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Types Of Clematis Plants: What Clematis Variety Do I Have
The plants have different bloom sites, so pruning by Class is important. The beauty of these hardy vines is their glossy arrow-shaped leaves, which persist year around and form vibrant shields and accents.
Do Maple Trees Have Acorns?
Maples are deciduous trees, and their leaves change color in the fall. The exact steps for planting maple seeds depend on the variety of maple tree. Maples vary in size from the small, 8-foot Japanese maple to the large, 100-foot sugar maple.
Santa Monica
Do Plant Cells Have Flagella?
Plant cells and animal cells are similar in many ways, but also different in others. By lashing to and fro, the flagellum drives the cell forward and powers its motion.Most plant cells lack flagella; they have no need to move and hence no need for this...
Santa Monica
Do Pine Trees Have Pollen?
This feature also makes it easier to identify the pollen grains under a microscope. The pollen resembles yellow dust and coats sidewalks, shrubs and cars. This gives the large grains the ability to briefly float in the wind.
Santa Monica
I Have a Memorial Garden
Those little buzzed trees started out flat as a rug but soon figured out how to grow upward in spirals once we transplanted them to our new property.My very next priority as a new homeowner was to get four o' clock seeds at the hardware store to recreate...
El Segundo
Do You Have to Deadhead Azaleas?
Heavy pruning isn't needed as azaleas naturally grow into an attractive form, but you can prune shoots to shape the shrub. The base of the flower lies above the cluster of leaves. Pruning takes place at the same time as deadheading.Azalea produces blooms...
Santa Monica
Do Boxwood Shrubs Have Big Roots?
Planting any deeper than this will prevent the roots from receiving the light, air and water they need to establish in their new homes and result in the plant dying out before it can even get established.Watering a shallow-rooted boxwood can make all...
Santa Monica
Do Pine Trees Have a Taproot?
Pine trees range in height from 4 to 100 feet. Tap roots grow straight down searching for water.Tap roots provide the pine trees with stability as the above ground section becomes top heavy.
Santa Monica
What Do I Do With Small Eggs?
To not be intimidated by a recipe is the key. Just eyeball it. If you have a large, medium, and small egg, it probably equals two large eggs. Medium: 21 oz./dozen; 1.75 oz. Jumbo: 30 oz./dozen; 2.5 oz.
Why Do Pollen Grains Have Spikes?
As the insect flies from flower to flower, the spikes on pollen grains help them cling to the insect's body, allowing them to be deposited on a female flower. Pointed spikes are classified as echinae and rods ending in a swollen head are called pila.
Santa Monica
Do Citrus Trees Have Good Wood?
When removing an unproductive, diseased, or improperly placed tree from the landscape, do not throw the wood away. It is also easy to split, burns cleanly with little aroma and burns longer than softwoods, with no popping and little smoke.Citrus wood...
Santa Monica
Do Knock Out Roses Have Thorns?
The "J.P. Connell" shrub rose is a yellow thornless cultivar that is winter hardy. It also has lower maintenance requirements than many other roses; it does not need to be deadheaded throughout the growing season.Although the Knock Out rose is not a thornless...
Santa Monica
How do I Identify Aloe?
The flowers can be red, yellow, orange or, rarely, white.Hummingbirds are the primary source of pollination for the Aloe plant.Watch for hummingbirds to visit the Aloe plants, as the Aloe's tube-shaped flowers make it difficult for other birds and insects...
Santa Monica
What do I do With All That . . . Mint
Carton of Greek-style yogurt, and add a peeled, seeded, diced cucumber.Mince a handful of mint leaves together with a couple of cloves of garlic, add that to the yogurt mix, season to taste with salt, really good olive oil (I like using some in which...
El Segundo
What do I do With All That . . . Rosemary
Give it a sunny spot, and your prostrate rosemary will creep out of its bed and half way across your yard if you let it. The upright kind gets leggy and looks scraggly if you don't trim it back occasionally.
El Segundo
Do All Aloe Plants Have Medicinal Properties?
Do not ever use ornamental aloe varieties for medical purposes. When it is used internally, it typically produces a laxative effect.Medicinal aloes should not be taken internally in large doses or by pregnant women.
Santa Monica
Why Do I Smell Phantom Flowers?
Hyperosmia can be temporary, such as being caused by drug use or pregnancy. If flowers are located in the vicinity or were previously found in the vicinity, someone with hyperosmia may be able to smell them even though others cannot.
Santa Monica
How Deep Do I Plant Potatoes?
Planting your potatoes properly will help ensure that the crop grows and breaks the ground when you expect them to. Wait for frost risk to pass, though potatoes will survive a random frost should it occur.Apply a fungicide and pesticide weekly to protect...
Santa Monica
How Do I Dry Eucalyptus Leaves?
Air-drying causes the plant to brown and the leaves will be dry and brittle.Use glycerin to dry the leaves more quickly than the air-drying method. Remove any broken or dead leaves but leave the remainder of the leaves on the stems.
Santa Monica
How Do I ... Build Raised Beds
This lends some additional support to the walls and prevents shifting of the finished bed. By having a “free-floating” bed, you can move it around and adjust it until you're happy with the location.
Garden, How Do I Love Thee?
Butterflies metamorphose from tiny eggs to caterpillars and then to winged beauties, and we are there to witness the miracle. Then we're excited when the trilliums and summer snowflakes arise from their wintry beds.
El Segundo
How Often Do I Water Petunias?
Mulch also helps prevent weed growth when it's used over petunia beds. Check the moisture in the soil daily by sticking your finger into it. Keep the potting soil moist during germination.
Santa Monica
When Do I Cut Back Marigolds?
Use hand shears or clippers for clean cuts on other marigold varieties. Fertilize lightly with a balanced plant food and water the plant after shearing. The plant puts out lateral branches and buds.
Santa Monica
How Do I Repair Cracked Welds?
They are lightweight and not prone to rust like their steel counterparts. This is caused by a travel speed that's too slow, excess wire-feed speed or insufficient voltage. Find a MIG welder that uses a 200- to 230-volt input with an output of at least...
How do I Calculate Transport Costs?
Transporting several different agricultural products like peppers and fruit can affect the total of transport costs due to the variable in weight and volume in containers. There are many variables that determine the final cost, such as payment to a driver...
Santa Monica
How Do I Deadhead My Amaryllis?
This characteristic has led to the plant receiving the nickname "naked lady." Once the blooms begin to fade, wither and die, deadhead amaryllis plants properly to safeguard its health.Deadhead each Amaryllis bloom as it begins to fade, wither and die.
Santa Monica
What Type of Roots Do Apple Trees Have?
The taproot stops growing, and the lateral roots branch out in all directions away from it. Root systems of trees compete with plants nearby, often creating a complex web of roots just below the surface of the soil.
Santa Monica