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What Is Orchard Grass

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Grow Nut Trees for Nutrition & Profit
To extract the kernels, commercially available specialty nut crackers may be worth the investment for speed and control, but even a common bench vise will crack the hardest shells.
Start A Christmas Tree Farm
Let's say that you have a few acres—even slightly rocky and uneven ones that aren't ideal for keeping livestock or growing crops, such as corn or potatoes. “Nobody is buying Christmas trees in July, so beware that although the activity of caring for...
7 Organic Fertilizers for a Fruitful Orchard
Add 3½ pounds around the tree or in the hole at planting time without concern of burning the roots. Cover Crops Although it's not a simple amendment solution, cover cropping in the orchard is worth the effort and has shown to increase fruit production.
4 Things You Didn\'t Know About The Blue Ash
The Bark The bark of the blue ash is typically a lighter color and is more plated, as opposed to the white ash, which has more fissures. As many ash trees become victims of the emerald ash borer, this particular species may have a better chance of survival.
The Strangely Bizarre Mimosa Tree
The leaves of the mimosa recoil at night and when disturbed as a mode of self-protection. Because it was so exotic, I had always assumed this was a tropical tree that my grandmother had someone managed to coax into growing against all odds.
Growing Your Own Christmas Tree
Growing your own fir or pine can save you money in the long run and gives your family a chance to enjoy the freshest possible trees that were grown in an environmentally responsible manner.
A Fruit-Tree Pruning Primer
If the answer is yes, thin as necessary. The first aspect of proper pruning is timing. The growth habits of apple and pear trees lend themselves to central leader training, while stone fruits, such as peaches and apricots, do well with the open center/scaffold...
4 Buckeye Trees To Grow On Your Farm
While buckeyes are also in the genus Aesculus , most are natives of the New World. I have the cultivar Briotii, which is said to have the best coloration of all the varieties and is also the most resistant to fungal diseases.
What Is A Strawberry Tree?
As a member of the heath family, there are many named cultivars of the strawberry tree, including the short-statured selections Elfin King and Compacta, the pale pink-flowered variety Rubra, and the compact, dark pink-flowered Oktoberfest.
How to Locate & Cut Down Your Own Christmas Tree
Have the Tree Stand Prepared Obviously, you don't want to bring back your Christmas tree and then have to search the house and tool shed to find the tree stand. Christmas is rapidly approaching, and if you're fortunate enough to have coniferous trees...
A New Threat to North American Fruit: Spotted Wing Drosophila
It is also of great importance that you use more than one insecticide in rotation to prevent SWD from immune to the effects of any one class of material. The potential for damaged crops in areas where SWD is present is high and this past year damage has...
El Segundo
How To Grow Cherry Trees
With a fruiting cherry tree, you can enjoy more than just the cherry blossoms this year. Sort of the Goldilocks of fruit trees, they require everything to be “just right”—excellent drainage and a drier climate but not too hot—in order to thrive.
Facts About Zoysia Grass: Zoysia Grass Problems
The basic facts about zoysia grass is that unless it is grown in the right climate, it will cause more headaches than not.. While you will have less mowing, you will have to do more– One of the most frustrating zoysia grass problems is the fact that...
Zoysia Grass Plugs: Directions For Planting Zoysia Plugs
Keep reading for instructions on planting zoysia plugs.Prepare the ground where you will be planting zoysia plugs.Dig the hole for the plug slightly larger than the plug itself.Add some weak fertilizer or compost to the bottom of the hole and place the...
Centipede Grass Maintenance And Planting Tips
The centipede grass sod should come with sod staples, which will help attach the sod to the soil.down and water thoroughly. To make spreading the centipede grass seed easier, you may want to mix the seed with sand.
No Fuss Lawns With Zoysia Grass
Some people choose to start by seed; however, most prefer to, all of which can be acquired at most nurseries or garden centers. In fact, with its tough stems and leaves, zoysia grass has the uncanny ability to heal itself quite effectively when trod upon.
Buffalo Grass Lawns: Information About The Care Of Buffalo Grass
Plugs are planted on 6 to 24 inch centers, 2 ½ inches deep. With a few buffalo grass planting tips, you will be on your way to an adaptive and flexible lawn.Buffalo grass is native to North America.
A Case For The Family Orchard
According to Otto, a backyard orchard has a lot of appeal for everyone—even someone who isn't excited by their garden this year. “You can start with planning: draw a map of your yard (somewhat to scale if possible).
Keep Pests Off Your Orchard Fruit With Fruit Bagging
For peaches and other stone fruit, pull the nylon footies off the fruit two to three weeks before harvest to allow the skin to develop its color. Although this method may be too time consuming for large commercial orchards, for the home gardener with...
The Best and Worst Trees for Firewood
Aspen, basswood, and willow trees all have very soft wood that is of generally poor quality for burning and producing heat, though they are still superior to most coniferous trees because they don't spark as much.
4 Orchard Fruits You Never Thought To Grow
“Figs produce two crops per season,” says Steven Biggs, author of Grow Figs Where You Think You Can't (No Guff Press, 2012) and a self-described “fig pig.” “The first crop arrives on growth from the previous season.
3 Common Trees In Your Landscape That Are Medicinal
Redbud ( Cercis canadensis ) iStock/Thinkstock This beautiful tree grew in abundance where I grew up, all along the hill to the local church. High in vitamin C, these little buds are tart and delicious.
Repair Broken Fruit Tree Branches Yourself
Once the stake is in place, you can lightly tie the fruit tree branch to the stake to ensure that it doesn't slip off. In fact, if the branch has simply cracked and did not detach from the tree, you might be able to save it.
And A Pruner In A Pear Tree
The day after loads of Christmas feasting is dedicated to pruning back fruit trees. There's sure to be a table full of appetizers brought by our guests and heaps of other desserts, as well.
Growing Bermuda Grass: Learn About The Care Of Bermuda Grass
Make a mixture of equal parts sand and seed. In other areas that drop below 60 degrees F., it will go dormant.Ideal growing regions for Bermuda grass include the United States Department of Agriculture Zones 7 through 10.
Managing Bermuda Grass: Learn How To Kill Bermuda Grass In Lawns
These are safe to use near broad leafed perennials, shrubs and trees.When Bermuda grass is threatening to overrun your lawn, it's time to get out the big guns. If you haven't got patience for that type of work, use an herbicide such as.
Zoysia Diseases – Tips For Dealing With Zoysia Grass Problems
Leaf spot develops small lesions on grass blades with distinct patterns. You can typically identify this zoysia disease by its distinct brown ring that encircles a green center. This zoysia disease presents itself as an orange, powdery-like substance...