Because this technique results in garden beds with a long-term soil fertility advantage, it's best to spend some time thinking about how and where to locate your huegel before you start assembling.
As I headed out to my car Monday morning, head ducked against the wind, coffee mug trembling in my shivering, gloved hand, the realization that I had to scrape a thick layer of ice and snow off of my windshield in the subzero wind chill was extraordinarily...
As he expected, his body developed symptoms of malaria, which, when he stopped drinking the stuff, went away. Dr. Hahnemann boiled the bark into tea and drank it for several days. Life-threatening injuries and illnesses can be treated with homeopathic...
Caffeine is in high concentration in the berries. Keep fallen leaves and berries cleaned up from the ground to prevent accidental ingestion. When used in indoor arrangements, keep winterberries out of the reach of curious pets.Proper planning keeps winterberries...
I've been chastised in the past for having my head in the clouds instead of focused on the here and now, but I take Gloria Steinem's above quote to heart: dreaming really is a form of planning.
Sphl/Wikimedia Commons It seems like every day there is a new and exciting development in the realm of natural health. Sometimes it's a new use of a well-known plant. It seems that people enjoy the flavor of ashitaba more.
Leaf-footed bugs are a confirmed garden nuisance in many regions of North America, including portions of California and many states in the Eastern Seaboard, spanning from as far north as New York down to Florida.
Be very leery of any early spring digging, especially if you live in a northern climate. Determining if soil is frozen can make all the difference.How do you know if the ground is frozen solid?
Generally, infected seeds become soft or mushy, turning brown to black in color. However, portions of the roots and stems can still be attacked, resulting in poor growth and reduced yields.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Prolonged moisture and the abrasive effects of soil can create openings in the skin that allow the infection to occur, producing pain and throbbing.What can the average gardener do to ensure that the compost they place on their own gardens is safe?Make...
There is a growing concern over our food supply, and gardeners everywhere are joining in the effort to increase the quality of our foods. "will be the honorary grand marshal of Disneyland's Thanksgiving Day Parade," the president declared.The American...
I've been using them all these years and they were perfectly good for my meals. His uncle was responsible for providing all groceries, while I was responsible for selling and counting inventory.
Lucky bamboo is not, in fact, related to true bamboo plants. The common names of plants can be a tricky area. This high-humidity houseplant can grow to heights of nearly five feet.Dracaena sanderiana is considered non-toxic to humans.The ASPCA's Poison...
If an area has many species, the distance between specimens of the same species increases, and insects and diseases can't hop conveniently from one to the next, decimating an entire species.
Agriculture can deplete the soil, especially when the same crop is planted year after year. For instance, soybeans (Glycine max) leave nitrates in the soil while corn (Zea mays) absorbs nitrates.
The sapwood is pale and grayish, clearly demarcated from the heartwood. It is not suitable for steam bending. The wood has a high silica content, which tends to blunt cutting tools more than might be expected of so soft a species.
Or maybe I should just wait for a car with an open window to stop on our corner. Now if I could just get that rooster to help… << More Dirt on Gardening >> You might have read about our new chickens in a previous post.
Maybe you'll even discover a brand-new appreciation for your agricultural endeavors, similar to my fostered love of mustards and spicy foods. The sky's the limit—but let's leave the coconuts behind.
They come in shades of red, purple, white, yellow and pink. In fact, the thorns are likely one reason why deer tend to avoid the plant.Bougainvillea is a warm-climate plant. They are not friendly to the touch, however, as they have sharp thorns.
Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is a base because in solution it dissolves to form Na+ and OH- ions.The pH scale was developed to provide an easy numerical description of acidity and alkalinity.
Mulch Improves Diversity and Soil Health: It protects soil organisms , like worms, insects, and soil microbes, which will help protect against pests. If using paper, use black and white (not glossy) shredded newspaper.
Arrrggghhh! I've been waiting for a chance to use some pirate-ease on this blog. The higher the value, the better the thermal performance. And you can't talk about insulation without talking about R-values.
If not, the reader probably doesn't have the breeds he thought. Are the chicks known to be short and round, or tall and thin? Your best bet is to compare your chicks or chickens to photos from the hatchery where you purchased your new flock.
The leftover juice is sold as molasses.Along with making sugar, sugar cane roots and stems are used to treat skin and urinary tract infections. The clean juice is then boiled until it is a syrup.
After planting vinca in well-drained, slightly acidic soil, it can withstand droughts and prefers to remain fairly dry.You needn't deadhead vinca flowers because they drop off on their own and remain tidy without your help.
This product is sometimes known as vanaspati or clarified butter.Traditional ghee is a creamy spread produced by boiling butter until the liquids and solids have separated. Vegetable ghee serves as a substitute for traditional ghee, an important ingredient...
It is also an ingredient in grain blocks, which are compressed blends of seeds, grains and fillers combined with binders and baked. It is used by individuals who are concerned about the potential threat of starvation in deer populations during the winter...