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What to Do With Drooping Tulips
Hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 8, tulips (Tulipa spp.) are dignified in the garden, standing straight and tall while proudly showing off their distinctive blooms.
Santa Monica
Do I Have to Deadhead Lilies?
Otherwise, resources are put into producing seeds.The structure and form of flowers on lilies vary by species, so take the time to examine the flower tip on plant stems before deadheading.
Santa Monica
Do You Have to Deadhead Azaleas?
(Ref 6)Fungal diseases sometimes develop on azalea flowers, and deadheading helps prevents these diseases from spreading. The shrubs have shallow roots, and disturbing the soil around the plants can damage them.
Santa Monica
Do Ferns Need to Be Pruned?
Timing is important when pruning ferns so new fiddleheads (immature ferns) are not disturbed and spores are able to disperse.Fresh, lively green fronds make ferns a lush addition to the home landscape.Pruning of ferns needs to occur after the spores on...
Santa Monica
What to Do With Excess Cucumbers
The sugar, B vitamins and electrolytes may replace the nutrients lost during drinking and help you feel fine the next morning. Alternately, toss peeled cucumbers into the blender with savory smoothie ingredients, or add cucumber juice to citrus-based...
Santa Monica
My Post-Frost To-Do List
I'll be harvesting them as-needed from now until the arrival of the new year. Beans are largely self-pollinating, so seeds from open-pollinated bean varieties can easily be harvested and saved for planting next year.
What To Do About Ground Elder
With frequent harvests, you can reduce the spread of the plants by forcing them to use the energy stored in the roots to send up new leaves. Brought by the Romans to the British Isles, by monks to northern Europe, by settlers to North America and Oceania...
What To Do When It\'s Too Cold To Garden
It's not too late. On a sunny winter day, get out your pruners, look at your small trees and shrubs with a critical eye, and notice their natural shapes, which is much easier to do at this time, when the plants do not have their leaves and blooms.
Why Do Pears Split – What To Do For Split Pear Fruit
A fairly common problem with pears is split pear fruit. Cracking of pear fruit all comes down to one common denominator. Sometimes, the fruit will “heal” itself by scabbing over the split areas.
What to Do With All That . . . Cilantro
Just substitute cilantro leaves for the cup of packed basil leaves, and process as you would normally in a blender or food processer with ¼ cup of grated parmesan and 1/8 c. Add a half cup of golden raisins and another handful of almonds, and saute until...
El Segundo
What to Do With All That . . . Lemongrass
The most obvious choice is to make a bowl of aromatic Thai soup.To make an easy Tom Ka Gai (coconut chicken soup), heat a little olive oil in the bottom of a pot.Toss in a couple of tablespoons of red curry paste, a couple of tablespoons of grated fresh...
El Segundo
What to do with all that . . . basil
If you aren't growing Thai basil, you can substitute any of the more traditional basils without too much of a loss in flavor.Citrus basils (such as lime and lemon) make a great addition to sauces for chicken pasta dishes, and are great sprinkled over...
El Segundo
What to Do With Flowers in Oregano
However, the flowers are useful in cooking and have decorative value for the home and garden.Oregano flowers are used in home crafts, decorations and cooking.The University of Kentucky cooperative extension notes that oregano flowers edible are used in...
Santa Monica
What to Do With All That . . . Dill
I prefer the ones with cottage cheese, honey and wheat germ (they sneak in a little extra nutrition).Dill is a key ingredient in Polow, a Persian (Iranian) rice dish. A "fresher" tasting version of these dishes can be made using fresh dill and lemon juice.Perhaps...
El Segundo
Why Do Humans Need Plants to Live?
Early bricks were made by combining straw, water and clay. In return, humans expel carbon dioxide and disperse plant seeds throughout the world.The mutual arrangement plants have with humans is through photosynthesis.
Santa Monica
What to Do When a Sunflower Dies
From the towering Russian Mammoth to the multi-branched, red-flowered Moulin Rouge, sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) are bright ambassadors of sunny summer afternoons. When sunflowers die, grab a sturdy pair of gloves and prepare your garden for the next...
Santa Monica
When Do Asters Flower: What To Do If Aster Plants Don\'t Bloom
Secondly, you can treat powdery mildew infections themselves with; just make sure to test a few days ahead of treatment and then apply it liberally. Rarely deadly when it comes to asters,can be very annoying since it has a reputation for causing buds...
What To Do With Your First Bonsai
A poor choice for beginners but commonly sold as a beginner's tree. Grow outdoors.) is a good choice for beginners. Grow outdoors only.), also known as Chinese Zelkova or Zelkova. However, despite your best efforts, it begins to yellow and/or the leaves...
What to Do WIth All Those . . . Chives
When thinking about chives most people concentrate on the foliage (which look like grass blades).However, every part of the chive plant is edible, and you can use the bulb like a mild onion in a pinch.The foliage can be added to dumpling or biscuit dough...
El Segundo
What to Do With All That . . . Parsley
It is in the same family as carrots and celery, which may be why it goes together with them into the stock pot to form the basis of so many soups.These are flavors that you notice most when they are missing.When a soup or a sauce tastes "flat," I usually...
El Segundo
What To Do With A Fallen Nest
If you suspect there are injuries, contact your local wildlife rehabilitator . If you find a nest on the ground, it's possible that it was actually built there. It's best if you can tell where the nest fell from, such as a high tree limb or a low-growing...
7 Sweet Things To Do With Honey
Tags beeswax , Farm Sprouts , Lists Peanut Butter Honey Spread Mix honey with plain peanut butter and make it a magical sandwich spread. Beeswax—A Bonus! Tessa Zundel Also at this time of year, you or your local beekeeper may have extra beeswax on hand.
How Long Do Lilacs Take to Grow?
Too much nitrogen will encourage your lilac to put its energy into growing more vegetation, and it will get taller, wider and greener but won't produce flowers. In this case you can either move your lilac, provide extra cold protection or find it a new...
Santa Monica
What to do with all that . . . oregano
It makes a sort of tall carpet, and it covered with tiny blossoms in the spring. If yours gets out of hand, the only thing left to do is start cooking with it. Combine about a quarter cup of red wine vinegar with a tablespoon of Dijon mustard, and about...
El Segundo
What to Do With All That . . . Fennel
In fact, in some places, fennel can be so prolific it is considered a weed. Fennel is a beautiful addition to the herb garden, but it does tend to spread if you let it self-seed. You eat it, of course.
El Segundo
What to do with all that thyme
My lemon thyme tends to grow over the edges of the sidewalk, and when that happens, I whip up a batch of lemon thyme cookies that you would swear contain lemon juice and zest (Just add 3 tablespoons of lemon thyme leaves to your favorite butter or sugar...
El Segundo
Where Do I Cut to Trim Hydrangeas?
After weeding out dead canes, C.L. Fornari recommends shaping the bush with top-down pruning. After weeding out dead canes, determine if the bush needs reshaping. The main reasons to prune a hydrangea are to improve the appearance of the plant and weed...
Santa Monica