken soup), heat a little olive oil in the bottom of a pot.Toss in a couple of tablespoons of red curry paste, a couple of tablespoons of grated fresh...
El Segundo
What to do with all that . . . basil
I like to freeze pesto in ice cube trays, then store the cubes in a freezer bag. When you plant basil, you know you are planting an annual and we tend to forget that in the excitement when we pluck off those first fragrant leaves to toss into a salad.
El Segundo
What to Do With Flowers in Oregano
However, oregano is difficult to grow from seed and may not grow true to the mother plant. While they're hanging, the room might get a light oregano potpourri scent.After oregano blooms, it may produce seed.
Santa Monica
What to Do With All That . . . Dill
(Always use a trusted recipe, and follow it exactly. A lot of people make quiche versions that highlight salmon with the dill and goat cheese, but you can make a vegetarian version filled with pieces of asparagus, mushrooms and roasted garlic, or carrots...
El Segundo
What To Do With Your First Bonsai
Remove this as soon as you can! This layer will prevent water from reaching your soil and will kill your tree. There are many kinds of fertilizer and many different schedules to follow, but a basic regimen can be to use a balanced (10-10-10 or something...
What to Do WIth All Those . . . Chives
When thinking about chives most people concentrate on the foliage (which look like grass blades).However, every part of the chive plant is edible, and you can use the bulb like a mild onion in a pinch.The foliage can be added to dumpling or biscuit dough...
El Segundo
What to Do With All That . . . Parsley
But don't worry -- you can always find something to do with all that extra parsley. It is in the same family as carrots and celery, which may be why it goes together with them into the stock pot to form the basis of so many soups.These are flavors that...
El Segundo
What To Do With A Fallen Nest
I could easily eliminate one of those six, the rose-breasted grosbeak, because its loosely-constructed nest is so sparse that it can barely contain its eggs. Do not try to feed or give water to a bird.
7 Sweet Things To Do With Honey
Violet Lemonade This honey-sweetened drink turns a lovely shade of violet, as long as your violets are purple. Now there's a summer job you can get behind, especially if it means fresh honey and lovely beeswax in your home.
What to Do With Citrus Trees With Yellow Leaves
Citrus trees thrive in warm areas where they are not affected by frost or freezing temperatures. Citrus trees grow best in moist and well-drained soil, as well as full sun; direct sunlight dries out the soil more quickly, which means the trees need more...
Santa Monica
What to do with all that . . . oregano
Salt and pepper to taste, and add a teaspoon of oregano and a teaspoon of a mixture of rosemary, basil and parsley.Oregano pairs well with a variety of cheeses, from provolone to feta and is especially tasty when the cheeses in question melt, allowing...
El Segundo
What to Do With All That . . . Fennel
In France, fennel bulbs are baked, boiled or braised, and are sometimes placed on the bottom of a pan to form a "bed" while cooking other foods.Try braising a few quartered fennel bulbs with ginger and white wine.In Germany, as well as Italy, raw fennel...
El Segundo
What to do with all that thyme
In many US plant zones, thyme will be green all winter, so use the leaves to add fresh flavor to those bubbling winter one-pot meals.Fresh thyme also goes well with fresh tomatoes.
El Segundo
Things For Kids To Do With Violets
I recommend using farm-fresh egg white from a source you trust. My kids love the novelty of eating flowers in salad so much that they forget they're eating salad! You can also dry them to add to cookies and cakes.
What To Do With Egg-Bound Hen
If the chicken is normally not easy to catch or hold, she'll be easy to handle when she's sick—she won't have the energy to avoid you. This procedure can kill a hen that might otherwise pass her own egg from the gentle care of soaking and isolation.
How to Grow Indian Gooseberry From Seed
Trees normally lose some leaves immediately after planting, but new leaves form as the trees establish.Water Indian gooseberry regularly during the first year or two it is in place.
Santa Monica