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What Plants Need To Grow

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Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Coleus
Coleus do like their water and will wilt if the soil becomes too dry. New plants are easy to propagate from your trimmings. They adapt well to container culture and are often used for a bright splash of color at entryways or porches.
El Segundo
Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Caladiums
I always have a huge display each summer on my east-facing front porch. Just remember that they do have a dormant season, even indoors, so when your indoor caladiums die back, let the pots dry and store them in an unused area for a couple of months.
El Segundo
Plant Profiles For New Gardeners: Sempervirens tectorum, Hens and Chicks
Many new gardeners are starting to plan their first adventure into our crazy, wonderful world. Great for new gardeners, lazy gardeners and busy gardeners. These plant profiles will feature time-tested seeds and plants that are easy to grow, but produce...
El Segundo
Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Zinnias
The main reason for this, is they give a huge bang for the buck invested. Even if you don't pinch them, they will put on a great show, but this helps the plants stay compact and not as likely to fall over in hard rains.There are zinnias for every area...
El Segundo
Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: The Alba Rose
I take out a few of the oldest canes around the first week of February, but that's all the maintenance I do, other than remove any broken canes if we have an ice storm. Albas can withstand fairly severe winters, but do not do as well where winters are...
El Segundo
Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Daylilies
This way, you can watch over your seedlings and give them proper amounts of water and light. Others, set their containers in the garden and just let nature take its course, believing that the ones that survive are the toughest.
El Segundo
Can Plants Grow in Other Liquids Besides Water?
Tomato plants, for example, can't absorb most of the nutrients in milk, so if you're watering tomato plants with milk only, the plants will eventually die. Water is important to plants for various reasons, such as transporting gases during photosynthesis...
Santa Monica
Indoor House Plants That Do Not Require Sunlight
Most dracaenas become large plants and can adapt to house conditions. This plant does not require fertilizer.This plant has vertical tall green blades that grow up to 18 inches tall.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Salvia Divinorum
If your Salvia roots are around 1 inch long then you know it's time to get some soil on it. Get a pot and fill it with loose potting soil. Make sure to water the Salvia, with the soil completely moist.
Santa Monica
Does Bleach Affect Plant Growth?
While chlorine in small doses is harmless or even beneficial to plants, concentrated chlorine such as bleach will destroy a plant and the network of life that plant depends on to obtain nutrients and thrive.Plants depend on multitudes of fungus and bacteria...
Santa Monica
How to Use Root Stimulator When Planting
Always follow the instructions and guidelines for proper application.Pour the root stimulator into a watering can and mix it with water according to the package ratio instructions.Plant the young plants in the ground or container according to their included...
Santa Monica
How Does Altitude Affect Vegetation?
Elevation may affect the type and amount of sunlight that plants receive, the amount of water that plants can absorb and the nutrients that are available in the soil. For example, in 2010, researchers at UC Davis found that plants at the base of the Siskiyou...
Santa Monica
Can Plants Live Without Sunlight?
Fluorescent lights are also very low in heat so you can place them close to your plants without burning or harming them. Sunlight is also known as white light, though there's actually no color of white within it.
Santa Monica
Is Plant Food the Same As Fertilizer?
In addition, as water moves through the roots and up into the plant, it also takes with it minerals found in the soil, which are vital for the process of photosynthesis to work properly.
Santa Monica
How to Cut Dieffenbachia Plants
Cutting the dieffenbachia plant back properly encourages a fresh flush of new, fuller growth that prevents the stem from becoming too tall and weak.Cut back one overgrown stem to within 6 inches of the soil surface with a clean knife.
Santa Monica
How Plants Grow with Different Kinds of Liquids
This boost occurs throughout he process of pinocytosis, or cell drinking. As long as the soil contains all the basic nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potash, water is the only liquid plants require for healthy growth.There is a reason why very...
Santa Monica
How to Prune a Pothos
Cut at a point just above a leaf so as not to create an unsightly leafless stem.Continue trimming the vines until the plant starts to take on the desired shape, as pruning will promote more compact and bushier growth.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Ferns From Clippings
Continue to concentrate on keeping them moist until they have set and have solid growth that doesn't look wilted or stressed. If you have one fern, you can propagate it into an abundance of baby ferns with a few items you have around the house, a bit...
Santa Monica
Nitrogen-Loving Garden Plants
In addition to amending the soil with organic matter, you also have to add a large dose of nitrogen early in the growing season to promote strong development. In fact, the University of Florida recommends feeding them a water-soluble fertilizer regularly...
Santa Monica
Using Aqua Globes to Water Plants
Use your finger to make a small hole at an angle in the soil. When the globe is empty, clean the soil out of the stem with a toothpick and refill with water.Aqua Globes reduce the amount of time you need to spend watering container plants, but you'll...
Santa Monica
The Effect of Infrared Light on Plant Growth
Conventional incandescent or fluorescent bulbs may not provide the correct amount of light, resulting in plants that are spindly, leggy or which bloom to early. Plants grown indoors may grow well under fluorescent lights, but will not bloom until appropriate...
Santa Monica
How Do Acids & Bases Affect Green Plants?
Similarly, prepared growth mediums for plants can be designed for certain plants.Fertilizer pellets such as these are pH balanced for different plants.Fertilizers actually are rated by their acidity or basicity; the acid being used is nitric acid.
Santa Monica
Does Pepsi, Water or Apple Juice Make Plants Grow Faster?
In a message posted by Botanist David Hershey on MadSci website, he says that plants are not adapted to absorb sugar, and it makes it harder for plants to absorb water already in the soil.Many store-bought apple juices have sugar added to them for taste,...
Santa Monica
Tropical Dry Forest Plants
Tropical dry forests are similar to desert climes, but they receive just enough rain to support life. These green-leafed bushes developed thorns to protect themselves from grazing animals--though many giraffes still feed on acacias.
Santa Monica
How to Plant Frangipani Cuttings
Frangipani cuttings can be relatively heavy, so plant your cutting deep enough that it can stand up on its own. This is especially true if you are working with fresh cuttings. Their smell is almost intoxicating; available colors are as vast as the rainbow.
Santa Monica
How to Plant & Care for Mammoth Elephant Ears
Outside of these zones, the mammoth elephant ear plant can be grown as an annual.Purchase firm mammoth elephant ear tubers from your local nursery or garden center. Mammoth elephant ear plants grow best in USDA plant hardiness zones 9 through 11, where...
Santa Monica
5 Things a Houseplant Needs to Survive
Butdon't rely on fertilizers to make up for poor soil. But if you care about your plants, you'll do more than provide grudging care.You should look closely at them often and notice problems early.Too much water?
Santa Monica