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What Is Ricino Oil

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Summer Bites
They buzz loudly around your head, they follow you. All in all it's been a good summer. The humidity made the repellants uncomfortable to bear, so we washed it off and got bit. DEET is a commonly used repellant, but has recently been suspect in some minor...
El Segundo
What Is Dormant Oil: Information About Dormant Oil Sprays On Fruit Trees
Wait until the daily temperature is at least 40 degrees F. (4 C.), and will stay that way for at least 24 hours. Spray early enough so that the buds on the trees haven't yet begun to swell.
Neem Oil And Ladybugs: Is Neem Oil Harmful To Ladybugs In Gardens
With organic and chemical free gardening such a big trend these days,seems to be the perfect solution to everything that could go wrong in the garden. Neem oil, when used properly, quickly does its work without leaving long lasting harmful effects on...
What Is Urushiol Oil: Learn About Urushiol Plant Allergies
Several plants in the family Anacardiaceae contain urushiol and some of them might be a surprise.The name urushiol is derived from the Japanese word for lacquer, urushi. Most of us are familiar with one or all of these pest plants.
What Is Pyola: Using Pyola Oil Spray For Pests In Gardens
As with most pesticide products, it is harmful to aquatic life and invertebrates, so use around aAll in all, Pyola garden use is safer than most of the chemical mixes out on the market, but some caution is also recommended.
How to Tell if Cold-Pressed Rose Hip Oil is Genuine
Rose hip oil comes from the seeds inside the fruits (hips) that develop at the center of wild roses. The oil should have a distinct odor but not a sweet rose fragrance. These seeds are harvested from the hips in the fall after a frost, then pressed to...
Santa Monica
Success Is …
But farmers hold the unique qualities of embracing their callings, living them out passionately and always being true to the core of who they are. If not, what is it you don't like and what do you need to change?
Enthusiasm is Contagious
« More Farm Inspiration » Tags enthusiasm , farmers , farming , inspiration , passion The culture of loving and giving they've created in our community is felt and noticed, and changes are being made.
What Is Huegelkultur?
Call around to local tree-trimming companies, and ask if they could drop off some branches or scrap trimmings next time they are in your neighborhood. A few weeks later in mid-spring, the soil in the huegelkultur beds was up to 78 degrees Fahrenheit,...
Winter is Temporary
(We just won't think about that distant part of the cycle right now.) This positive thinking might not have warmed my frozen toes or made my car door usable again, but it did offer a mental reprieve from the frightful weather outside.
What is Homeopathy?
« More Mondays with Martok » Tags homeopathic remedies , homeopathy , Mondays with Martok Even conventional pharmacies and general stores dispensed homeopathic medicines. Now that you know what homeopathy is all about, come back next week so I can show...
Is Winterberry Toxic?
Cats, dogs and horses are all sensitive to winterberry toxicity. Winterberry (Ilex verticillata), also known as winterholly, brightens winter landscape with brilliant berries. Ingestion can cause dizziness, stomach pain, diarrhea, high pulse rate, nausea,...
Santa Monica
Dreaming is Planning
I'll be the first to admit it: I'm definitely a dreamer. Dreaming of a particular chicken breed to add to your flock? I'm constantly mulling over possibilities in my mind, from the contemplative (“What if I was from a different country?”) to the ridiculous...
What Is Ashitaba?
Ashitaba was growing at one of the facilities, and he was quickly hooked. It seems that people enjoy the flavor of ashitaba more. Richo says he thinks that the name “tomorrow's leaf” actually refers to the fact that eating it means there is a good...
Is That Bug What I Think It Is?
While the leaf-footed bug family is composed of several closely related species, these insect pests all use their piercing sucking mouthparts to feed on our favorite foods, like tomatoes , a range of vegetables, nut crops, and several fruit species.
Castor oil, anyone?
When they did take a closer look at them, they found them to be glossy and mottled, less than a half inch long, and looking like pieces of polished marble. Roses come with thorns. The leaves are purple bronze when young, and gray green or lovely dark...
El Segundo
Making Olive Oil
There are dozens of frantoios around here, and people come in by the thousands to get their oil pressed. The Christmas gift acquisition season has begun! Read more of Digging Italy » Tags frantoios , oil cooperative , olive oil , olive press , olives...
Almond Oil Information: Tips For Using Almond Oil
It is also an excellent emollient and can be used to treat dry skin. Do not use if any nut allergies are known. The oil also improves the texture and moisture absorption of hair as well as treating dandruff.
Is Ground Frozen Solid: Determining If Soil Is Frozen
No matter how anxious you are to plant your garden, it's essential that you wait to dig until your soil is ready. If there is no spring or give to the soil, it's probably still frozen and too cold to work.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
What Is Damping Off?
Seeds that have already germinated develop brown water-soaked spots.Seeds may be infected as soon as moisture penetrates the seed coat or later as growth begins. With a little TLC seed treatment, damping off will be a thing of the past.
Is Your Compost Safe?
Compost is often referred to as "Black Gold," and indeed it can play a key role in adding organic material and nutrients to the soil. In many areas, restaurants are selling their food waste to commercial compost operators as well.Let's take a moment and...
El Segundo
Is Your Turkey Green?
The orgins are obscure; some think it even goes back to Abraham Lincoln pardoning his son Tad's pet turkey. For more information on cooking heritage turkeys: read somewhere (sorry, but didn't note...
El Segundo
Laurel Is a Keeper
Moreover, dried laurel leaves don't have a short expiration date - about one to three years. Our kids were happy to have lots of chocolates and candies to eat, but we weren't as happy about the other leftover products, one of which the laurel dry leaves...
El Segundo
Is Lucky Bamboo Poisonous?
This high-humidity houseplant can grow to heights of nearly five feet.Dracaena sanderiana is considered non-toxic to humans.The ASPCA's Poison Control Center lists lucky bamboo as a toxic substance to dogs and cats.Although Dracaena sanderiana is considered...
Santa Monica
What Is Plant Diversity?
If an area has many species, the distance between specimens of the same species increases, and insects and diseases can't hop conveniently from one to the next, decimating an entire species.
Santa Monica
What Is Fallow Ground?
The farmer left the third field unplanted, or fallow, so that nutrients could increase in the soil. Farmers divided their fields in half, planting on one half in one year and then the other half the following year.
Santa Monica
What Is Okoume Wood?
Wood used for hardwood flooring is generally from much harder species such as red oak, which has a hardness of 1290. Okoume is the wood of the Okoume tree (Aucoumea klaineana), a species native to west-central Africa, in particular Gabon, Equatorial Guinea...
Santa Monica