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The Difference Between Blackberries and Marionberries
Waldo, a plant scientist working for the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Oregon State University cooperative plant breeding program, gave rise to the marionberry. Marionberry combines the best traits of its parents.When it was introduced, the marionberry...
Santa Monica
Neem, An Indoor Gardeners Best Friend
It is known as "the village pharmacy," "heal all" and "nature's drugstore."The beauty of Neem is that it doesn't kill the bugs; it alters them so they can no longer breed or feed. This is one of my favourites, both indoors and out.
El Segundo
The Difference Between Flowers & Weeds
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources notes that one mature purple loosestrife plant can produce more than 2 million seeds annually. Similar to garden plants, weeds can produce colorful flowers and attract beneficial insects, like bees and butterflies,...
Santa Monica
The Difference Between Organic and Farm Raised
Because there are no regulations for this term, ask what “farm raised” really means before making a purchase. These antibiotics find their way into the atmosphere and waterways.
The Differences Between Blueberries and Black Currants
The bushes can withstand winter cold in these zones, but their flowers may be damaged by freezing temperatures in the spring. The sweet berries are highly desirable as a fresh fruit, and are a favorite food of wildlife.The size of the bushes varies depending...
Santa Monica
The Difference Between Agave and Aloe Plants
Aloe, on the other hand, has leaves with a gelatinous interior. It is hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture zones 8 to 10. The agave and aloe plants are succulents with fleshy, pointed leaves and a sculptural quality.
Santa Monica
What Is the Difference Between a Fruit & a Vegetable?
Bananas, for example, are herbs. A vegetable, on the other hand, is any other edible part of a plant such a root, leaf or steam. The technical differences between them are clear. They are the parts of the plant that are not fruits and can be used for...
Santa Monica
The Difference Between Plants & Weeds
Weeds may affect meadows used to feed livestock, lowering the quality and quantity of available food. Only invasive plants are considered to be weeds. Plants that grow without cultivation may simply be easy to grow, and not invasive weeds that should...
Santa Monica
About Pliny
An example of this: if a man afflicted with a boil would take nine grains of barley, trace a circle around the boil three times with each grain, and then throw the barley into a fire with his left hand, he would be cured at once.Toxicology was also covered...
El Segundo
Difference Between Deciduous and Coniferous
Although it has needles, the needles turn yellow and shed each fall. Decidua) are two varieties. For that reason, they are a major group of gymnosperms. The term deciduous describes the nature of a tree's leaves, while coniferous refers to how a tree...
Santa Monica
Summer Bites
They take little chunks of flesh. Normally sane humans can be seen walking...then running, down the streets waving their arms madly while a black swarm encircles their heads. Which brings me to our next foe.When it finally gets hot enough for long enough...
El Segundo
The Difference Between Dried Peas and Green Peas
Dried peas need to be rehydrated before being consumed.Although high in fiber, dried peas also offer protein, iron, vitamin C and B vitamins. It can take up to two weeks to have the mature pea pods completely dry for processing.
Santa Monica
The Differences Between Red and Green Delicious Apples
A Red Delicious is very crisp and juicy, with pale yellow flesh. It sometimes has a little bit of tartness to it, though this is not always the case. Some people call the Golden Delicious apple a green apple; but when it is fully ripe, it has more yellow...
Santa Monica
The Differences Between Golden Pothos and Heartleaf Philodendron
Golden pothos grows and looks best in bright light but should avoid direct sunlight.Both golden pothos and heartleaf philodendron grow best in evenly moist soil and tolerate the normal seasonal fluctuations in household humidity well.
Santa Monica
What Is the Difference Between Calandiva and Kalanchoe?
Calandiva is a brand name; it is a cultivar, or variety of kalanchoe bred from Kalanchoe blossfeldiana. The leaves have scalloped edges; large clusters of flowers present themselves on short stems above the foliage.
Santa Monica
What Is the Difference Between Moss and Mold?
Press the blocks into the desired place, and water the site well. Moss can reproduce sexually through spores or asexually by broken-off pieces. Moss can fill lawn voids where nothing else thrives, such as in dim spaces under large, shady trees.
Santa Monica
Plant Names from Myth: Narcissus
The plant contains alkaloids, most notably lycorine. Here is the spring of Narcissus. But as it often turns out, the story is not quite so simple as it has been told. This curse was fulfilled when Narcissus became entranced by his own reflection in a...
El Segundo
The Difference Between a Corsage & Boutonniere
Now both boutonnieres and corsages are worn at weddings, proms and other formal occasions.In earlier decades the majority of corsages and boutonnieres were made up of carnations and gardenias.
Santa Monica
What\'s the Difference Between Sunflowers & Weeds?
When you grow sunflowers, it's common to findpopping up in the spring well away from the place you intended for them to stay.and in other untended areas. Its association with the native prairie landscape has led Kansas to adopt the common sunflower as...
Santa Monica
The Differences Between Plants & Green Algae
All plants are multicellular while most species of algae are single-celled organisms. This, however, is where the relationship ends. Plants and algae have fundamental differences in structure, habitat and behavior.Algae might look like green plants but...
Santa Monica
The Difference Between Basil & Holy Basil
Add torn leaves to a soup, stir fry or casserole to add a strong fragrance and fresh, herbal flavor. It can also be used to help prevent inflammation. Both plants can grow more than two-feet tall and two-feet wide.
Santa Monica
The Difference Between Layer & Broiler Diets
Giving meat birds space to graze is fine, provided they have unlimited access to a complete grower/finisher feed. What you feed meat chickens will affect the way they taste. If you like the hardness of the shells from your hens, don't worry about a supplement.
Chrysanthemums - the Wilderness Years
Designs were dull, predictable and unimaginative. Even allotment growers, who grew no other flowers, included them amongst the rows of broad beans and potatoes. Every respectable 1950's garden had tidy rows of both, staked, so that they stood to attention...
El Segundo
Christmas Gift Suggestions For The Gardener In Your Life
This makes the perfect gift. If I had to pick one tool in my tool pouch that I couldn't do without it would have to be theIt weeds, cultivates, scalps, edges, digs, furrows, plants, transplants, de-thatches, and harvests.
El Segundo
Mountain Magic
The wood of the cedar was never used for a campfire, it was known as the medicine tree and was burned only on ceremonial occasions when the Cherokees believed its smoke would drive off ghosts and evil spirits.Another tradition that my ancestors brought...
El Segundo
The Invaders: Lily of the Valley
Once the lily of the valley is growing up between the roots of the hostas, it may be to late to entirely eliminate it.It is still possible to slow the spread, however, by pulling out every visible plant above the ground - making sure the plants have opened...
El Segundo
What\'s The Difference Between Male And Female Asparagus Plants
Some of these include Jersey Giant, Jersey King and Jersey Knight. Since female asparagus produce seed, they expend quite a bit of energy on that production, so while the female produces more spears, they are significantly smaller than their male counterparts.