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Iowa Roundup 2008--Portal to Plant Heaven
He Iowa Roundup, now in its sixth year, continues to be the most popular and well-attended one in the U.S.Attendance at this year's May 3 event equaled that of the previous year.Two members flew in from Texas (without knowing the other was coming) and...
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Dave\'s Garden leads to Dinu\'s Garden
We brothers participated in gardening not how plants grow but for playing with water as we made pathways along a slight slope to divert water to all plants - using a hand tool [which is still with me!].When a little older, I can remember the thrill I...
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Its a Small World After All
People always lived "happily ever after". However you got here, I'll bet you want to stay. How did you find this site? Little by little it grew. Many of us escaped into our gardens and let the world go by.
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The Hand that Rocks the Cradle
But she worked day and long into the evening hours to create gardens that were a sight to behold. Hope y'all don't mind that I print all the stanzas.The hand pictured is of my sweet, sweet Mother in law, Clare.
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Extreme birdhouses; designed and built by DG member John Looser
John does not work from plans, so the ideas come to him as he constructs the homes. Now, about 7 years later, John has built 46 Extreme Birdhouses. His natural ability and his love for woodworking shone through many projects.
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The Love Garden: A lasting gift for your Valentine
What better day than this to start a new tradition for those whose hearts beat as one? Instead of giving cut flowers and chocolates that will be gone within two weeks, bring home a plant for the yard or patio that will last for many years to come.language...
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I (heart) my garden , my garden (hearts) me
This table lists others. For some, a relaxed hour of weeding or gentle raking is just right for getting the circulation going. The rest of us can only mimic their good luck with dwarf trees.
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Woody Perennials Bring the Fall Border to Life
They knew that, like gardeners, the earth breathes a sigh of relief as the cooler breezes of autumn banish the blistering heat of summer. To their dismay, most of the pretty spring flowers become scruffy and unkempt as summer's heat and humidity take...
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Fun feature: Spotlight on BirdFiles
It isn't unusual to see identification requests from several continents each day, and the responses are just as diverse.For those who love to share tips and stories, we have the popular.
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Limbaugh\'s Legacy: My Favorite Heirloom Tomato, \
If you peel back a bit of skin on a regular red tomato, you'll see that it has a yellow tint. Fred Limbaugh's death in January of 2008 was a great loss. Several years ago, a friend of mine shared seeds for a tomato she called "Pennsylvania Pink." It's...
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Dave\'s Garden\'s heroes: Extreme reverse makeover saves the day
Texas Gardener Monthly Magazine is also crafting a story for publication soon.Hope is restored. I am incredibly sad; my children are devastated. Then, Smockette posted and 2 DGs sent private D-mails to aggiegrl.
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Meet Dave\'s Gardeners in Your Area: Throw a Plant Party!
Nametags with enough space for both "real" and DG names will help conversations run smoothly. Check the plant swap area for "orphans," too. Set up an "arrival station" with nametags and pens and a big "Got a Nametag?" reminder sign.that people can help...
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Dutchman\'s Breeches, A Comedy of Errors
I had kept an eye on my boyfriend just in case he started chewing and spitting anything , and so far it hadn't happened that I knew of, so I asked Aunt Bett again why she gathered Dutchman's Breeches.
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Add a Little Leprechaun Magic to Your Houseplants: Celebrate St. Patrick\'s Day with a GREEN blooming African Violet
When we think of African violet blooms, we think of first of purple. Like fantasy markings, green can come and go, being more present during one bloom cycle and entirely absent in the next.All I can say is, if your violet isn't blooming as green as you...
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Our Predictions for 2015\'s Top Food and Farming Trends
An exciting year lies ahead on the farming front. Long gone are the days when growing food was reserved for folks living in the country, managing acreages that reached in the triple digits.
It does quite well left to its own devices with little or no fertilizer. Remove flower stalks when bloom is finished and they have become unsightly.Despite efforts to keep the same plants in the garden over long periods of time, they eventually reach...
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The U. S. National Arboretum - Gardens for all, 85 years young
The National Grove of State Trees illustrates the Arboretum's committment to future growth. But it has grown steadily in its 85 years. Relative to the lifespan of some trees, it's a mere teenager.
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Planting Seven Million Bulbs: A Gardener\'s Perspective on Holland\'s Keukenhof
I was envisioning huge tractor trailer trucks backingup to the gates, but Andre laughed and told me that seven million bulbs didn't take up quite that much space.Gardeners use motorized carts to bring the boxes of bulbs to each bed.
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An introduction to Aloe Flowers, part 4 of 5: Aloes S-Z
Aloes are one of the best and most used landscape plants, coming in a huge variety of sizes, shapes and colors. But if that were not enough to attract a collector's attention, many aloes also have some of the best flowers of all the succulents, rivaling...
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Cooler Soil Temperatures Could Shorten Growing Season
“The net difference of 10 to 27 degrees F … will impact all things vegetation: lawns, crops , trees , et cetera,” he says. Additionally, he notes that the delayed soil warming could lead to safer growing seasons for fruit trees, as they will not...
A Tale of Two Hollyhocks: The Galena Hollyhock
There are some great articles that offer great advice for the move and what to do with the plants you love: There are tales of Italian immigrants waiting months for some herbs or perhaps a grapevine from the old country.
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5 Farm-to-School Marketing Tips
“The better the produce tastes, the more they like.” If you don't grow enough produce, find other ways to contribute. These programs not only aim to improve child nutrition and provide health and nutrition education, they also help support local farmers...
Retro Garden Ideas: Pink, Black And Turquoise Plants For A 50\'s Garden Theme
Maybe even a few statues or black containers with pink and turquoise mosaic tiles. Have fun with this. This is simply my take on creating a vintage 50's garden, so your retro garden ideas may differ according to your needs and tastes.
Down Under, Though Not in Oz...
Eruptions do not occur every year and are totally unpredictable. Everybody ready? On the left you can see a hollow tube, this is the only remnant of a tree which was broken and carried away, it turned to ashes while the lava was rapidly cooling down so...
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Chrysanthemums - the Wilderness Years
It must have been us who changed, because the Chrysanthemums have remained steadfastly the same. Every respectable 1950's garden had tidy rows of both, staked, so that they stood to attention like soldiers on parade.
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Highway Bill\'s Farm-truck Exemption Awaits House Approval
According to AFBF president Bob Stallman, some states currently exempt farm vehicles from federally imposed regulations while others do not, presenting complications for farmers who must cross borders to haul their products locally.
This Season\'s Tree: Cassia fistula.
The very showy flowers come in drooping pendulous racemes (clusters) of scented luminous yellow up to thirty cm long or more. After the glorious ?flame of the forest? Bark is pale grey when the tree is young and turns dark brown with aging.
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