I often look at the work they've done and wonder how it's possible. « More Farm Inspiration » Tags enthusiasm , farmers , farming , inspiration , passion You can start an epidemic.
Huegelkultur differs from previously popularized no-till bed-building techniques in a few key ways: 1. Build Your Garden Your huegelkultur bed is now ready to plant. Although some of these published methods offer specific “recipes” to create ideal,...
Every time I climbed into my car in some new creative way, dropped my keys because my hands were shaking from the cold, or added another layer of clothing to my daily outfit, I thought of Hal Borland's quote above: This winter may be intense, but it won't...
However, because the American Medical Association considered homeopathy a brand of quackery and discouraged its physicians from practicing it, homeopathy gradually fell from favor.
Despite the beauty of its tempting fruit, eating winterberries should be avoided -- especially by children. Tolerance to caffeine is different for everyone, so amounts necessary to produce adverse symptoms vary from person to person.
I may not be able to start gardening or backyard chicken-keeping any time soon, but when that time comes, I'll already have a head start. We're always thinking of ways to better our gardens or brainstorming new recipes to try out in the kitchen, and unlike...
Pretty cool, but that's not why it's becoming so trendy. He told me that he has always been drawn to the angelicas. Here in Ohio, I harvest Angelica archangelica in the fall to make use of the root, though some folks still candy the leaf stems.
While the immature nymphs of assassin bugs and leaf-footed bugs look quite similar, several clues helped pinpoint the proper identification. While the leaf-footed bug family is composed of several closely related species, these insect pests all use their...
Frozen soil is dense and rigid. Test your soil first by walking on it or patting it in several locations. Frozen soil feels very solid and does not give way under foot. Sit back and let the sun do its job; planting time will come soon enough.
With a little TLC seed treatment, damping off will be a thing of the past. However, portions of the roots and stems can still be attacked, resulting in poor growth and reduced yields.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Farmer's Lung can usually be treated with antibiotics.Histoplasmosis is caused by fungus that grows in guano and bird droppings. DDT was banned for most uses in the early 1970s and bifenthrin is classified as a possible human carcinogen and is highly...
They can lay fertile eggs, and set a clutch of eggs to hatch. 2007's turkeys were namedMy turkey this year is a Bourbon Red hen, my first heritage turkey since I was a child. The orgins are obscure; some think it even goes back to Abraham Lincoln pardoning...
The store was on a low populated street, inhabited mostly by elderly people and each day, the only "big" sale was at noon, when the children from the school nearby were coming or leaving.
This high-humidity houseplant can grow to heights of nearly five feet.Dracaena sanderiana is considered non-toxic to humans.The ASPCA's Poison Control Center lists lucky bamboo as a toxic substance to dogs and cats.Although Dracaena sanderiana is considered...
Since the food web partially depends on the plants that grow in it, the more different species you plant, the richer and healthier the soil.Your plants belong to you, but in a larger sense, they serve your community, since diversity is the sum of all...
Crop rotation is all the more important in fields where the soil is prone to depletion or where demanding crops have been grown. In the first field, a farmer sowed annual grains such as barley (Hordeum vulgare) or wheat (Triticum aestivum).
Within its native range, Okoume is considered widespread and relatively common. The cut wood is not resinous, and lacks any pronounced odor.Okoume has a low density, with a mean weight of 25 pounds per cubic foot.
“Psst! Hey buddy, want a rooster?” Then I'll proceed to pull him out from under my jacket and try to hand him off. Now if I could just get that rooster to help… << More Dirt on Gardening >>
(By this point, it's doubtful that I'll ever come around to beets, fennel or especially coconuts.) I've come around to most of my disliked foods, and I've even developed a taste for olives and raw tomatoes, both of which were expressly banned from the...
Let the soil dry out to the touch before watering the plant. Fertilize bougainvillea in early spring and again in July with a balanced (10-10-10) fertilizer. Spray the plant with an insecticidal oil to get rid of insect pests.
With respect to the chemical concept of pH, "alkaline" is another term for "basic." These two terms are interchangeable. The concentration of hydronium ions at pH 4 is ten times greater than it is at pH 5.
By now, you've probably heard that mulch is an essential component of a successful farm or garden. Before you plant your spring crops, prepare your garden soil with a healthy dose of mulch.
« More Restore Farmhouse Order» Tags farmhouse , insulation And you can't talk about insulation without talking about R-values. Arrrggghhh! I've been waiting for a chance to use some pirate-ease on this blog.
When your spring chicks arrive from the hatchery, take these steps to identify them correctly. When I ordered my most recent batch of chicks, I resized photos from My Pet Chicken (where my flock originated), and then I pasted chick photo next to the hen...
Sugar cane is a subtropical/tropical grass that originated in Papua, New Guinea and spread throughout Southeast Asia, India, the Mediterranean, the Caribbean, Hawaii and the southern United States because of human migration and the slave trade.
The carefree vinca provides color all summer in flowerpots and the garden. If you want to fertilize your plant or plants, use a granular or water-soluble fertilizer once each month, but plants generally do well with no care.Deer will not eat any of the...
However, neither of these items contains animal fat.Despite its resemblance to lard, vegetable ghee is cholesterol-free. It has a buttery, nutty taste that is somewhat milder than that of traditional ghee.