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What\'s that Bug? Actias luna; the Luna Moth
They will not be attracted not night-blooming flowers, but other moths will be, and it is always nice for humans to enjoy the scent as well. It never grows old. The females will be attracted to them and when they lay their eggs, the resulting caterpillars...
El Segundo
What\'s that Bug? The Family Asilidae; Robber Flies
The robber fly then sips the resulting goo while hanging by one leg under a twig. They are also known as assassin flies and my personal favorite, the Hanging Thief. Robber flies have several common names.
El Segundo
What\'s That Bug? Calosoma scrutator; the Fiery Searcher
Their diet should make them a welcome resident in any vegetable garden or perennial bed. They tend to favor the caterpillars of quite a few destructive pests; the Colorado potato beetle, larvae, pupae, and eggs of root maggots and flies; larvae of imported...
El Segundo
Why Choose a Locally Owned Nursery to Buy Your Plants?
They even took the time to show me around and offer plant suggestions. I got to know the staff and the layout of the nursery perfectly. Due to lack of land, there are not a lot of big box stores scattered about and this results in a more local, old-fashioned...
El Segundo
What\'s that Bug? Chauliognathus pensylvanicus: the Soldier Beetle
Birds, rodents, other predatory insects and spiders all seem to avoid these beetles and it is probably because of this secretion which tests confirm contain dihydromatricaria acid, an acetylenic compound.
El Segundo
What\'s That Bug? Sphex ichneumoneus: The Great Golden Digger Wasp
They may be curious and fly over to investigate, but will remain peaceful. They look fearsome and quite intimidating. They have an amazing life, and should be welcomed to your flowers.Great Golden Digger Wasps are found throughout North America, Mexico,...
El Segundo
What\'s That Bug? Arilus cristatus, the Wheel Bug
This series of articles will help identify some of the most unusual ones and give you a peek into their lives Gardeners often encounter unique and colorful insects in their gardens.
El Segundo
What\'s That Bug? The Argiope Aurantia, or Writing Spider
The area may be red and itchy for a week or so, but no lasting harm will result. Although the real "Charlotte" was not an Argiope aurantia, she was an Araneus cavaticus. Spiders have eight legs, as opposed to the six that insects have.
El Segundo
What\'s that Bug? The Elephant Stag Beetle; Lucanus elaphus
The insect world is teeming with all sorts of strange and wonderful creatures. This series of articles will help identify some of the most unusual ones and give you a peek into their lives
El Segundo
What To Look For When Buying A Chainsaw
Handling the machine with care and caution will help you avoid problems, but choosing a model with extra safety features is still a good idea. A narrow end to the guide bar: Sawing with the tip of the guide bar can cause your chainsaw to suddenly spring...
What To Look For When Buying A Wood Chipper
This can be a very useful feature if you're doing general yard work, rather than exclusively chipping branches. Some chippers have smaller secondary chutes for shredding small debris, such as leaves.
What You Need To Know Before Buying An Auger
Unless you're building a small pasture that will require only a handful of fence posts, a gasoline-powered post hole digger with an auger can greatly speed up the process of digging fence post holes and save you a lot of effort.
What To Look For When Buying A Leaf Blower
Handheld, Backpack Or Wheeled? Look for a CFM rating in the 300 range if you want a small blower for simple tasks; for large yards and extensive projects, you'll want a larger CFM rating—at least 500 if not significantly higher.
Bee-Breeder Shopping: What to Look for When Buying Bees
Have the beekeepers had success with bees purchased from these breeders? Time and research pay off here. Buying bees from a local apiary means you have solid “survivor stock” genetics adapted to your region.
How to Buy Individual Flowers
Talk to the manager or owner to see if they can sell you an individual blossom instead of a bouquet, and how much they charge per flower.Check your local markets. If there are multiple florists in your neighborhood they may have competitive rates or specials.
Santa Monica
Maryland Challenged to Buy Local
“We hope people will buy local all year round and hope people will buy local while product is abundant across the U.S.,” Bergmark says. The most unique entry from a Marylander will receive a catered lunch for up to 20 people and a gift basket of Maryland...
4 Places to Buy Backyard Chickens
The best reason to order from a hatchery is the selection of so many rare and endangered breeds, many of them rare and/or endangered. Plus, mixed-breeds are more genetically diverse than true breeds, which can help protect them from disease.
Places to Buy a Single Red Rose
Most single stem-roses at grocery stores come prepackaged with a wisp of baby's breath, then wrapped in tissue paper or clear plastic. The roses sold at grocery stores are also generally more affordable than than ones sold at florists.Several websites...
Santa Monica
5 Questions To Ask When Buying Rabbits
There are advantages and disadvantages to buying both junior rabbits (under 6 months old) and senior rabbits (over 6 months old). Did she build a good nest and kindle—aka give birth—in her nest box?
Tips For How To Buy Rose Plants
Some of these dealers sell their roses through reputible garden nurseries as well. Nice fragrance with these as well.If your budget can afford at least one or two of the rose bushes from companies like, I would still go that route.
A Farmer\'s Guide To Buying A Welder
TIG welders are quite expensive and require the highest skill level to operate, though they offer the most precise and high-quality welds available. They're far and away the most economical welders on the market, and you can use them even in windy or...
Winterize Your Chicken Waterer: From Buy to DIY
Tracey Hagan I live in a temperate climate, with temperatures in the freezing range only occurring two weeks per year on average. With that in mind, I've put together a few tricks that will help you winterize your chicken waterer and keep the water thawed...
8 Things To Consider When Buying A Tractor
Hydraulic power-­steering can make turning easier, while hydraulic power is also used for lifting attachments and powering implements such as backhoes and front-end loaders. Hydraulics Hydraulic power is also common and can be used several ways.
Burning Question: Is It Really Better To Buy Local?
You'll be rewarded with a quality difference, too—fresh produce not subjected to cross-country shipping nearly always tastes better. They had to be, and as such, communities were drawn together by seasonal abundance and scarcity.
6 Questions To Ask When Buying A Snowblower
Some are controlled by a simple crank that must be turned by hand to change the orientation of the chute, but some snowblowers offer more sophisticated controls, such as a joystick.
What to Feed Backyard Birds
Before you choose a feeder and seed, you'll want to learn what birds in your area you are likely to attract. The results of both of these surveys are available for viewing on the website by species or location.
El Segundo
What Causes Strawberries to Mold?
Suitable mulches include clean straw, sawdust and paper. Strawberry fruits infected with gray mold usually maintain their shape. The strawberry plant's eaves and stems usually look normal, though gray mold can spread up strawberry stalks.Avoiding crowding...
Santa Monica