The most common and prevalent of the pests are. The pests are repelled by the metal. Is a native of temperate Europe and Asia. In raised beds, lay copper tape around the perimeter.
Preferring partial shade and a moist soil, growing lily of the valley is easy if you know how and when to plant. Lily of the valley can also be adapted to full sun or full shade, depending on the amount of moisture it receives.When purchasing plants,...
As with digging up plants, repeat applications may be needed to fully eradicate the plant. In fact, digging up entire plant clumps when the soil is moist and disposing of them elsewhere is one of the surest ways to keep lily of the valley under control,...
In crown rot, the fungal pathogen starts at the crown, causing leaves to emerge discolored and the entire plant to collapse in a few days.Both are practically incurable. Spots are usually small and water soaked, eventually spreading outward or developing...
Dig carefully about 6 to 8 inches (15-20 cm.) around the clump to avoid cutting into the bulbs. Lift the bulbs carefully from the ground.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Pull the pips apart gently with...
Few spring flowers are as charming as the nodding, fragrant. It doesn't matter if only the flowers are eaten or if the entire stem or roots are consumed. Convallatoxin and convallamarin are two of the main toxic glycosides in lily of the valley, but there...
Chances are pretty good that it could be transplanted in the summer with no ill effects, as long as you provide it with plenty of irrigation.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Divide lily of the valley when...
Check berries on lily of the valley every week until you see them shriveled and darkened. Germination is capricious and the seeds must be used as soon as possible and should be ripe.Viable seed must come from ripe berries.
Read the label on slug baits carefully and choose one that won't harm children pets and wildlife.Knowing how to grow Jack-in-the-pulpit in the garden is a great way to enjoy the plant's unique appearance throughout the season.
There are many lily of the valley varieties that produce pink blooms. “Rosea” is a cultivar of the plant that has flowers with a pink tinge to them. “Fortin Giant” can reach all the way to 18 inches (30-45 cm.) in height.
When it starts to bloom in the spring, place it wherever the smell suits you best. Container growing lily of the valley plants ensures that the rhizomes have nowhere to spread, while still giving you that heavenly scent.
The most common glory of the snow bulbs produce blue flowers, but they also come in white and pink cultivars.Flowers finish blooming by mid to late spring but the bright foliage persists until early fall.
It will not do well in zones higher than 9, where it is too warm in the winter to give it an adequate dormant period. No lily of the valley flowers one year may mean that your plants are not getting exactly what they need, but you can likely figure out...
This fungal disease looks pretty serious, but if you catch it early, you can treat it with fungicide and it will clear up. That one specimen or stand that they'd throw any kind of treatment at or try any crazy thing just to keep it going another day.
It is an exquisite display of natural beauty combined with human artistry. Eventually the plant became less a piece of vegetation and more an object of speculation and the whole house of cards collapsed, the government had to intervene in order to save...
I?m going to tell you how to convert those leaves into ?gardener's gold? By the time spring arrives the bagged leaves have begun to decompose and I have a fresh supply of mulch for my spring planting.Leaves from trees with leaf diseases such as apple...
The plants spread by means of brittle underground rhizomes, and digging up unwanted plants often causes them to spread even more because broken bits of rhizomes quickly form new plants.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
This form, (‘Variegatum') displays small, bluish-green leaves with white edges. Otherwise, variegation loss in bishop's weed is probably irreversible. Going green may be a survival tactic; as the plant goes green, it produces more chlorophyll and is...
It was originally meant for people who enjoyed riding horseback, and also for those who just preferred to stroll. We have always been there in the fall or winter.Amsterdam is a wonderful place and the people are very friendly.
There are many such "facts", and I thought it might be fun if we took a look at them, all the time wondering what will be said about us and what we leave behind by the time the next millennium rolls arouHere are some of the facts that Pliny left behind:...
I'm sure you know the feeling, I'm taken back to my high school days and a certain cheerleader.When two full moons occur during the same calendar month (if you're keeping records, you'll want to mark December 2009 as a blue moon month), the second of...
The organic matter enriches light sandy soils and lightens heavy clay soils.Beware of overfeeding your cucumbers with general, all-purpose formulas that contain higher nitrogen levels.
A potato contains vitamin B6, iron and copper. It is high in fiber and potassium. In people, high levels of glycoalkaloids can cause headaches, diarrhea and more serious problems. The oval shape of the russet is good for making long french or steak fries.
The fruits are woody pods which can be as long as 60cm (2 feet), brown when ripe and contain elongated hard seeds about the size of a date stone. As I live in the Southern hemisphere right by the Capricornus tropic, the oncoming of the year's end means...
After applying, water thoroughly to activate the granules.The availability of aluminum compounds in the soil determines the color of bigleaf hydrangea blooms -- but not other species.
It is said that Narcissus had a twin sister; they were exactly alike in appearance, their hair was the same, they wore similar clothes, and went hunting together. The oldest is from the Homeric Hymn to Demeter, the goddess of the fruitful earth.
Soybeans can be damaged by subfreezing temperatures, but they are less tender than several other crops, such as corn. This crop can grow almost anywhere with a warm growing season, ample water, and sunlight.Soybeans are usually planted when the soil temperature...