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My Wild Pavonia
These other "mallows" range from cotton to cocoa to baobab trees.The next day, I returned with a camera, shovel & a couple of flowerpots. The first free settlers were still decades away.Forster, Adam, 1850-1928.
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My Favorite Squash
This is a squash that is yummy both raw or cooked, as long as the fruits are harvested young (4-6" is about the max). To me, Zephyr means the best squash I have ever grown OR tasted.
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Turnbuckling My Workbench
If you have a shaky workbench, don't wait 30 years to turnbuckle it in place. I could remove the wheels, which would help, but at the same time, I don't want to give up the option of sliding it out from the wall and even out the door as needed.
My Favorite Violas
The blue pansies in the photo on the lower left were purchased as bedding flowers a few years ago. They do okay in full sun, but the leaves take on a yellower hue as if to say, "Please give us just a little shade." When I do, they thrive all the more.I...
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Why Do My Petals Fall Off My Roses?
All-American Rose Selections suggests providing rose bushes an additional layer of mulch and applying a potash-rich fertilizer or phosphate rock and green sand to lessen the impact of fluctuating temperatures and to fortify your rose bushes.Thrips are...
Santa Monica
My Rose Article
So what, you ask, am I doing writing an article about roses? I got cuttings of local native roses. As I didn't know anyone who knew anything about old roses, I went to the library.It turned out that the mid-1990s, when I was discovering old roses, was...
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My Chicken Nightmare
They are America's first chicken and originally came here with the Pilgrims. While I am cleaning up the depotted plants, the chickens will go over to a garden bush, usually new and fresh with hopes of growth all about it, and those chickens, with their...
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My New Buttonbush
Lucky for me, my friend did manage to find it at a local nursery that never carried it before, and he nabbed it, knowing how much I've wanted one. In the meantime, I have temporarily healed it into one of the vegetable-garden beds , pot and all.
My Hanging Garden
(I do get pine nuts at least.) This cliff is where the sun shines, so it's here that I decided to build my garden. I grow a lot of things on stakes, including the tomatoes, the beans, and the cucumbers.
My Lame Hen
This is the first time in my life that I've owned chickens , so I don't know if it's common to have periodic problems with birds in such a small flock. Read more of City Stock » Tags Audrey Pavia , city stock , disabled chicken , hurt hen , lame chicken...
Planting My Paradise
I have a few more smaller pots to plant up in the next week or two, as well. I'll have to lug the pot indoors for the winter, of course, but that's no big deal, especially if the pay off is fresh, ripe figs.
Making My Workbench
They also serve as shelving to store my bench top table saw, router and scroll saw. Two, 10″ boards laid between the lower crosspieces on opposite leg sets add stability to the workbench.
I (heart) my garden , my garden (hearts) me
The rest of us can only mimic their good luck with dwarf trees. Bell peppers can ripen to purple, brown, or yellow or orange too, so choose your variety accordingly.Like all citrus, oranges are frost sensitive.
El Segundo
Why Are My Leaves Turning Yellow on My Plant?
Similarly, a potted plant whose roots outgrow their container can suffer yellowing foliage. Stop fertilizing the plant when it becomes dormant.Pests such as spider mites, aphids and nematodes damage plants and cause yellowing foliage.
Santa Monica
Teardrop In My Eye
There seems to be an inescapable curiosity deep within that allows us to seek out what is growing in another part of the world. I arrived at 10:00 p.m. and the shuttle driver mentioned I was missing out on the beauty of the Blue Ridge and Smoky mountains...
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Herbs around my house
Their scent revealed them to me, among all the wild scentless a very beautiful plant with blue flowers, like a few others on the field. It was growing next to the fireweed - some small stalks with small purple flowers on them which drew my attention.
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My Dear Dead Houseplants.
I promise to actually give the extra nutrients to my plant instead of leaving them in my garage. Well, look for yourself: some strange brown dried up creature from outer space has eaten my beautiful plant.
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My Ligurian Castle Garden
The province is the thin slice of coastal mountains that fall into the Mediterranean waters—never more than 40 miles wide—that wraps around the northwest area known as the Italian Riviera.
Is My Produce Safe?
All rights reserved.Reduction of poliovirus 1, bacteriophages, Salmonella montevideo, and Escherichia coli O157:H7 on strawberries by physical and disinfectant washes.NY Times Soap and Water Rinse Gets Produce Cleanest
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Geraniums In My Window
Those of you who are living in warm zones might not understand, but those in the north, where it's already freezing, will know what I am talking about. Even he is proud of it! Perhaps just a cold window with icicles hanging above.
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Rediscovering My Winter Wonderland
Secondly, whatever seeds the birds spare may self-sow, filling in gaps in my still-developing perennial garden and providing seedlings to transplant to other areas of the yard or to give away to gardening friends.maple tree we pass on the way down the...
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My Verbena Is Dying
Overwatering is also deadly for the verbena so water only when the soil is dry. Sometimes the solution to the problem lies in choosing a type of verbena that is better adapted to your region.
Santa Monica
My Locally Grown Thanksgiving
Our 17-pound heritage-breed turkey came from my friend Lynne Gelston at Dream Thyme Farm in Mercer County, Pa. Lynne's handmade goat's milk soap is the only soap that touches our bodies, and we enjoy one of her family's free-range roasting chickens a...
My New Favorite Clematis
But so many of them are slow pokes, and you have to think so darned hard about pruning them. Golden Tiara blooms a bit later than the rest, and Golden Harvest is easy to find in the nursery trade.
My favorite, versatile, new gardening tool is my \
Portable and versatile, my phone is now my number one management tool, in the garden as in the rest of my daily life. I was captivated nonetheless. The handyby Paul G. I can email the pictures to myself, and then post them on theif need be.
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My Grandmother\'s Christmas Cactus
I was helping her set things out for breakfast, and was shocked to see her pour the contents of her pot of leftover cold coffee from the previous day into her watering can, fill it with water, and pour it into her Christmas cactus! I probably blurted...
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Pests On My Plants
I've also used soap on a wet sponge to clean every leaf of the yucky bugs. Scales get their name from the scale (armour) they produce to protect themselves. However, it's not that effective against spider mites and whiteflies.
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