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Winter is Temporary
Every time I climbed into my car in some new creative way, dropped my keys because my hands were shaking from the cold, or added another layer of clothing to my daily outfit, I thought of Hal Borland's quote above: This winter may be intense, but it won't...
What is Homeopathy?
As he expected, his body developed symptoms of malaria, which, when he stopped drinking the stuff, went away. Do you use complementary veterinary therapies on your farm? Suggested uses and dosages are printed on remedy labels, but those are only guidelines.
Is Winterberry Toxic?
When used in indoor arrangements, keep winterberries out of the reach of curious pets.Proper planning keeps winterberries safely away from humans and pets that could be harmed. Select garden spots that restrict access to unsupervised children and pets.
Santa Monica
Dreaming is Planning
I may not be able to start gardening or backyard chicken-keeping any time soon, but when that time comes, I'll already have a head start. The same goes for heirloom vegetable varieties or that redesigned compost pile : all of the hard work you put into...
What Is Ashitaba?
Sometimes it's a new supplement. Richo says he thinks that the name “tomorrow's leaf” actually refers to the fact that eating it means there is a good chance you'll be around tomorrow to enjoy another.
Is That Bug What I Think It Is?
Lean On Your Cooperative Extension Most gardeners can easily ID adult insects that they encounter either through published insect guides, university resources, entomological websites or garden centers.
Is Ground Frozen Solid: Determining If Soil Is Frozen
Frozen soil is dense and rigid. If you begin to dig and your shovel seems to be hitting a brick wall, it is evidence that the soil is frozen. Digging in your garden too soon or in the wrong conditions results in two things: frustration for you and poor...
What Is Damping Off?
Generally, infected seeds become soft or mushy, turning brown to black in color. Typically, germinating seeds are killed by the damping-off fungus prior to emerging from the ground, and older, more established plants are seldom affected.
Is Your Compost Safe?
In many areas, restaurants are selling their food waste to commercial compost operators as well.Let's take a moment and think about what occurs in our own neighborhoods. If no testing is done on finished compost how are we to know if someone with a communicable...
El Segundo
Is Your Turkey Green?
The turkey needs to be covered during cooking with oiled or buttered parchment paper, not foil, except for a brief period near the end to brown the bird. There is a growing concern over our food supply, and gardeners everywhere are joining in the effort...
El Segundo
Laurel Is a Keeper
Now that I've reached the bottom of that box, I just bought a new, average-size bag with fresh dry laurel leaves, of only 5 grams (0.18 ounce) and put an end to this chapter in my life.
El Segundo
Is Lucky Bamboo Poisonous?
The leaves often have silver or white strips through the center. Lucky bamboo is not, in fact, related to true bamboo plants. Three stalked plants are given for luck, five stalks are said to represent wishes of wealth and seven stalks are thought to bring...
Santa Monica
What Is Plant Diversity?
Almost every time a species has been wiped out in large numbers, it grew in exclusive stands, such as the American chestnut tree (Castanea dentata, U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 8), largely eliminated by a host-specific...
Santa Monica
What Is Fallow Ground?
Each plant species leeches something from the soil while giving something else back. Crop rotations and fallow ground may be seasonal as opposed to annual. However, modern farmers and gardeners often turn to the wisdom in ancient farming practices.
Santa Monica
What Is Okoume Wood?
The wood has a high silica content, which tends to blunt cutting tools more than might be expected of so soft a species. The wood nails well but is average or worse for holding screws.
Santa Monica
She ... Is a He!
I have since moved on to asking friends of friends with hens, telling them how cute little baby chicks are and how much fun it is to breed your own chickens. You might have read about our new chickens in a previous post.
Pleasure is a Novelty
I was also not the most adventurous kid. « More Farm Inspiration » Tags farm inspiration , food , Robert South quote , vegetables We're not meant to be creatures of strict, inflexible habit, which is why newness is so exciting.
Is Bougainvillea Deer Resistant?
If you have a deer problem and want to make sure your bougainvillea is left alone, consider planting it in a hanging basket and hanging it high enough so that deer can't reach it.Keep your bougainvillea healthy and it will survive the occasional feeding...
Santa Monica
What Is Alkaline pH?
Some common garden plants and their tolerable pH ranges are: tomato (5.5-7.5); lettuce (6-7); cucumber (5.5-7); blueberry (4.5-5.5) and rose (5.5-7). Hydrogen chloride (HCl) becomes hydrochloric acid when dissolved in water to form H+ and Cl- ions.
Santa Monica
Why Mulching Is Important
Keep this in mind as you work your garden. If using paper, use black and white (not glossy) shredded newspaper. Ideally, cover crops will be cut at the soil level in the spring, about a month before planting, and then incorporated into the soil either...
Avast! Insulation is Complete!
The higher the value, the better the thermal performance. With renovations kicking into gear—something that seems to happen only when we pay someone else to do the work—it's time to talk insulation.
Which Chick Is Which?
After determining that the chicks have arrived safely, inspecting for pasty butt, and introducing them to heat, water and feed, the question we ask (as the immediacy wanes) is, “OK, which one's which?” I'm not sure why we're so intent on identifying...
What is Sugar Cane?
Harvesters (humans or machinery) chop down the stems and leave the roots to regrow for next season, collect the stems and load them onto a truck or rail wagon for transport to the processing facility.Sugar cane is mainly used to make sugar.
Santa Monica
Is Vinca Deer-Resistant?
Originating in Madagascar, this tropical plant will often naturalize in warm climate zones. If you want to fertilize your plant or plants, use a granular or water-soluble fertilizer once each month, but plants generally do well with no care.Deer will...
Santa Monica
What Is Vegetable Ghee?
It is also used as a spread on bread or vegetables.Both traditional ghee and vegetable ghee have a texture and appearance similar to lard. This product is sometimes known as vanaspati or clarified butter.Traditional ghee is a creamy spread produced by...
Santa Monica
What Is Deer Corn?
They extend the time between feedings, and contain other important nutrients supplied by other ingredients that the deer need.While deer corn is low in protein, it is an excellent source of carbohydrates and fats that boost their energy reserves for the...
Santa Monica
Is Agave a Cactus?
However, Native Americans in years past often used extracts from the uncooked agave leaf to poison the tips of their arrows. Many agave leaves -- again, dependent on the species -- are edible, provided they are cooked.
Santa Monica