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Do I Need a Male & Female Apple Tree to Produce Apples?
For example, Enterprise has a bloom time that extends across midseason and late season.Anna and Dorsett Golden bloom at the same time. Apples are grown in every one of the continental states of the United States, with Washington, California, Michigan,...
Santa Monica
What Do I Do With Small Eggs?
My mom once said that a good cook can modify a recipe and make it her own … or something like that. Whether or not we realize it, those of us with many different breeds […] Raising chickens is a hobby that happens to feed me in the months of abundance.
Do I Need To Prune A Begonia – Learn How To Prune Begonias
Of course,may require pruning. In cool climates, they can be brought indoors and treated likethrough winter. Rhizomatous begonias are usually easy to identify by their fleshy, horizontal stems or rhizomes which run along or just under the soil surface.
How do I Identify Aloe?
The edges of each leaf contain short, sharp thorns, similar to a cactus.Aloe flowers come in several colors; the rarest is pure white.Identify Aloe flowers by the trumpet-like bloom at the top of a stem in the center of the Aloe plant.
Santa Monica
Do Ferns Need to Be Pruned?
All the fronds can be removed in late winter or before the first new fiddleheads appear. Evergreen ferns are vibrant year-round but they can benefit from cleanups to remove damage and dead fronds.
Santa Monica
How Much Water Do Pansies Need?
Use organic materials, such as pine straw, pine bark nuggets or shredded hardwood. Do not water in the late afternoon or evening.To conserve moisture in the soil, apply 2 inches of mulch to the pansies after planting.
Santa Monica
Do Raspberries Need a Cross Pollinator?
Flowers begin shedding their petals about a day after they open. Technically, raspberries are self-fruitful, meaning that they do not require cross-pollination to fruit. Ensure good distribution of hives.
Santa Monica
How Much Water Do Cucumbers Need?
Clay soil retains water and tends to compact, which inhibits water movement around the cucumber roots. Determining the water needs of a cucumber plant requires more than reading the seed packet.
Santa Monica
Container Gardening Supply List: What Do I Need For A Container Garden
For all other woods, paint your container with an outdoor grade paint to help preserve it.When picking out a container, consider the type of plant you'll be growing in it.have deeper roots and require 12-18 inches of soil.freestar.queue.push(function()...
What do I do With All That . . . Mint
She said she used her mint for making tea, but didn't know quite what else to do with it. "There's just so much of it," she lamented. I just had a gardener give me some very healthy mint plants today.
El Segundo
How Much Sun Do Azaleas Need?
The azalea is a flowering shrub related to the rhododendron. Some are more shade or more sun tolerant depending on the cultivar.The University of California recommends evergreen azaleas based on Indica or Indian hybrids.
Santa Monica
Do You Need a Commercial Kitchen?
Regulations on commercial-food kitchens and processing items for sale typically fall within your state's health service department—the department that also inspects restaurants—or possibly the agriculture department.
Do Begonias Need Sun or Shade?
Morning sun and late-afternoon sun are fine. Partnered with hostas and other shade-loving plants, hardy begonias prefer part to full shade. Growing 2 feet or more in height and width, hardy begonias bloom from mid-summer through fall.
Santa Monica
What do I do With All That . . . Rosemary
Let's tackle another prolific grower: rosemary. That's why you see so many recipes for rosemary-roasted mixed nuts.Personally, I think it makes the best match for walnuts, and I don't want to go poking around in a pile of peanuts and pistachios to find...
El Segundo
Beginner Beekeeper Q-and-A: What Equipment Do I Need to Get Started?
When made properly, a smoker produces a cool white smoke that masks the bees' communication pheromones, giving you a safe opportunity to inspect the hive without stings or mass panic (on the bees' part, anyway).
Why Do Desert Plants Need Long Roots?
The roots then gather this water and transmit it to the top of the plant so that it can accomplish photosynthesis to stay alive.There are several benefits to a deep root system rather than a large surface root system.
Santa Monica
Why Do I Smell Phantom Flowers?
According to the Mayo Clinic, parosmia occurs when there is olfactory system damage, which could happen in the case of respiratory disease. This is especially common if there is an association between the flower smell and a deceased loved one.
Santa Monica
How Deep Do I Plant Potatoes?
Apply a mulch layer to preserve moisture once the potatoes break the ground. Dig the potatoes up carefully to avoid damaging the plant. Wait for frost risk to pass, though potatoes will survive a random frost should it occur.Apply a fungicide and pesticide...
Santa Monica
How Do I Dry Eucalyptus Leaves?
Squash the ends of the eucalyptus stems with a hammer and place them into the mixture. Remove the stems from the mixture. The branches and leaves of the plants are also often dried and used in flower arrangements or in crafts.Prepare the plants for drying...
Santa Monica
Do Gala Apple Trees Need a Pollinator?
The ovary will develop in a fruit and the fertilized style becomes the seed. Good candidates for cross pollinating with the Gala are the red delicious, golden delicious and Fuji. For pollination to occur, another apple, including another Gala or crabapple...
Santa Monica
How Much Water Do Ice Plants Need?
Ice plant is a succulent plant desired for its rapid growth, low maintenance and hardy nature. To speed up the growth, increase water amounts and frequency, making sure to allow the soil to dry somewhat in order to prevent root rot or other fatal diseases...
Santa Monica
Why Do Humans Need Plants to Live?
Mixing these ingredients together, placing in molds and drying in the sun or oven are the basic steps required to make a simple brick.Herbs enhance the human diet by adding flavor, color and aroma to what you eat.
Santa Monica
How Much Sun Do Strawberry Plants Need?
Choose a bed with full-sun exposure.During the growing season, strawberries need full sun. At least six hours of full sun a day are required for healthy growth. Strawberries are best planted in early spring.
Santa Monica
Do Succulents Need a Lot of Sunlight?
Unless they get some shade, some species of spineless cactuses will get sunburned in midday or early afternoon. Avoid locating succulents in north-facing windows or shady corners.If you only have a few plants and can't give sufficient natural light, give...
Santa Monica
Why Do Plants Need Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration?
During photosynthesis, plants produce the substance they require to survive and store it until they need it. During cellular respiration, plants carry out chemical reactions to derive energy from the products of photosynthesis.MITSUHARU MAEDA/a.collectionRF/amana...
Santa Monica
Do I Have to Deadhead Lilies?
You may opt to pluck off old lily blossoms one at a time by snipping them off where the short stem attaches to the main flower stem or stalk. In subsequent years, multiple large lily bulbs grow and produce more flowers than a lone lily bulb.Horticulturists...
Santa Monica
How Do I ... Build Raised Beds
By having a “free-floating” bed, you can move it around and adjust it until you're happy with the location. In our Oregon area, cedar, while expensive, is the most common choice.